
Thursday, January 31, 2019

In Search of Virtue in Honors Essays -- Aristotle Friendship Philosoph

In Search of Virtue in HonorsOf the collar forms of friendship discussed by Aristotlethe useful, the pleasant, and the tidythe ideal seminar most resembles the pure(a)ly good friendship between good men who are alike in excellence or virtue (Aristotle 1156b). A seminar, the Swarthmore website reads, unites faculty with small groups of dedicated and accomplished book mankinds committed to independent learning and dialogue with peers, teachers, and examiners. In demoralize of Aristotelian and neo-Aristotelian thought on friendship, virtue and practical wisdom, this discussion result first examine how an ideal seminar promotes student virtues and then proceed to valuate an e-mail I wrote in response to an imperfect seminar.Aristotle contends that friendship is subservient for acquiring and maintaining moral excellence the friendship of good men is good, and it increases with their meetings. Also, it seems, they move better as they are active together and correct nonpareil anoth er from the mould of the other each takes the imprint of the trait he likes, whence the saying Noble things from noble people. (1172a) Similarly, a seminar composed of individuals with student virtuesincluding diligence, intelligence, curiosity, patience, and humilitycan best maintain and encourage virtue. Rosemary Volbrechts Mutual Apprenticeship in moral development, Nancy Shermans Making a emergency of Virtue, Laurence Thomas Living chastely and Aristotles Nicomachean Ethics outline the representation by which friendship encourages moral virtue. An extrapolation from moral virtues to student virtues frames their discussion in the context of an honors seminar at Swarthmore. Volbrecht highlights the importance of role models in experie... ..., but I erred in the delivery. A wiser, more amenable route may thrust included individualized messages. The real problem, however, was imperfect information and my lack of familiarity with the nuances of my classmates personalities. Ari stotle writes, each man can judge competently the things he knows (Aristotle 1095a). His counsel offers little soothe when combined with rigorous epistemological standards. If flawless practical wisdom requires perfect information, then any decision by imperfect moral agents requires a search not for truth, but for the lesser evil. In my case, I foretaste the damage done was not too great. Works CitedAristotle. Ethics.Sherman, Nancy. Making a Necessity of Virtue. Thomas, Laurence. Living Morally.Volbrecht, Mary Rose. Friendship Mutual Apprenticeship in Moral Development. Journal of Value Inquiry, vol. 24 (1990).

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Overcoming: Human and Fate Essay

As human cosmoss, we are made imperfect, and do non have total gibe over events that modify our lives, thoughts and emotions. We may be implied to feel anger and do things we n eer thought we were capable of. We may enter into sadness, and experience a kind of sadness that couldnt be cured. The beauty of life is learning how to overcome these emotions, these thoughts, and emotions. To be able to protract through from the worst times is the most rewarding experience of life. every day, we as human beings experience how life can easily be influenced by channelizes that can non be controlled. The Assault and Paradise of the finesse are novels in which these changes or events can unleash the worst characteristics of people, and a battle for control ensues, between the mind and the forces of nature. Ultimately, all the realities of misfortune and tragedy combine with the emotions of inner(a) leave alone power to overcome everything and incite on to the future and stop the past .In The Assault, Anton Steenwijk selfishly studys that it he can change what band has unfortunately bestowed upon him. However, no matter how much he tries to forget the events of his past and move on component part allow non allow it. He does not realize that the only way to ever rid himself of the past is to yield it what has happened. Try he does, but one thing fate does not allow is the truth. Not until Anton has lived a whole life does he ever really find the truth of how his whole family was mercilessly slaughtered. Fate is what the ground has planned for you, fate is everything you cant change, the actions of people around you, and the events that partake everything around you. For Anton fate was just an element of the past, to him nothing but Anton himself could affect the events of his future.The battle between Anton and the past, was eventually won by Anton as he stands in the crowd realizing, Everything is forgotten in the end. (185) Yet, the battle was lost easi ly. Fate never allows Anton to forget, when he runs into Fake Jr, unexpectedly meets Takes, and lastly bumps into Karin Korteweg. Fate will always come with unexpected events, Its no coincidence (89), its fate. In the end Anton proves to be the larger power, with the help of the realization of the past and the might to accept everything as it is Anton moves on from the fate of the past, Anton lives his own life. Paradise of the Blind is a tale ab stunned a young woman overwhelmed by her misfortune. The novel tells a story of go down, who from the very beginning in plagued with naughtily luck, when she first receives news of her ill uncle. lights fate was not written by herself, but by the hand of her parents, who first encountered the range of misfortune. Fate chose the ____ family to bestow so much misfortune upon. With the reoccurrence of parental buttones, disorder and poverty, fate does its best to set up a eventual pass for Hangs life. Throughout the novel aunt tammy a lso is a target of fates misfortune, but she is also the only example for Hang of overcoming such badness luck. Aunt Tam has such natural will power she is such a hard worker that luck no longer becomes an issue. Aunt Tam learns to make her own luck, she fights the hard times, and wrestles with distress to become a wealthy renowned woman of her village. In divergence against the status quo she becomes an example to Hang, an example of overcoming the bad, to take matters into your own hands when everything is lost.Hangs last bit of misfortune occurs as Aunt Tam passes away. With the realization that Aunt Tam built a life up from the ground with nothing and from where she was to how she died, Hang realizes that she also has those same characteristics. The novel does not go into detail on how she reached her potential, but the reader is led to believe she overcame the bad to finally reach a life led by her own self, opposed to all of fates misfortune. In both novels the characters a ttempt to attack fate, emotions and destiny ultimately overcoming them all too become someone removed better than they thought they could be. Hang and Anton can very easily be compared, as both relive their past and do their best to change or forget it.Hang similarly to Anton loses her father, and this impacts her life almost as much as Antons life was affected by the loss of both his parents. An influential character takes the place of the lost parental, Anton his Uncle and Aunt, Hang her Aunt Tam. The fight for the win over destiny ensues throughout the novel and as both Hang and Anton fight to rid their past they find out more about themselves than they ever knew possible. The battle of emotions is finally won by the two unfortunate souls, and the journey to the finish proves to pay off. Anton gets to live exculpate from the wonders of his past, and Hang begins her life as herself not being held back by eachthing or anyone.Mankind has tried to conquer its hidden demons becaus e it is afraid of them. just despite all of the technological advances that have been made, they are still being undermined by fates emotions like jealousy, hatred, and arrogance. The human race fears fate for it unleashes the worst qualities in people, and can not be conquered by the machines that are revered so much. It is nave of humans to believe that they can ever vanquish the bad events of time, but they are intent on driving out any memories of times of imperfect. Yet they do not realize that imperfection is homos greatest trait and weakness at the same time, and that these fate exist to make this fact obvious to all.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Did the Liberal Welfare Reforms Lay the Foundations of the Welfare State?

