Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Cultural Differences and Emotional Intelligence Essay
During an the assessment of several countries, values of open-mindedness, inclusion, respect and tolerance are more likely to be attained within a prospectus that encourages the increase of Emotional Intelligence (EI). In this research paper, the role of EI in determining leadership effectiveness was reviewed to explain emotional characteristics specific to five countries: Nigeria, Mexico, Russia, Argentina, and China. These countries were included in a study called Project Globe. GLOBE is the acronym for Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness. In this study, four cultural clusters were utilized, and the role of emotional intelligence was evaluated in determining leadership effectiveness. Emotional Intelligence was appraised more favorably than technical skills and cognitive skills, especially when referring to social skills, and transformational/charismatic leaderships were preferred across cultures. The intent of the collaborative effort of Team 4 was to explore the cultural values and practices in five different countries and to identify their impact on organizational practices and leadership attributes. One way to explore cultural similarities in the world is to study cultural clusters which are a group of countries that share many similarities. The countries in a cluster are more like each other than another country from outside the cluster (Javidan & House, 2002). A study conducted by the consulting firm KPMG (Project Globe) tested the proposition linking EI and cross-cultural leadership by surveying managers from four cultural clusters (Anglo, Latin European, Eastern European, and Southern Asian). Project GLOBE was a multi-phase, multi-method research project in which some 170 investigators from over 60 cultures representing all major regions in the world joined forces to examine the interrelationships between societal culture, organizational culture, and organizational leadership. Clustering of nations was a real-world way to depict intercultural similarities as well as intercultural differences- 61 nations were categorized into 10 distinct clusters. Four clusters and their respective leadership styles and traits were evaluated: the Anglo cluster; the Latin Europe cluster; the Eastern European cluster; and the Southern Asia cluster. The Anglo Cluster included Australia, Canada, England, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa (Nigeria), and the United States of America. These countries are all developed nations, predominantly English speaking, and among the wealthiest countries in the world. Charismatic, team-oriented, and participative leadership styles were perceived to be the most effective in the Anglo Cluster. The charismatic leadership behaviors included being visionary, motivating, and appealing to the fundamental values of followers. Self-awareness of interactive skills may be a crucial component to manager effectiveness in high power Anglo cultures. Each national culture carries definite leadership behaviors that are perceived to be applicable for that specific country. Being charismatic in Australia can sometimes conflict with the importance of impartiality for successful leadership-therefore, a leader must be visionary and inspirational but still be viewed as â€Å"one of the boys†(Ashkanasy, Trevor-Roberts, & Earnshaw, 2002). The barometer for measuring someone’s level of emotional intelligence is a function that is used though domains that have been emphasized by analysts. Three tests that have been utilized are the ability model, the mixed-ability model, and the personality model. The ability model is measured with the Mayor-Salovey Emotional Intelligent Test using four types of abilities: perceiving emotions, using emotions, understanding emotions and managing emotions. The mixed ability model was used to test for emotional intelligence. The five main concepts of this measurement are self-awareness, social responsibility, adaptability, stress management and general mood. The personality model was used to measure a series of behavior test and is used more as a self-reporting test. The use of the emotional intelligence concepts in the workplace has increased business performance. Higher levels of emotional intelligence has resulted in better performance in certain areas in the workplace such as better participative management, putting people at ease, self-awareness, balance between personal life and work, straight forwardness and composure, building and mending relationships, decisiveness, confronting problem employees and change management. Managers can also be toxic for the workplace based on their attitudes-this is where the concept of resonance plays a vital part. The use of literature on emotional intelligence and its utilization is