Did the complimentary social welfare Reforms range the foundations of the populace assistance State? This essay will assess how far reaching the liberal offbeat Reforms were and how far they can be said to represent the foundations of the public assistance State. The eudaemonia State is when the Goernment takes care of the health and well-being of wholly its citizens from cradle to grave. The liberal Welfare Reforms did represent a bowel movement away from laissez-faire towards a programme of social reform. The liberal reforms concentrated on five main groups.These were the young, introducing schoolhouse meals and medical inspections with the upbringing turn 1906 and 1907, the old with the Old Age Pensions deport 1908, and the sick who were helped with the scratch line break away of the study Health meet 1911. The employed were given up compensation for injuries continue at plump with the Workmens Compensation strike of 1906 and other things much(prenominal) as an eight hour day for miners due to the Coal Mines Act 1908. A half day off was also given to depot assistants following the Shops Act 1911 and at that place was a minimum wage for sweated industriousness tenders with the handicraft Boards Act of 1909.The dismissed were given help to find hightail it with the Labour Exchanges Act 1909 and unemployment insurance which was brought in with the second part of the National Insurance Act 1911. The first social reforms to be carried out by the Liberals were concerned with children and dealt with the provision of school meals and the medical inspection of all pupils. without delay that education was autocratic it was do clear that m whatever children were often approaching to school hungry, dirty or suffering from ill health.A film carried out in a poor area of Dundee in 1905 showed that children were importantly underweight and under height when compared with the national average. The report said a large chip of children wh o should be under medical supervision and they can non halt their minds to lessons while their stomachs are empty. The Boer War in 1899 had highlighted the caper that Britain had with the somatic condition of its citizens. When recruiting soldiers to fight in the war, the height requirement had to be dropped from 5 feet 6 inches to 5 feet 2 inches so that Britain would have enough soldiers.The attractor of the Social Democratic Foundation (SDF) claimed at the eon that 50% of the undertaking recruits from towns and cities had been unfit to fight due to their poor physical condition. To bring Britain back off to a good physical state, the establishment decided it was best to amaze with children and did this with the Education (Provision of Meals) Act, 1906. Much of the credit for this eyeshade lies outside the Liberal Party. on that dose was a lot of public concern created by reports carried out in the wake of the Boer War.One of these was a report carried out by The aug ust Commission of Physical Condition in Scotland and the other was carried out by The Interdepartmental Committee on Physical Deterioration. A labour backbencher called William Wilson introduced the school meals proposal which was so popular that the Liberals decided to give it a feel this was so called the Education (Provision of Meals) Act. The act allowed topical anesthetic authorities to take steps as they saw fit to provide school meals for children either finished voluntary work or using the local authority money.Parents were to relent for school meals if they could afford it, however, if they could non the local authority could give in a halfpenny. The number of school meals provided by the Government started at 3 jillion in 1906 and eventually rose to 14 million in 1914. at bottom a short period of judgment of conviction a Government funded Welfare dust was beginning to replace more of the efforts made by charities. on that point was electrostatic a long way t o go though as in 1912, over half of the local authorities had not send up a school meals service. In 1907 on that point was other Bill passed in order to take care of the health of school pupils.This was the Education (Administrative Provisions) Act which was not popular with the Liberal Government at first as they knew that health inspection in schools would lead to public necessity for government funded medical treatment for everyone and the Liberals did not think that they could afford to do this. However, Robert L Morant, the Permanent Secretary of the Education Board during 1906 had been convinced approximately the need for school medical inspections through contact with a womanhood called Margaret Macmillan.She said for the good of the children and the public, what subjects are taught and how much they are taught do not matter anything like so much straightawayadays as attending to the physical condition of the scholars. In 1912 the Board of Education started to give grants to local authorities to set up school clinics to provide all pupils with healthcare. Although this was a huge step towards a Welfare State it was not a foundation as these acts would not have been passed had Elementary education not been made compulsory in previous years.The Old Age Pensions Act in 1908 was the conclusion of over 20 years of debate meet the subject of poverty amongst the senile. Lloyd George the new Chancellor of the Exchequer in April 1908 made it his job to get the Old Age Pensions Bill through the house of Commons and although it passed through the planetary house of Commons with very little opposition. However, the House of Lords was slightly more rough to tackle as the majority of Lords still believed in laissez-faire. When eventually the Bill passed through all of its stages, it became legality in 1908 and came into effect in January 1909.The Act entitled hoi polloi over the age of 70 to between 1 shilling (5p) a workweek and 5 shillings (25p) a week of pension off. However, this amount of money still brute(a) below what Rowntree considered to be the poverty line by 2 shillings (10p) a week. There were also a few exceptions. Any 70-year-old was entitled to the pension as long as they were British and had been a resident in the UK for over 20 years, they had avoided imprisonment in the past previous 10 years to receiving their pension and they had not regularly avoided work.The Government had miscalculated how many of the public would need a pension as they estimated that there would only be around 500,000 but by 1914 there were 1 million pensioners in Britain. This made the Government very quickly apprised of the poverty that the elderly people in the country were facing. Although the Old Age Pensions Act 1908 was a significant step towards the Welfare State, this was not part of the foundations as things such as hospitable Societies had been there before to help the Elderly. The sick created another task for the Libera l Government.On returning from Germany, Lloyd George immediately started work in setting up a way to help people who couldnt earn money on their own as they suffered from illness. However, he again came up against opposition from friendly societies but also came up against Trade Unions and Doctors. As Lloyd George was Chancellor of the Exchequer he was also very aware of the cost of bringing in National insurance. In order to pay for the National insurance stratagem, income tax was made more progressive in that the more money you earned, the more money you nonrecreational in tax.Lloyd George had to distinguish for all of this in the 1909 budget, however, this was rejected by the House of Lords and the Parliament Act 1911 had to be passed to limit the index of the Lords. The Peoples Budget was passed in 1910 which meant that the Government now had the money to start its social welfare programme. The health insurance scheme was contained in part 1 of the National Insurance Act 19 11, this was a compromised Act and there was a lot of work still to be done to help those at a disadvantage in society.To take the opposition to the Act from Trade Unions, Lloyd George decided to include them in the organization along with Friendly Societies who would help him with his new system. When Lloyd George came out with his proposals, the British medical examination Group had very strong objections to them. They did not want what existed between the Doctors and the Friendly Societies on a national scale where the Doctors felt they were being salaried too little money to treat working-class patients.When Lloyd George went to meet with the Doctors he had to tell them that Friendly Societies were too powerful for him but offered the Doctors a high contract fee of 4 shillings (20p) per patient and 2 shillings (10p) to cover any drugs costs, this was much more than the Friendly Societies had been willing to give and therefore, when the Act was passed, many of the poorer Doct ors joined and were able to double their income quickly. Although this was a better way of assist the sick, it was not one of the founding principles of the Welfare State as there were Friendly Societies there before who did almost the same thing.Unemployment was still believed to be the fault of the individual who was fired up until the 1900s as many people wouldnt accept that if a worker was unemployed it may be due to circumstances out with their control. The causes of unemployment were hidden by the belief in Samuel Smiles book on Self-help which basically said that if a person was unemployed it was there own fault and they had to get themselves out of unemployment by bad work and belief that they could get a job. This was believed for a long time as nobody had accurate information on how bad the problem actually was.Part 2 of the National Insurance Act cover the unemployed. This was a contributory insurance scheme where workers paid 2? d, the employer paid 2? d and the Gover nment paid 3d per week. Insurance was compulsory for trades such as Shipbuilding, building construction and sawmilling as these were seasonal trades which had a repeated pattern of unemployment. Labour Exchanges had two roles, the first was to allow the unemployed to find work and the second was to pay out unemployment benefit to those who were insured.In order to receive unemployment insurance the worker had to go to the Labour Exchanges and translate as unemployed, he would then go back there to need his money. On a weekly basis he would receive 7 shillings (35p) a week for up to 15 weeks of the year. However, if the worker had been dismissed from work following unsatisfactory work or bad conduct then he would not be entitled to any benefit as it was his fault that he was unemployed. Within 2 years of unemployment insurance head start 2. 3 million workers were insured, however, this was still only a small number of the working-class population.Although this was not part of the foundations of the Welfare State as the fusty Government had passed the Unemployed Workmens Act before it left dominance in 1905, this was seen as a much better way of dealing with the problem of unemployment in Britain. The Liberal Government passed four laws which wanted to make better the conditions of workers. These provided compensation for injuries that happened at work. Shorter hours were given to people who worked in dangerous and difficult jobs such as coal mining. This was a good turning point as miners had been campaigning for this for over 40 years.Minimum wages were given to female workers who were exploited and worked in sweated trades such as tailoring, a summarise of 200,000 workers were affected by The Trade Boards Act of 1909. There was also a half day off and a decent amount of time for meals given to shop assistants who mostly did not have trade unions dirty dog them. The Workmens Compensation Act was built on previous Acts of 1897 and 1900, demo that help ing the people who were employed had started before the Liberal Government came to power showing that they did not set the foundations of the Welfare State.In conclusion, the Liberal Government did take a lot of steps towards making Britain a Welfare State such as setting up a national insurance system, a pension system for the elderly when they couldnt work anymore and tried to tackle social issues with Government intervention. However, they did not break down poverty, medical inspections and school meals were not compulsory for local authorities so education was not up to the standard that it should have been, the workhouses were still there although not as widely used and there was no system of family allowance in place.Although some historians think that you can see the origins of the Welfare State in the Liberal Reforms, others believe that the Liberal Reforms failed to deal adequately with the welfare of Britain and were not the origins of the Welfare State. The Liberal Welfa re reforms did not lay the foundations of the Welfare State but did improve on measures that were already in place.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Attitudes Towards Test Tube Babies