very minimal in Nigeria. There is no significant difference in occupational stress between secondary school teachers with low emotional difference and those with high emotional intelligence. The effect of emotional intelligence with work-family issues resulted in a conflict within the workplace. Emotional intelligence should be considered in employee selection and placement process for managerial effectiveness to be guaranteed-the managers with high emotional intelligence should be posted to highly challenging managerial positions and vice versa. Leadership qualities in Nigeria are very poor and implementing emotional intelligence can improve their economy. Improvement includes more intelligent Nigerian leaders who can improve the professional performance in their organizations through emotional intelligence. The perceptions of Nigerians can be shaped and made as a result of training in emotional intelligence which will produce Nigerian leaders who will lead by example. The Latin European cluster consists of France, French Switzerland, Italy, Portugal, Mexico, and Spain. In Latin Europe, charismatic/values-based, team oriented, and participative leadership were considered the most effective leadership attributes which included being visionary, inspirational, self-sacrificial, having integrity, decisiveness and performance orientation. Team-oriented leadership compromises collaboration, team integration, diplomacy, and administrative competence (Jesuino, 2002). Emotionally self-aware leaders can be candid and authentic, able to speak openly about their emotions or with conviction about their guiding vision (Goleman, Boyatzis, & McKee, 2002). This statement is true and can be seen in Mexico’s business practices. For example, in Mexico, emotions are not suppressed in business situations and discussions can appear to be hostile to those from a culture which frowns upon the any visible shows of emotion during business dealings (â€Å"Doing Business†, n. d. ). A visionary leader can impact this process positively by honoring the feelings and beliefs of the people around him, while steadfastly demonstrating the benefit of moving toward the company goal (Goleman et al. , 2002). This outward show of emotion is seen as a positive attribute and implies commitment and emphasis. Meetings are seen as opportunities for the free flow of ideas and information  although it is best to avoid very open disagreements with the most senior Mexican present as this could be construed as disrespectful and confrontational. Open signs of emotion, through the use of interruptions and speaking loudly, are seen as a sign of active engagement rather than an unnecessary loss of control. When a Mexican becomes highly emotional during a meeting one should not assume that they have lost their sense of professionalism (â€Å"Doing Business†, n. d. ). Emotion is an important factor that contributes to Mexican business meetings. Creating organizations that are emotionally intelligent is ultimately the leader’s responsibility. It is up to the leaders to help the organization identify its reality and assist their members to uncover their own roles in that vision (Goleman et al. , 2002). Social awareness-particularly empathy-is crucial for the leader’s primal task of driving resonance. By being attuned to how others feel in the moment, a leader is able to provide a sense of shared values and priorities that can guide the group. Empathy-which includes listening and taking other people’s perspective-allows leaders to tune into emotional channels between people that can create resonance (Goleman et al. , 2002). The Eastern European cluster encompassed Albania, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Argentina, Kazakhstan, Poland, Russia, and Slovenia. In the Eastern European cluster, the key elements of successful leadership were compiled mostly of transformational-charismatic and team-oriented leadership. Participation has some historical roots in the region, as large consultative bodies combined with authoritarian leadership style has been a prevailing pattern in status conscious eastern societies. Extensive research and several studies have been conducted over the last decade in regards to emotional intelligence and leadership styles in Russia. Van Gardner (2010) stated, â€Å"this recent focus on developing organizational leaders is largely a result of the recent changes in the political and economic environments in Russia, following the country’s recovery and stabilization from its financial crisis of 1998†(Van Genderen, 2010, p. 77). A Leadership Dimensions Questionnaire (LDQ) was used to assess prevailing leadership styles. Three distinct leadership styles were identified: engaging leadership (transformational), involving leadership (participative) and goal leadership (transactional). The leadership’s success is a result of a threshold of cognition (IQ) and high levels of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)-the three paradigms IQ, EQ and MQ (managerial competencies) were highly correlated. An interesting result of the investigation was that no significant differences were found between the Russian men and women participating in the research (Van Genderen, 2010, p. 86). Human resources has become an important factor within an organization-the only sustainable competitive advantage organizations of the future will possess is the value added by their employees. Designing effective leadership development programs to foster such executives has been described as ‘the biggest challenge that looms in the new millennium for HR managers†(Van Genderen, 2010, p. 88). This holds true for all organizations. Instituting confidence and reciprocal respect establishes smooth transitions when conducting business transactions in Argentina. Serenity can guarantee accomplishment as it may take several visits to the country to finalize any business transactions. Dealing with organizational leaders is time-consuming due to the many levels of decision making combined with an enormous amount of bureaucracy. Generally, greetings among industry people is a handshake and a brief nod of the head. This is appropriate to both men and women. Once a connection has been made resulting in friendship, hugs and kisses become the standard form of greeting. Eye contact is encouraged and personal space is minimal; pulling back will create an atmosphere of untrustworthiness. The glue that holds people together in a team, and that commits people to an organization, is the emotions they feel (Goldman, Boyatzis, & McKee, 2004). The Southern Asia cluster consisted of India, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Philippines, China, and Thailand. Transformational–charismatic and team-oriented leadership are perceived as the most effective leadership styles (Gupta, Surie, Javidan, & Chokar, 2002). Leaders are expected to act as patriarchs who help subordinates point towards more aspiring and mutual goals by ensuring their actions and decisions develop and maintain the team and family orientation in their organizations. The global leader needs to be open to arbitrations and viewpoints to make sure he/she does not alienate any group members. When it comes to China, four very different traditional Chinese leadership approaches are identified and discussed by Emotional Intelligence Expert Sebastien Henry. This discussion provides us a starting point for our analyses. The four historic leadership approaches Henry examines are: legalistic, strategic, naturalistic, and humanistic (Henry, 2009). It should be noted, according to Mr. Henry, â€Å"none of the four leadership styles give a lot of room to emotions when it comes to leading people. †(Henry, 2009) The legalistic approach (Han Fei Zi) was characterized as perhaps the most contradictory to the principals of emotional intelligence as there was the belief that man was â€Å"naturally evil and that strict rules and punishment were needed†(Henry, 2009. The strategic approach (Sun Tzu) is also not considered to be overly EQ aligned as, within this approach, thoughts on leadership were famously applied to the winning of battles with little focus on the use of emotions in other areas. Interestingly, the very famous book The Art of War, a famous ancient Chinese military work was authored by the high ranking military general Sun Tzu. In the naturalistic approach (Lao Zi–Chuang Zi), also known as the Taoist approach, the emphasis is on the spiritual development of the leader. â€Å"The accomplished leader is the one that followers barely notice: almost invisible, unassuming, but nurturing and always present, just like the Tao†(Henry, 2009). We find some of the concepts in the traditional naturalistic approach to perhaps represent a precursor to present day EI concepts, and although emotional intelligence expert Sebastien Henry concludes, â€Å"there is not a lot in the Dao De Jing ( ) about the emotional side of leadership except that the leader has to aim at ultimately reaching within herself a place of deep inner peace that emotions won’t affect,†which is precisely what we see as perhaps the precursor to current EI concepts (Henry, 2009). Lastly, the humanistic approach (Confucius, Mencius) is often believed to be the approach that is most closely aligned with emotions and the concepts being discussed by Goleman and other emotional intelligence experts. The concept of compassion, a concept many consider a fundamental principal of emotionally intelligent leadership, could be closely linked to the famous Confucian concept of benevolence which is fundamental to the humanistic, Confucian approach. Going forward, while it may or may not appear that the Chinese were overly concerned with emotional intelligence