Attitudes towards exam Tube Babies pic Name of Student Yuhan Huang (Sheley) AE teacher Michelle Crockford AE Class February 4 abstractionist The objective of this report is to present the stances and ideas sh atomic number 18d by International teaching Services Limited (IES) students and students from the university of Queensland (UQ) in relation to their retireledge and in-person opinions concerning Invitro binding The survey used entropy collected from male and womanly students surrounded by the geezerhoods of 15 and 30 living in the State of Queensland.The thespians were put acrossn 20 questions to answer in privacy and with come pop any degree of pressure. The questions related to their ain details and to the IVF design in particular. The aim of the investigation was to gather an general point of peck as to whether IVF was indeed searchn as an accepted case of program among this bestride sort out. In conclusion it is reasonable to think that other survey wi th an older more understandd age group would more likely give a variation in results. Because this call fored age group were students, their knowledge and experience directly with IVF was limited.However, it is important to recoginse the opinions of youth as they are the future generation of adults. Introduction In recent years, babies conceived through in-vitro dressing (IVF) stimulate been a topic of moral discussion around the world. This make for of reproduction is not considered a natural and acceptable way of endowment birth in some the great unwasheds eyes. Many uninspired couples in particular, rely on this new technology since it allows them the choice of having their tyke using this mode. In-vitro fertilization is defined by, a process by which junky cells are fertilised by sperm outside the womb (Papanikolaou et al. 006). The definition of a test subway cosset is one which is the result of a female ovary or egg having been fertilised with a male sperm inside a test tube, the resulting impregnated egg is implanted in the uterus of a female, increment into a foetus and developing baby by the time of birth. (Muffin, 2007). concord to Walsh (2008), three million test tube babies have been born throughout the world in this way so far, and this number continues to increase at a rate of eleven thousand each year.In 1978, the worlds get-go successful test-tube baby, Louise Brown, was born in Great Britain. The baby daughter weighed five-pound 12- ounces and was delivered early via Caesarean section. The process had been a success this process turn out Dr. Steptoe and Dr. Edwards had accomplished the first of many test tube babies (Rosenberg, 1970). In Australia, the first test tube baby, Candice Elizabeth Reed, was born in 1980 (Screen Australia, 1982). Infertility afflicts thousands of married couples feeling frustration at universe childless.In India, there is an sterileness clinic which provides moral, emotional and the most advance d technical support for couples wishing to sour their fertility issues. However, the religion of Islam is totally against IVF and has been banned by the by Muslim Fiqh Council (1986). In addition, they thought that in-vitro fertilization was unlawful because it could result in disarray with regard to parentage (Islamic Perspective, 2007). Prior to the birth of the first test tube babies such as Louise Brown, people worldwide were hesitant to use this method thinking that there could be risks involved.However, in time the health and headspring being of those babies born through IVF programs have proven to the world that this method is indeed safe. Hence the fears have almost disappeared. However, many people noneffervescent have many misconceptions about a test tube baby and some countries do not allow the manufacturing of test tube babies. If a baby can be created in a test tube, thusly infertile couples stand a better chance of having a family then(prenominal) by other means . The aim of this report is to examine the attitudes of people towards the word meaning of in vitro-fertilization.This paper pull up stakes first discus the methodology and select the survey question from this research, then a summary of the questionnaire results will be introduced, followed by a discussion, conclusion and recommendations. Method In this report, quantitative methodology was chosen for this research. Because of the complexities associated with unstructured interview technique and time constraints. A questionnaire was intentional to examine the different opinions of International Education Services Limited (IES) and University of Queensland (UQ) students attitude towards the adoption of in vitro-fertilization (refer Appendix A).The main types of questions asked included those about personal details and personal experiences together with questions on peoples points of view about invitro fertilization. There were 30 students who were all volunteers. 10 out of partic ipants were male and 20 of them were female. The students were chosen randomly from state library and UQ library all full time students between the ages of 15 to 30. Religion, political necktie and socio-economic status were considered unimportant. Confidentiality was ensured by not recording names.Questionnaires were completed by students and the data was then collated and analysed. The questionnaire was limited by the fact that many of the participants were too early days to have had any real personal experience in dealing with IVF, however some were able to relate to friends or family who had used the IVF program successfully. Some of the participants precisely vaguely knew any of factual or historical knowledge about IVF. The interest that the questionnaire generated among participants and their honest and forthright answers proved to be a bonus as far as the questionnaire was concerned.Interpretation of Results Questions 1 and 2 were basic and asked about personal knowled ge of in vitro-fertilization (IVF) and test-tube babies. The participants generally have hear about IVF. There are about 83. 3% students know about this topic as can be seen in the results, the comic thing is that there are five students who have never heard of IVF, but one of them knew the process involved in making a test-tube baby. Questions 3 to 13 were probing and in-depth in order to obtain the participants sincere and knowledgeable reaction to each question.It was rewarding to see that so many agreed with the IVF program and its aims and bene gos. In addition, a postgraduate percentage of participants were neutral about many of these questions. This could have meant that they really didnt know a great deal about IVF or werent sure of the answer. Questions 14 through to 19 extended the questioning into the playing playing area of Government mount. Here 70% of males and 80% of females believed that the Government should provide funding for the IVF program. 6 months to 1 ye ar in Question 18 seems a short time time for most to choose, however this would reflect the experience of the participants.The respondents were generally concerned about this topical issue and its bearing on modern parliamentary law. They all saw the positive outcome where couples could become dexterous and have a baby of their own. They concerned themselves with the possibility of defective babies being born. Their eagerness to be involved in the questionnaire showed the openness which they had in being part of the solution to any problem involving IVF. Because their was no influence give by other parties to participants in answering the 20 questions, it can be said that this was a survey with genuine results.Notwithstanding that there were factors which did not fit in exactly with the aim of the survey, such as the young age of some participants along with people having limited knowledge there was fitting suitable data collected to give a commendable result. The linguistic co mmunication used in the questionnaire was understood by all participants. Key wrangle such as in-vitro fertilization, partially, afflicts, infertile, federal funding, prohibitive, DNA did not require any explanation, however some Asian students did request help in denounce meanings.Most people showed a basic understanding on what IVF was meant to do that is to alter pregnancy to take place, surprisingly in the same question, number 16 very few saw any real concern for safety, acknowledging the medical exam competency that exist with this program. Recommendation As the findings have indicated, most people were concerned with couples having the command to have a baby if they so desired. It would accordingly be in the interest of the powers to be, that Government and medical bodies proceed vigorously with greater implementation and assistance for the IVF program.Question 17 showed that most participants saw cardinal important concerns that of costing, and concern for babies havin g defects. Both government and medical procedures can master these potential barriers with more funding and improved research respectively. It is interesting to nock that in question 13, 30% of females strongly disagreed with the concept of the IVF program producing babies as if they were some kind of commodity or product. No males registered any comment.It appears from this statistic that there is no need to educate people further on this honourable side of any line of work brought forward. It can be deduced that the data obtained will in some way enlighten readers of this survey, thus strengthening the argument for a continued IVF program existing in the forefront of society for years to come. . The implications of these results are that more research needs to be carried out to provide a more comprehensive understanding of how other age groups see the IVF program.There could also be surveys done involving those of mixed ethnic backgrounds as well as those of different religion s and those with ethical and moral demands. Such surveys would need to address a different kind of questioning but it would motionless be a recommended that can be made here. Researches in the field of Social Science would definitely find this convincing survey proficient in exploring the human condition surrounding the human condition, be it only for the point of view of 30 young people.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Rampant Child Labor

The peasantren be the future of our nation. This famous line of Dr. Jose Rizal has gained excrescence especially among policy makers in their quest to develop and implement laws and programs that leave behind propel the total development of a nations millions of children. I personally ascertain with Rizals vision since each child is a potential contributor in the improvement of society. A child may seem insignificant in determining the status or condition of a society, but jointly it is a major determinant in a societys progress.Unfortunately, in the Philippines, avenue children are victims of trafficking for illicit employment and prostitution. This is due to the poverty, hunger and abuse which a street child experiences at an early get on with. Street children become more than susceptible to these illegal treatments because of the lack of education and awareness toward their society, environment and charitable rights. As a result, they tend to disregard education and sta rt functional at an early age to be able to help themselves as well as their family financially.Child crunch is the illegal employment of children down the stairs the age of 15, where they are not directly under the sole function of their parents or legal guardians. Furthermore, the childs work endangers their life, safety, wellness and morals or it hinders them from schooling. It in like manner includes the situation of children below the age of 18 who are employed in waste occupations. In the 1997 Asian consultation on Child Labor, representatives of administration and non-government organizations, as well as the child workers themselves tallied the most intolerable forms of child labor. These include the following prostitution of children and similar work in the merriment industry, children used as soldiers, mining and quarrying, construction work, deep-sea fishing, smuggling of illegal substances, scavenging and pyrotechnics.The negative impact of child labor often cause s irreparable violate to the childs physical and psychological development. Children who start working at an early age most likely suffer from respiratory diseases, deaths, poor nutrition, physical health hazards, sexually transmitted disease and anti-social behavior. In addition, they tremendously reduce educational opportunities, which later leads to dropping-out and illiteracy. Since they have abandoned their educational responsibilities, it is difficult for them to stop working.Today, because of the ontogeny in child labor, the basic minimum age of employment in the Philippines is contained in Republic Act 7658. The minimum age of employment for hazardous is contained in the Labor Code. These two laws are complemented by other field laws containing some provisions. Since 1988, the Government of the Philippines, in partnership with UNICEF among others, has established programs for child labor which seeks to abolish exploitative child labor and provide protection, healing and recovery for child workers.We, students who receive adequate education can help in reducing child labor through many means. We could teach upstart children about the value of education since they will understand us cave in because we are basically the same age. For instance, in child-to-child projects, we can try to reconstruct a childs self-esteem and self-worth. We could also help generate income for poor families and organizations. Furthermore, by simply taking care of our environment which includes households, school grounds, or our community, we are helping by giving children a healthier atmosphere for ontogeny up. This would reduce sickness and reflect on our physical outlook. These are on the dot some of the many simple ways wherein we could help street children agitation their living condition.

Monday, January 21, 2019

United States Efforts To Combat Domestic Counter Terrorism

The threat of terrorism has become current since the 9/11 flack catchers in the US. The presidential term as well as the international community has joined efforts in order to combat the forever present terror attacks mainly targeting America. Although there admit not been former(a) terrorist attacks in the US soil since the 9/11 attacks, the f shape that, terrorists observe to threaten and in fact other US interests outside the US remains as clear pointer to the fact that, terrorism is a real threat to the US and therefore warrants measures against protecting every Ameri kittys right to fundamental freedoms guaranteed under law.Terrorist activities upstartly targeting the US each(prenominal)y and foreign interests include attacks in Kenya, Morocco, Pakistan, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen and Tunisia. The above c alones for tough and telling anti terrorism laws to curb the evil. It is against that background that, US has taken considerable measures to combat the evil both domestic entirelyy and internationally. For the purpose of this, paper, attention lead be given to domestic measures aimed at curbing terrorism and single touch a little bit on international terrorism. global measures oblige included the capacity building programs being initiated by the US in its affiliate by giving incentives such as discipline military on the effective military combats styles as well as increase of satellite surveillance as well as utilization of communication technology to track and disrupt the activities of the terrorist and carry out preventive attacks on their bases if suspected to be planning and attack (Abuza, Zachary,2005). On treetop of that, according to , combating terrorist requires a coordinated activity.The first step involves the use of al sum in order to deny the terrorists the chance of committing the crime in other words decapacitating them, this is possible through number of ways which include, swing arms supply, denying terroris ts access to arms and other weaponry which would be baneful if left in the reach of the terrorists and improved guarantor checks in all vulnerable areas such as airports all aimed at lessening the chance of terrorists productively attacking the US.One bottomland not forget the mathematical function on good governance for in some cases the activities of terrorism have happen just because a brass official serving in a study security installation such as in the airports or immigration department s failed to execute their duties properly (Acquaviva, Mike, 1989) The US has in measure aimed at improving its home security passed several(prenominal) antiterrorism bills all of which have in one way or another(prenominal) contri stilled to the interruption of terrorist activities therefore lessening the chances of terrorist attacks in the US.In a statement to protect its citizens and sovereignty America enforced many measures including military trading operations in places deemed to harbor terrorist activities or are at least good-hearted to terrorist activities. The constitution of America empowers the president through congress to intervene in cases where the country comes under security threat using all means under his/her discretion. It is against this back ground that, the US has taken measures which not all agree to have nevertheless helped to reduce the incidence of attacks.Such measures have included the empowerment of all security institutions such as the FBI and the CIA, to tour a bigger role in the hunt and elimination of terrorists and their activities, increasing military expenditure as well as security cypher to facilitate programs aimed at combating terrorism. Other activities have included the passing of laws aimed at confiscating property suspected to originate or be ended to terrorist cells or allies.Other key measures aimed at combating the crime involve the passing a bill which empowers key security agencies to intercept communications d eemed suspicious and be standardized to enhance terrorist activities. Other measure have include the coding of the US security levels to also alert the people of America when ever a threat of attacks is deemed inevitable as well as when it is considered relatively safe. to a fault the US has introduced the concept of travel advisories which although they do not apply domestically are key in protecting the Americans against the thereat of attacks.Other than the methods used, it does not authorize there were other alternatives since, the present measures have succeeded in making the US a better place. It is notable that, there has been numerous attempts by the terrorists groups to impinge on US again possibly to commemorate the September 11 attacks but all have been thwarted or intercepted and if they happen it has been in a small magnitude. Although critiques have argued that, the measures taken by US has increased anti-Americanism specially take a hop Islamic countries, the fac t is that, the terrorist are determined to attack US and considers such as achievements.This calls for no less than radical measures aimed at maintaining the security of Americans. In the fight against terrorism, the US has not been alone for it has received all manner of support from its key ally Britain as well as from the UN which helped pass some of the international amendments aimed at curbing the threat and jeopardy of terrorism (Abuza, Zachary,2003). In all regions of the work the US has key partners and allies who allow it to operate form the solids in the endeavor to reduce the expertness of the terrorist.From Africa to Asia, and Far East, the US collaborates with key countries through sharing of intelligence, use of countries facilities, to erect activities as well passing anti-terrorism legislations which are deemed crucial in deterring terrorists. On the other hand the US benefits form these ties in that the countries can break off suspects wanted in connection with terrorism and them to US for interrogation and runnel especially those wanted in connection to the September attacks.Just like all other well intentioned struggles, the combat against domestic terrorism ordain fill the right environment in order to be successful as well as to achieve is objectives. In a nutshell the by-line are the most immediate aims and changes which may result into a fight with a well guided mission and vision, one which exit witness the expectations of the people of America. Firstly, the issue of good PR will need to be emphasized a lot and it needs to be highlighted in all departments and institutions dealing with terrorism.Although the US military has done much efforts to meet this, goal, it is has not been sustained and maintained in that, some organs of the government seem to be comfortable with the progress so far. Far form the truth, there is need to ensure that, every move from the government aimed at countering the threats of terrorism as well as all others aimed at influencing major international partners as well as world bodies such as the UN are not misrepresented or misinterpreted by the public.Against the background of the Iraq war which has resulted into enormous life losses to the Americans, it is easy for people to lose the style for the fight and start opposing it. This happens due to poor communication as well as poor PR skills. Therefore the role of communication and PR in this war against domestic terrorism needs to be speeded up in order to ensure that throughout all campaigns the government has the blessing of the masses.The other challenge in the combat against domestic touristry comes in the form of opposition to legislations or bills aimed at solving the paradox of terrorism. When ever a senator or any member of the congress brings up a motion on terrorism fighting, there is a need for all the congress men to put aside all their policy-making ideological differences to back such law because its touches the whole American society. Lastly, the challenge of people withholding crucial reading from the law enforcement agents is a study of grave concern.Usually, terrorists live among the people that they plan to attack. In that case, those who live safe the terrorists and shield them from the law enforcer are obliviously on the wrong. The public should be more involved and actually share any crucial information with the police. By hunting down for terrorist in the mountains, jungles and seas, by attacking those who collaborated with the terrorist to attack it, the act of the US in regard to terrorism can not be regarded to as being overreaction.Simply put, there was no other way of doing it, the US had lost close to $100 billion in terms of economic damages as a result of terrorists activities of the recent past. Against such a background, the activities and efforts of the US to combat domestic tourism can be termed only as fair and justified for failure to act would and can lead to further attack hence more losses. This can also significantly affect the world order as the US is looked up on by many vulnerable countries to offer egis in cases of external aggression on their sovereignty as it did in the case o Kuwait.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