in their traditional leadership methods, recent developments indicate there is little chance the Chinese will be left behind in the exploration, experimentation, and utilization of the promising, performance enhancing benefits of emotional intelligence in the immediate future . Very recently, a Chinese Communist Party publication, the Study Times, published a 3000-word article entitled the Emotional Quotient and its Three Major Components. It seems clear this article was a response to Chinese President Xi Jinping’s public statement that â€Å"it isn’t one’s educational background, integrity, experience, or people you know that matters. What it takes to be a good communist leader President Xi said is Emotional intelligence†(Li, 2013) . Overall, any way you look at it, what seems clear is that in most Asian cultures-as well as in Latin America and some European countries-establishing a strong relationship is a prerequisite for doing business (Goldman, Boyatzis, & McKee, 2004, p. 64). The countries that participated in Project GLOBE provide to managers a meticulous instrument to help recognize the similarities and differences among various cultures worldwide. The most valuable message managers in any culture can take from this study is to take a proactive and positive approach to resolving issues, especially those involving cross-cultural issues. The findings and insights from Project GLOBE can and should at the very least be utilized to enlighten managers on how to better manage the conveyance of information and knowledge across cultural borders. References Ashkanasy, N. M. , Trevor-Roberts, E. & Earnshaw, L. (2002). â€Å"The Anglo Cluster: Legacy of the British Empire†Journal of World Business, Volume 37:1, 28-39. Doing Business in Mexico – Mexican Business Culture – Mexican Culture – World Business Culture. (n. d. ). World Business Culture: Key information on Business Culture in the World’s Leading 39 Economies. Retrieved Sept 5, 2013, from http://www. worldbusinessculture. com/Mexican-Business-Style. html. Goleman, D. , Boyatzis, R. , & Mckee, A. (2002). Primal leadership: Learning to lead with Emotional Intelligence. Boston, Mass. : Harvard Business School Press. Goleman, D. , Boyatzis, R. , & Mckee, A. (2002). Primal leadership: Realizing the power of Emotional Intelligence. Boston, Mass. : Harvard Business School Press. Goleman, D. , Boyatzis, R. , & McKee, A. (2004). Primal Leadership. Resonant leadership, 20. University of Birmingham Intranet. Retrieved on 1 Sept 2013 from: https://intranet. birmingham. ac. uk/as/employability/careers/international/country- profiles/argentina/business. aspx. Gupta, V. , Gita, S. , Javidan, M. , & Jagdeep, C. (2002). â€Å"Southern Asia Cluster: Where the Old Meets the New? †Journal of World Business, Volume 37:1, 16-27. Henry, S. (2009). Chinese Leadership and Emotional Intelligence. How Do Chinese Leaders Handle Emotions? Progress-U Limited. Retrieved on 8 Sept 2013 from: http://www. progressu. com/ezine-eq-for-leaders-2009-4. php Javidan, M. & House, R. (2002). â€Å"Leadership and Cultures around the World: Findings from GLOBE,†Journal of Business, Volume 37:1, 1-2. Jesuino, J. (2002). â€Å"Latin Europe Cluster; from South to North,†Journal of World Business, Volume 37:1, 81-89. Li, A (2013) South China Morning Post, Xi Jinping’s Emotional Intelligence Comments Spark Debate. Retrieved on 8 Sept 2013 from: http://www. scmp. com/news/china/article/1242750/xi-jinpings-emotional-intelligence-comments-spark-debate Margavio, T. M. , Margavio, G. W. , Hignite, M. A. , & Moses, D. R. (2012). A Comparative Analysis of the Emotional Intelligence Levels of American and Chinese Business Students, College Student Journal, 46(4), 776-787. Van Genderen, E. (2010). An Investigation into the Relationship between the Leadership Competencies, Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Styles of Russian Managers Working for MNCs. Retrieved from http://www. scielo. gpeari. mctes. pt/pdf/egg/vi5ni.
The Hypotheses Regarding Stonehenge Architecture Essay
Stonehenge is a set of earthworks and an ancient memorial located in Wiltshire, England. It is considered the most celebrated and visited site in the universe and is one of the enigmas in the universe which has ne'er been revealed. However, many people have created legion myths and fabrications to explicate enigmas behind it. Despite the legion myths and fabrications, there has been limited information sing Stonehenge ‘s creation/development. Most research workers and theoreticians refer to it as a rock memorial, a elephantine or ancient megalith. Archeologist Mike Parker Pearson has proposed a figure of hypothesis sing Stonehenge and its surrounding. He indicated that Stonehenge was used as a burial land from historical beginnings. In other words, Stonehenge represented a topographic point of the dead. The cremated