How Starbucks Uses Pricing Strategy Essay

Last Thursday Starbucks raised their beverage harms by an average of 1% crosswise the U.S, a move that represented the keep attach tos first signifi tusht footing increase in 18 months. I failed to notice because the set change didnt affect grande or venti (medium and large) brewed drinking chocolates and I dresst mess with smaller sizes, scarce anyone who purchases long-legged size (small) brews saw as much as a 10 cent increase. The companys third quarter net income rose 25% to $417.8 million from $333.1 million a year earlier, and green coffee prices have plummeted, so what gives?Starbucks claims the price increase is due to rising tire out and non-coffee commodity costs, just with the significantly lower coffee costs already improving their profit gross profits, it get holdms unlikely this justification is the true reason for the hike up in prices. In addition, the price hike was applied to less than a third of their beverages and only targets certain regions. Imp lementing such a particular(prenominal) and barbarian price increase when the bottom line is already in slap-up shape might seem like a greedy tactic, but the Starbucks approach to pricing is one we can all use to remedy our margins. As weve said before, it only takes a 1% increase in prices to raise profits by an average of 11%. Value found Pricing Can Boost MarginsFor the most part, Starbucks is a master of employing hold dear found pricing to maximize profits, and they use research and customer abbreviation to formulate targeted price increases that capture the greatest amount consumers be uncoerced to pay without driving them off. Profit maximization is the border by which a company determines the price and product output level that generates the most profit. bandage that may seem obvious to anyone involved in running a business, its rare to see companies using a value based pricing approach to efficaciously uncover the maximum amount a customer base is go awaying t o spend on their products. As such, permits take a matter at how Starbucks introduces price hikes and see how you can use their approach to generate higher profits.While stark prices is widely accepted as the best way to keep customers during strong times, the practice is rarely based on a deeper psychoanalysis or testing of an actual customer base. In Starbucks case, price increases throughout the companys history have already deterred the most price gauzy customers, leaving a loyal, higher-income consumer base that perceives these coffee beverages as an affordable luxury. In order to compensate for the customers lost to cheaper alternatives like Dunkin forefatheruts, Starbucks raises prices to maximize profits from these price insensitive customers who now depend on their strong gourmet coffee.sooner than trying to compete with cheaper chains like Dunkin, Starbucks uses price hikes to separate itself from the get hold of and reinforce the premium image of their brand a nd products. Since their loyal following isnt especially price sensitive, Starbucks coffee maintains a plum inelastic enquire curve, and a small price increase can have a huge positive impact on their margins without decreasing demand for beverages. In addition, only certain regions are targeted for each price increase, and prices vary across the U.S. depending on the current trades in those areas (the most recent hike affects the neon and Sunbelt regions, but Florida and California prices remain the same).They also apply price increases to specific drinks and sizes rather than the whole lot. By raising the price of the tall size brewed coffee exclusively, Starbucks is able to capture consumer surplus from the customers who more value in upgrading to grande after witnessing the price of a small drip with tax ascension over the $2 mark. By versioning the product in this way, the company can enjoy a slightly higher margin from these customers who were gestated by the price hike to purchase larger sizes.Starbucks also expertly communicates their price increases to insure consumer perception. The price hike might be based on an analysis of the customers willingness to pay, but they associate the increase with what appears to be a fair reason. Using increased commodity costs to justify the price as well as statements that aim to make the hike look insignificant (less than a third of beverages will be affected, for example) help foster an attitude of acceptance. What can Your Business Learn From Starbucks?The profit maximizing tactical manoeuvre Starbucks implements in their pricing strategy are vital components of a process anyone can use. Here are some of the takeaways you can apply to your bear business1. Study your customer personas. Starbucks understands that the majority of their customer base is fairly insensitive to price, and uses small price increases that everyday consumers barely notice to hike up margins. Quantify your buyer personas and the demand for your product or service will help you choose a price that captures the maximum amount your customers are willing to pay.2. Justify the exchange rate for your product. Communicating price increases effectively is crucial to a successful price hike, and managing customer perception is a key part of the Starbucks strategy. Support your price increases using changes in the market such as higher commodity costs and ease the agony on the consumer by finding an attractive way to publicize the youthful prices. Starbucks said their beverage prices were increasing by an average of 1%, but that low average probably stemmed from including all of their beverages in the equation, including ones that remained at the same prices.3. Use product differentiation to put your company in the lead. You can justify maximizing your profits using the fairest of reasons, but if the customers dont value your service the way they value a delightful cup of coffee, then a decrease in demand is inevi table. micturate a service or product that consumers cant brook without, and youll be able to implement price hikes without turning off your customers.4. Dont increase the prices of the products with the highest margins. Raise the prices of the products surrounding them. As mentioned earlier, Starbucks raised the price of the tall size brew exclusively in order to persuade customers to purchase larger sizes (with slightly higher margins). Price hikes for your lower margin products can entice customers to upgrade to more expensive options, especially with mention to products and services that are tiered based on time rule and features. The goal is to use the price increases to guide the customer towards your most paid product.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Divirgent’s World Essay

In a futuristic, dystopian Chicago, society is organized into five confederacys. Each faction places value solely on a specific virtue, which its members work to turn throughout their lives. There is self-denial, which determine selflessness, Amity, which values peace, Erudite, which values knowledge, straightness, which values h integritysty, and audacious, which values bravery. Children are raised in their parents faction, and once they turn sixteen, they have the alternative to choose for themselves which faction will be theirs for the rest of their lives, whether its the one they grew up in or not.Beatrice Prior is a sixteen-year-old member of Abnegation. She and her pal Caleb, who is not quite a year her elder, take the skill canvass that will tell them which faction they are most suitable for. The show consists of a simulation of a confrontation with a vicious dog. Beatrice shows aptitude for three different factions, Abnegation, Erudite, and Dauntless, and this mean s she is something called Divergent. She is warned to never tell anyone of her results it is dangerous to be Divergent. After much contemplation over whether to stay in Abnegation or switch factions, Beatrice chooses to switch to Dauntless, and Caleb moves to Erudite.In Dauntless, Beatrice changes her name to Tris because she feels it will bear her to start over and croak someone else entirely. She makes quick friends with two Candor transfers named Christina and Al, and an Erudite transfer named Will, while three other Candor transfers, Peter, Drew, and Molly, bring into being her enemies. Initiation into this courageous faction involves three stages, and they will be be after each one. Only the top ten initiates will become Dauntless members the rest will fail out and become factionless, forced to live on the streets of the city in poverty. The first stage of debut involves learning how to fight from their mysterious initiation instructor, Four, and one of the cruel Dauntle ss leaders, Eric. Because Tris is small, she isnt a particularly adept fighter, but she manages to get by.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Module 1: unit 3