remains found at the site acted as grounds and they indicated that entombments took topographic point at the site every bit early as 3000 BC ( Gargen 112 ) . Mike Pearson farther indicated that the arrangement of artefacts and Gravess around Stonehenge provided good grounds that the site was reserved as a sphere of the dead. New carbon 14 day of the months of human remains dug from the ancient Stonehenge in Southwest England indicate that the memorial was used as a graveyard. Initially, archaeologists had believed that Stonehenge had acted as burial evidences every bit early as 2700 and 2600 BC ( Gargen 114 ) . Peoples buried at Stonehenge were believed to hold been the elite of the environing society ; an early royal British dynasty. This hypothesis appears to be scientific due to the grounds provided by new wireless C day of the months of homo remains found in the memorial. Parker Pearson besides held the hypotheses that Stonehenge was a Centre for ascendant worship that was connected by River Avon and two other ceremonial avenues to a duplicate wooden circle near Durrington Walls. The ground as to why he held the hypotheses is due to the big colonies of houses found nearby Stonehenge. This reinforced his belief that both the colony and Stonehenge created a portion of a big ancient ceremony composite. He went in front and indicated that the two circles with lasting and impermanent constructions made a clear representation of the life and the dead spheres severally. He besides pointed out that the orientation of the rock circle pointed to sunrise and sunset on cardinal seasonal day of the months which clearly indicated it was a topographic point of ceremonial. On his hypotheses, Mike Pearson stated that Stonehenge was non a memorial in isolation ; instead it was really one of a brace connoting that it was made of both rock and lumber. The theory behind this is that Stonehenge is a type of spirit place to the ascendants. This hypothesis appears to be pseudo-scientific since there is no scientific grounds behind it.MentionGargen, Josphath. Theories behind Stonehenge. 2nd erectile dysfunction. New York: New York Press, 2003.Your NameANTH 160 – Section 02SJSU – Fall 2009Teacher:Robert Simpkins11/24/092 B )Describe the basic cultural characteristics and development of the Mound edifice Cultures of Eastern North America ( and particularly separating between the Woodland and Mississippian Cultures ) , and explain why they were attributed to a ‘lost race ‘ by 19th century bookmans. It is believed that mold builders were greatly involved in edifice of Earth plants every bit good as hills. The ceremonial and burial constructions were characteristically level topped pyramids or level topped cones and at some times a assortment of other signifiers. Some hills took after unusual forms such as the study of cosmologically important animate beings and were branded effigy hills name. Monk ‘s hill is one of the best known level topped pyramidal earthen ware at Cahokia, while Serpent hill found in southern Ohio is 5 pess tall, 1330 pess long and 20 pess broad takes the form of a snake ( Ian 86 ) . The hill builders included legion different tribal groups and chiefdoms that held unto a perplexing aggregation of beliefs and sole civilizations which were united together by the shared architectural pattern of hill building. The initial mold edifice was an early marker of merely get downing political and societal complexness among the civilizations in the Eastern United States. Woodlands civilization: a prehistoric civilization of eastern North America dates back in the first century. It is used to mention to Native American societies remaining in eastern United States. Adena and Hopewell were the earliest forest groups who inhabited Mississippi river vales and Ohio between 800 BC and 800 AD. Adena and Hopewell are normally known for their monolithic entombment hills, frequently modified with finely crafted sedate points. Initially, Adena were huntsmans and gatherers while Hopewell lived in small towns. The Mississippian civilization was developed around 700 A.D. It was developed by a population of husbandmans who practiced agricultural agriculture and deep-rooted harvests such as maizes, beans and squash. They besides engaged in a twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours runing. Mississippian civilization was ab initio a hill edifice Native American civilization. However, from about 800 CE to 1500 CE, it greatly flourished in what is normally known as Eastern, Midwestern and Southeastern United States ( Ian 76 ) . Mississippian civilization is considered different from the forest civilization on the footing that the Mississippian hills appear to be rectangular or square, big, level topped, mesa like platforms on which temples or houses were built. On the other manus, the forest hills are conelike, earthen