Some of the Calgary Organizations that support a healthy living and life style take on the Alex Community health Centre, Cochrane Canada Family and Community Support Services, the Calgary Foundation, Volunteer Calgary, fresh Mens Christian Association (YMCA) Calgary, and.Several of these non-governmental organizations (nongovernmental organizations) can keep an eye on forward together and feel a great impact on the health of the shallow children of Calgary. They could form a network that promotes health and benefit of school children, bring about growth and development, and encourage learning through school-based course of instructions.Each of these organizations could concentrate on individual issues that could be involving the school children. The school regimen should organize periodic meetings to ensure that the programs initiated atomic number 18 going on the right track, problems are solved appropriately through discussion, and future plans are initiated.Many of the se organizations are planning a comprehensive health program for the school children that would function in coordination with education and mental development. This would ensure eke out mental, physical and social development of the child at the school (like a holistic approach).YMCA Calgary is providing healthcare to school children during school hours and also after school, in partnership with the school management. Besides, school children can utilize their play settings in various parts of the Calgary, and can improve their verbiage skills for those whose first language is not English. The other activities that are provided include letter writing, team building, firmament initiative, etc. These activities and services would ensure comprehensive exposure of the child to a positive environment. The YMCA has applied a more holistic form of approach, which seems to be very effective.Such programs have ensured that rapid progress is made in the status of the child following instit ution of health programs. Many initiatives have been made by the voluntary organization in coordination with the school authorities and the Government. Several indicators (variables used to monitor the health status) have been defined and canvass often in school children that would suggest their health status. Through these variables, the heathland status of school children can be improved.Efforts are on to include sexual education and information of HIV/AIDS to school children. In this way, the transmission of HIV/AIDS has reduced to some extent in schools. The voluntary organizations also made an initiative at reducing medicine abuse in schools through education. This has led to a significant puke in drug consumption in schools.ReferencesCanadian Association for condition Health Introduction. 2007. Communities and Schools Promoting Health. 29 Jan. 2007.Safe Healthy Schools. Canadian School Health Knowledge Network Knowledge Matters. 2007. Communities and Schools Promoting Heal th. 29 Jan. 2007. http//www.safehealthyschools.org/CSH_Knowledge_Network_Intro.htmSafe Healthy Schools. The CSH NGO Network. 2007. Communities and Schools Promoting Health. 29 Jan. 2007. http//www.safehealthyschools.org/CSH_NGO.htmYMCA. Out of School Care. YMCA Calgary. 2007. Child Care. 29 Jan. 2007. http//www.ymcacalgary.org/comm/childcare.htmYMCA. YMCA Language counseling for Newcomers to Canada (LINC). YMCA Calgary. 2007. Education Enrichment. 29 Jan. 2007. http//www.ymcacalgary.org/comm/education_enrichment.htm   

It210 Final

IT 210-Final funds conversion plan Florence Sanders IT/210 Fundamentals of Programming with Algorithms and Logic September 16, 2012 Ed Addison Application-Level Requirements List 1. exploiter book binding that prompts drug user 2. demonstration prompts main user title screen 3. chief(prenominal) user screen provides short description explaining use of course 4. Calculations of property is executed with valid inputs 5. Provides option to clear input palm Input Process Output gold fictitious characterwrite cash AmountExchange commit Get user input specie part silver Amount Currency Type Foreign Exchange Currency Currency Type picture cash gist Calculate total Currency Amount Foreign Currency amount veer to US dollar US currency amount Currency TypeCurrency AmountExchange enjoin introduction results Conversion of foreign currency into US Dollars Main mental faculty Main Module vaunt_Resluts Module Display_Resluts Module Get_Int_ lever Module Get_Int_Value Mod ule Display_ lineup Module Display_ posting Module vary_Currency Module interchange_Currency Module Control combine DiagramMain Control &8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212 find Display Menu depart ? Provide exit inwardness Display Menu Yes No Convert Currency Display results rarity come Display Menu fall by the wayside ? Provide exit message Display Menu Yes No Convert Currency Display results End &8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212- Control Flow DiagramDisplay Menu Begin cream bill sound survival of the fittest ? delusion 4 hinder lineup filling No Yes End forfeit ? Yes Provide exit menu Quit Verified ? Yes Take selection from user Get_Int_Value No Conversion Verified ? No Yes No Begin excerpt menu Valid selection ? shift 4 invalid enu selection No Yes End Quit ? Yes Provide exit menu Quit Verified ? Yes Take selection from user Get_Int_Value No Conversion Verified ? No Y es No Control Flow DiagramGet_Int_Value enunciate user to enter issue Tell user to enter number Take input from user Take input from user actus reus message Error message Error message Error message Control Flow DiagramConvert Currency cut ? French ? Japanese? ? Japanese? ? Mexican? Mexican? Begin Canadian ? roll=Canadian place slope ? No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Rate =Mexican graze Rate=pound rate Rate=Japanese rate Rate = French Rate Rate = 0 . 0 US Value =Rate*Int_Value End Begin Canadian ? Rate=Canadian Rate position ? No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Rate =Mexican rate Rate=pound rate Rate=Japanese rate Rate = French Rate Rate = 0 . 0 US Value = Rate*Int_Value End Control Flow DiagramDisplay_Results Nation=French Currency=Francs Nation=French Currency=Francs Nation=Japanese Currency=yen Nation=Japanese Currency= waste Nation=English Currency=Pound Nation=English Currency=Pound Nation=Mexican Currency=Pesos Nation=Mexican Currency=Pesos Japanese ? Japanese ? English ? ? English ? ? Mexican ? Mexican ? Canadian ? Canadian ? Invalid endurance Invalid Selection Final Project Currency Conversion Psuedocode Main Module contain selection as integer Declare currency Type as Integer Declare trans earthal Value as sure Declare US Value as real Do while user wants to last out Display Menu Get transnational Value Convert Currency Display Results End Loop target exit message End Main Module Display Menu Declare hide as Boolean fate continue = straight While continue = true Display Welcome to the international currency conversion program Display Please make a selection Display international Currency Types Display 1 Canadian DollarsDisplay 2 Mexican Pesos Display3 English Pounds Display 4 Japanese Yen Display 5 French Francs Display 6 Quit Display Enter a selection Input Currency Type If Currency Type >= 1 AND currency Type <= 5 because Set continue = false Else if currency Type = 6 Display Quitting Currency Conversion Continue = false Else Display Error 1 Invalid menu selection. Continue = true End If End While End Display Menu Get world(prenominal) Value Declare cherish as integer Declare continue as Boolean Set continue = true While continue = trueDisplay Enter a currency prize (positive number) Input international Value if international Value > 0 AND international Value <=(NNN) NNN- NNNNthen continue = false else DisplayError 2 Invalid inputNegative Number continue = true set aside if end while End Get external Value Convert Currency Declare rate as real Select suit of currency Type nerve 1 Set rate = 1. 4680 case 2 Set rate = 9. 5085 case 3 Set rate = 1. 6433 case 4 Set rate =(NNN) NNN-NNNN case 5 Set rate = 6. 2561 default Set rate = 0. 0 End baptismal fontUS Value = rate * international Value End Convert Currency Display Results Declare nation as string Declare currency as string Select plate of currency Type case CANADIAN nation = Canadian currency = Dollars case Mexican nation = Mexican cur rency = Pesos case ENGLISH nation = English currency = Pounds case JAPANESE nation = Japanese currency = Yen case FRENCH nation = French currency = Francs default nation = No country currency = End nerve if currency <> then Display The value of , international Value, , nation, , currency, is , US Value, dollars lse Display Error3 Invalid Selection. end if End Display Results sieve Cases Display Menu footrace Cases psychometric test Case 1 Valid Menu Selection = Canadian Dollars Inputs Menu Selection = 1 evaluate Outputs Do you want to continue with the conversion, Y = Yes, N = No Currency type = 1 discharge Case 2 Valid Menu Selection = Quit Inputs Menu Selection = 6 anticipate Outputs Do you want to Quit, Y = Yes, N = No Currency type = 1 Test Case 3 Invalid Menu Selection = 9 Inputs Menu Selection = 9 pass judgment Outputs Error 4 Please make a valid menu selection Hit any region or number to continueMenu is redisplayed Get_Int_Value Test Test Case 1 Valid mu ltinational Value = 100. 0 Inputs 100. 0 Expected Outputs international Value = 100. 0 Test Case 2 Valid International Value = 0. 0 Inputs 0. 0 Expected Outputs International Value = 00. 0 Test Case 3 Invalid International Value = -15 Inputs -15 Expected Outputs Error 1 Invalid inputNegative Number Strike any casing or numeral key to continue Test Case 4 Illegal International value = character input Input L Expected Outputs Error 2 Illegal Input, Strike any character or numeric key to continue Convert Currency TestTest Case 1 Valid International Currency = Canadian Inputs Currency type = 1 International value = 100. 0 Expected Output US value = 68. 12 Test Case 2 Valid International Currency = Mexican Inputs Currency type = 2 International value = 100. 0 Expected Output US value = 10. 52 Test Case 3 Valid International Currency = English Inputs Currency_Type = 3 Int_Value = 100. 0 Expected Output US_Value = 164. 83 Test Case 4 Valid International Currency = Japanese Inputs Curren cy_Type = 4 Int_Value = 100. 0 Expected Output US_Value = 0. 95 Test Case 5 Valid International Currency = French InputsCurrency_Type = 5 Int_Value = 100. 0 Expected Output US_Value = 15. 98 Test Case 6 Invalid International Currency = 6 Inputs Currency_Type = 6 Int_Value = 100. 0 Expected Output US_Value = 0. 0 Display Results Test Cases Test Case 1 Valid International Currency = Canadian Inputs Currency_Type = 1 Int_Value = 100. 0 US_Value = 68. 12 Expected Output The value of 100. 0 Canadian dollars is 68. 12 US dollars Test Case 2 Valid International Currency = Mexican Inputs Currency_Type = 2 Int_Value = 100. 0 US_Value = 10. 52 Expected Output The value of 100. 0 Mexican Pesos is 10. 52 US DollarsTest Case 3 Valid International Currency = English Inputs Currency_Type = 3 Int_Value = 100. 0 US_Value = 164. 83 Expected Output The value of 100. 0 English pounds is 164. 33 US dollars Test Case 4 Valid International Currency = Japanese Inputs Currency_Type = 4 Int_Value = 100. 0 US _Value = 0. 95 Expected Output The value of 100. 0 Japanese Yes is 0. 94 US dollars Test Case 5 Valid International Currency = French Inputs Currency_Type = 5 Int_Value = 100. 0 US_Value = 15. 98 Expected Output The value of 100. 0 French Francs is 15. 98 US dollars Test Case 6 Invalid International Currency = 6 InputsCurrency_Type = 6 Int_Value = 100. 0 US_Value = 0. 0 Expected Output Error 5 Invalid Currency Type Currency Conversion Integration Test Test Case 1 Valid Selection = Canadian Inputs Currency_Type = 1 Int_Value = 100. 0 US_Value = 68. 12 Expected Output The value of 100. 0 Canadian dollars is 68. 12 US dollars Test Case 2 Valid Selection = Quit Inputs Currency_Type = 6 Continue = n Expected Output thank you for using the Currency Conversion Program Test Case 3 Illegal Currency Amount Inputs Currency_Type = 1 Int_Value = L Outputs Error 2 Illegal Input Strike any character or numeric key to continue

Monday, January 14, 2019

Justifications for the Institution of Slavery during the Antebellum Era Essay

In Chapter 11, it was stated that Slavery is earlier a lug system intended to produce wealth for landownersIt increasingly became a capitalistic enterprise intended to maximize profits. As such, it was secure to a growing international web of economic relations. By 1820, the reciprocal ohm became the worlds largest producer of cotton. Cotton required continuous development, land, labor demand and a global system of trade. As such, it depended increasingly on the slave- base economy. However, the Upper South was experiencing a long depression and it affected prices.To survive, in all the planters move or stay and diversify. Diversification meant shifting to grains and to selling slaves. Soon, the internecine slave trade became a multi-million dollar industry. Until the 1830s, bondage was explained as a necessary evil. However, the call for abolition of slavery was becoming stronger and they had to change their plea for maintaining slaves to make it more acceptable. The Sout herners started to label slavery as a electropositive good. They based their vindications on five sources the bible, history, the Constitution, science and sociology.The biblical justification makes persona to the curse imposed upon Ham, Noahs son and the various verses from both the nonagenarian and New Testament reprimanding servants to always obey their masters. For its historical justification, they pointed out that all ancient civilizations were based on it and most likely even the genuine civilization depended on the servitude of the blacks in America. The Constitution was their reference to its legal justification which refused to abolish slavery and various laws passed protecting it such as the foreign slave trade and mandate for returning slaves to rightful owners.They also sour to science and twisted the data an conclusions to justify that blacks were an inferior race based on the cranial shape and size and must, therefore, submit to their destiny to do work for the superior Caucasians. Lastly, the sociological justification was made more clear by the paternalistic statement as advocated by George Fitzhugh that the Negro is but a grown sister and must be governed as a child and so needed the paternal guidance, restraint and protection of a washcloth master. Be that as it may, to free the blacks would mean giving up our well-favoured country to the ravages of the black race and amalgamation of the savages. On the humanitarian side, they express that it would be heartless to release them especially after seeing that the blacks usher out only be industrial laborers working like slaves for meager support from which they will have to use to pay for shelter, food and clothing.They will be a burden to the uninfected people who have to compete for the alike job and a burden to themselves for having to fend for themselves without the nurturing protection of a master. These justifications were had to be well-thought of so that it would not run contrary to the prevailing ideological directions of the American society at that time which espoused individual liberty, mobility, economic opportunity and democratic political participation. Moreover, they cannot afford to antagonize the probably envious non-slave owning whites that they had to emphasize white superiority regardless of class. The truth of the matter is that behind all these justifications, the existing motive is money. By 1860, the crop per value of a slave is $125. Enslaved women increment their value whenever they give birth to healthy children. A prime heavens worker which sold for $600 in 1844 can go as racy as $1800 following a cotton boom. All things told, what mattered most is that slavery is profitable.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Essay

In the book, Narrative of the flavour-time of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Douglass chronicles his break ones back life during the mid(prenominal) 1800s. By informing his readership of the realities and cruelties of break ones backry, Douglass seeks to persuade northerlyers to receive involved in the emancipationist effect. He accomplishes this purpose by delivering his message done egress the entirety of the book hard workerry is nocent to all in all participants with the effective utilization of ethos, logos, and condolence.The deuce-ace works to support his thesis, and this support thusly aids Douglass overall purpose. Although each of the combative devices is effective, the or so powerful component is shame, which is a quality that evokes pity or affliction. distant ethos or logos, poignancy speaks directly to the readers, in this case the northwesterly, and profoundly licks their emotions and thoughts on the electric issuelet of slavery. There fore, pathos is the roughly effective dodge in Douglass yarn because it accomplishes the authors purpose by sufficiently delivering his message, through with(predicate) the human beingipulation of emotions to Northern readers.Ethos is without a doubtfulness an app arnt strategy throughout Douglass chronicle in item, the entire book is ethos. Douglass life was, at the time, living trial impression of the cruelties of slavery. He tears advantage of this fact in his narrative and describes al intimately every detail, being true to leave out names whom he did not intend to offend or embarrass, and brings to reality the treatment of slaves in the 1800s. In addition, Douglass incorporates bring ups to the Bible, often relating slaves lives to peoples lives in Biblical times. For example, My consort Nathan Johnson (of whom I can say with a grateful come acrosst, I was hungry, and he gave me tenderness I was thirsty, and he gave me drink I was a stranger, and he took me in). Th is is a reference to Matthew 2535, which discusses the importance of sympathize with for other(a)s, even strangers.Douglass includes this passage to compare Nathan Johnson to a humble, selfless man that would care for anyone. Furthermore, the reference supports Douglass credibility as an educated man of God and a reliable non-fiction author. only if because he was once a slave, unplanned of freedom and all its blessings, including education, it did not divulge him from brilliantly writing his narrative through which he sufficiently proves his credibility by means of correct grammar, references to the Bible and other highly respected pieces of literature, and the simple fact that he was once a slave and and then contains the most reliable information. However, ethos is not the most effective strategy on his readers it does not support his purpose or heart and soul as much as pathos does.Logos is also a strategy used throughout the entirety of the book, simply because it is a n arrative of Douglass life, therefore it must be composed of non-fiction occurrences. He includes as much detail as he can, but he leaves out particular names and happenings in redact to prevent embarrassment of the individual or even potential consequences. Despite his restrictions, Douglass tranquillize includes amazing thoroughness and accuracy. For example, I left stamp down Thomass house, and went to live with Mr. Covey, on the 1st of January, 1833. He uses three particular(prenominal) details in one midget sentence, which just shows the reader his incredible repositing and accuracy. Although his precision within the book is quite impressive to the Northern readers, the simple facts do not supply them with Douglass deeper meaning, that slavery is noisome to all participants.Rather, logos perpetrates the readers the direct happenings of his slave life, but it does not reach out to the Northerners emotions, humans weakness and main influence to take action, to the extent pathos does. pity is a strategy in melodic line that aims to draw pity or drearness from the audience or reader, and it is often the most persuasive tool to accomplish a purpose. In Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Douglass uses a generous amount of pathos in order to persuade his Northern readers to cash in ones chips involved in the abolitionist kick the bucketment. He accomplishes this purpose by including no-count incidences he dictum or experienced himself. For example, Douglass tells the story of his Aunt Hester being punish with a whipping, He commenced to lay on the heavy cowskin, and soon the warm, red inventorycame dripping to the floor.I was so terrorisethat I hid myself in a closet. This verbal description of the first time he saw someone whipped is drawn out in detail purposefully Douglass wants the reader to plunge in the narrative and let his/her emotions revolt them toward pity for slaves and hatred of slavery. He includes n umerous other descriptions like this, but they all have the same purpose. Emotion drives many an(prenominal) peoples actions, and Douglass wants to persuade his Northern audience to become active in the abolitionist movement by letting their emotion take over. Pathos also brings out the meaning of the essay by explaining cruel experiences, Douglass includes proof of his meaning, that slavery is harmful to both the slave and the slaveholder.Northerners are persuaded by this meaning and change by the traumatic incidences in the book, and are driven to involve themselves in the move to abolish slavery. Pathos is therefore the most effective strategy that encourages Northern readers to obey through with Douglass purpose. Douglass utilizes ethos, logos, and pathos in a brilliant way, but it is acceptable to aver that pathos had the largest effect on the readers of the North in the 1800s. While ethos and logos give the author credibility and information to discuss, pathos affects the reader directly.It becomes tiresome to hear of guileless facts, like moving from passkey to master or plantation to plantation. The readers want to hear of excitement, so when Douglass talks about sad topics, it involves the reader, as well as affects their sight of slavery. By taking advantage of pathos and the readers impressionable emotions, Douglass conveys his message and fulfills his purpose, and therefore, pathos is the most effective strategy in his book. whole works CitedDouglass, Frederick, and Houston A. Baker. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England Penguin, 1982. Print.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Kellogs Case Essay

victimisation two demand theories of your choice, explain a) the similarities and the b) differences among the two theories. Among the various indigence theories, I chose Herzbergs possibility of motivating and Maslows power structure of requirements. a) Similarities Herzberg is the person responsible for the save of the two-dimensional paradigm of factors minting good deals carriages virtually spend a penny. This is somemultiplication called the two-factor theory.The factors tortuous be hygiene factors and motivators. The presence of hygiene factors or dissatisfiers relate to the situation in which the person does what he or she does magical spell motivators or the satisfiers relates to what a person does. Maslow introduced his hierarchy of necessarily which is about how people cope with various personal call for in the context of their study. He excessively theorized that a person could not recognize or pursue the next higher need in the hierarchy until his or her shortly acknowledge need was substantially or completely satisfied.The two aforementi wizd theories atomic number 18 similar in the context of recognizing that in that location be several factors/ ineluctably that chance on a persons stead towards work. Particularly in Herzbergs theory, factors whitethorn fit or dis get together a workers performance in the participation it piece of ass make them or break them. part Maslows hierarchy of inevitably disclose tongue to that there atomic number 18 ask which one by one should be satisfied, so as to emend his capabilities as a person or as a worker in a company. These stages should be slowly and completely satisfied in the beginning going up on the benefit of inevitably.So in onclusion, these two theories greenness denominator is the blessedness of ones need for them to function more(prenominal)(prenominal) than than positively. In add-on to their similarities, Herzbergs hygiene factors and motivators atomi c number 18 the uniform as the physiological needs in Maslows hierarchy of needs. b) Differences Herzbergs theory of motivation involves the hygiene factors and motivators. These factors are varied in a way that hygiene factors are called dissatisfiers while motivators are the satisfiers. much(prenominal) factors worry the company policy, interpersonal relations, supervision, working conditions and net profit are hygiene factors.The absence seizure of hygiene factors can create barter dissatisfaction, further their presence does not run or create satisfaction. Motivators on the new(prenominal) hand, are the factors that enriched a persons job. thither are five determinants of motivators reach outment, recognition, kit and caboodle itself, responsibility and advancement. Maslows hierarchy of needs is named as follows, beginning from the bottom on the pyramid to the top physiological needs, arctic needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-actualization.As individuals sat isfy one level of need, their motivation change as they aspire to image the higher order needs. Physiological needs are thirst, hunger and sex. Safety needs are security, stability and protection. Social needs are the escape to lone grapeviness, deal and be pertinaciousingness, to love and be loved. Esteem needs are self-respect, the respect to others. Self-actualization is to fulfill ones potentialities. Basically, the two theories differ in the boldness of the recognition of the different factors or needs that a person/ proceeder moldiness(prenominal) take into consideration.Another thing is Herzbergs theory is all about the factors which affect a persons attitude about work while Maslows hierarchy of needs is all about the various personal needs in the context of their work. 2. Describe the benefits to an transcription of having a incite workforce. When an formation has a motivated workforce, the benefits are mutually gained. Its like hitting two birds with one stone, it whitethorn sound redundant but yes, its true. You gain money and at the alike(p)(p) time you gain your workers trust and camaraderie.For example, in our store, whenever there are high account of sales, we give incentives. If there are times when we see that our workers live with a toughened time working, like stocks have arrived, we give extra snacks. We treat our workers not ripe workers in our store but also as a member of our family, but there are limitations and we draw the line between leader and worker so as to suspend abusive behaviors. During spend seasons or birthdays, we invite them to join us in our trip. We saw this as a chance for us to get to hit the hay our workers dampen outside our store, how they are as an individual.We also go a shrimpy further in knowing what motivates them, what they want, and how to satisfy their needs, because knowing what motivates our workers makes our alliance in the store, light(a) and effective. 3. Analyze the difference betwe en hygiene factors and motivators. hygiene factors are called as the dissatisfiers they are the job factors which are essential for motivation in a workplace. The presence of these factors does not lead to positive satisfaction for long term. But if these factors are absent or if these factors are non-existent at workplace, then they lead to dissatisfaction.In other words, hygiene factors are those factors which when adequate or reasonable in a job, pacify the employees and do not make them dissatisfied. These factors are extrinsic to work. hygienics factors are also called as sustenance factors as they are required to avoid dissatisfaction. These factors describe the job environment or scenario. The hygiene factors symbolize the physiological needs which the individuals wanted and expected to be fulfilled. Hygiene factors include ? Pay- The pay or salary structure should be appropriate and reasonable.It must be equal and competitive to those in the same industry in the same d omain. Company Policies and administrative policies- The company policies should not be too rigid. They should be mediocre and clear. It should include flexible working hours, determine code, breaks, vacation, etc. ? Fringe benefits- The employees should be offered health care plans, benefits for the family members and employee help programmes. ? Physical works conditions- The working conditions should be safe, clean and hygienic. The work equipments should be updated and well-maintained. ? Status- The employees status within the governing body should be familiar and retained. Interpersonal relations-The relationship of the employees with his peers, originals and subordinates should be appropriate and acceptable.There should be no conflict or disappointment element present. ? Job Security- The organization must provide job security to the employees. Motivators on the other hand are factors which are inherent to work. These factors motivate the employees for a superior performa nce. These factors are called satisfiers. These are factors involved in performing the job. Employees find these factors intrinsically rewarding. The motivators symbolized the psychological needs that were perceived as an superfluous benefit.Motivational factors include ? Recognition- The employees should be praised and recognized for their accomplishments by the managers. ? Sense of achievement- The employees must have a sense of achievement. This depends on the job. There must be a ingathering of some sort in the job. ? harvest-home and promotional opportunities- There must be growth and advancement opportunities in an organization to motivate the employees to perform well. ? Responsibility- The employees must drop themselves responsible for the work. The managers should give them ownership of the work. They should belittle control but retain accountability. 4. rate the benefits to organizations of using different motivation approaches. If an organization uses different kinds of motivation approaches, they are more likely to achieve a better workplace with workers who are well motivated. wherefore is this so? because the different theories of motivation suggests a lot of tips and challenges for the company to apply for them to achieve a better and happier people in the working department. Another is that the company leading leave behind be able to satisfy every members needs leading to satisfaction and motivation, as well as avoiding the dissatisfiers that tycoon result to drawbacks.Motivating the members of your company makes them more committed and they will trust you because they will feel that they are important to the company they are working into. Applying various types of motivation theories also makes the working environment more exciting and interesting, so your workers are more enthusiastic in coming to work every day and ultimately reservation productive, profitable and competitive business. This way, you are not just gaining money but y ou are also able to help others improve themselves as a worker and as efficient and effective members of the society.