constructions covering entombments in which wonderfully carved stone pipes and isinglass cutouts that are found along with skeletal remains. In add-on, burial hills were dominant during the forest period ( 100 B.C. to 400 A.D. ) , while temple hills predominated during the Mississippian period ( 1000 AD ) . Both Mississippian and forest civilizations were attributed to as a ‘lost race ‘ by the nineteenth century bookmans due to the fact that the new euro-American colonists were non willing to accept the fact that the hills had been built by the Native American Peoples. They were hence displacing and destructing most of the hills so as to plough away grounds. Consequently, the civilizations came along as a lost race in America.MentionIan, Bridgeston. The Mould Building Cultures. California: Anvil Press, 2000.Your NameANTH 160 – Section 02SJSU – Fall 2009Teacher:Robert Simpkins11/24/093B )Describe the history of Easter Island as it has been reconstructed by archeologists ; is this history a utile metaphor for the Earth? Is it similar or different from what happened in to other civilisations, and what can be learned from analyzing it? Easter Island, besides known as Rapa Nui is one of the universes celebrated but least visited archaeological sites located in the Pacific Ocean. The island is largely celebrated due to its 887 bing monumental statues( moai )which were created by Rapanui people. It is a bantam, presently treeless, hilly Island of volcanic nature ; lifting over 10,00ft from the floor of Pacific Ocean. Peterson ( 23 ) , states that Easter Island is among the youngest inhabited districts in the universe, and a larger portion of its history is that it was one of the most stray inhabited district. Easter Island was discovered three hundred old ages ago by European adventurers amidst the big infinite in South Pacific Ocean. Dutch adventurer, Jacob Roggeveen rediscovered it on Easter twenty-four hours in 1722, therefore the acquisition of its name ; Easter Island. During that clip, the Island was inhabited by a public of Polynesian beginning who had arrived from Marquesas Islands many centuries earlier. This has been proven by the Deoxyribonucleic acid extracts that were collected from the location. It is besides believed that the dwellers had come in with assorted workss, nutrients, tools and animate beings such as bananas, Sweet murphies, sugar cane, hogs, and poulets among others so as to get down a new life. Archeologists hold that there were three civilizations which lived on Easter Island around 400 AD. During this clip, the island was inhabited by people who specialized in doing little rock statues. After some clip, another civilisation broke down the statues and greatly used them to build long temple platforms known as ahus. They besides carved 600 plus tremendous rock flops taking the signifier of human existences and placed them on the ahus. It is believed that about 15 statues are still held by some ahus. Archaeological grounds indicates a fast devastation of the woods within a few centuries after the reaching of human existences. This played a major function in the decrease of woods and plantation in the island. The society played a function in the decrease of woods and plantations since they cleared land to works grasses, cut down trees to build canoes, they had besides come in with rats which devoured the seeds. By the terminal of 15th century, the full wood had disappeared, the fruits had died out and tree species were nonextant. The extinction of the animate beings in the Island was every bit thorough as that of the forest. All species of native land birds became nonextant and the shellfish were exploited. This led to the prostration of Easter Island ‘s society. The history of Easter Island is a utile metaphor of the planet Earth. The lesson obtained from Easter Island was that inequality and scarceness of important resources played a great function in happening of race murder. Consequently, a societal prostration of the society life in the island took topographic point. David ( 43 ) , states that during the seventh century, around 50 people arrived on Easter Island and increased to more than 70,000 by seventeenth century.MentionDavid, Myer. The history of Easter Island. 3rd erectile dysfunction. Cambridge: Cambridge Press.Your NameANTH 160 – Section 02SJSU – Fall 2009Teacher:Robert Simpkins11/24/094 ) Stonehenge as an ancient Centre of mendingThis appears to be an interesting subject since Stonehenge is normally known as a burial site among the archaeologists. However, Tim Darvil and Geoff Wainwright have come up with the grounds that the memorial acted as a Centre of mending. Margaret ( 57 ) , states that monolithic Numberss of Britons flocked at the sight with the purpose of bring arounding their diseases and mending present hurts. Many dwellers believed that the rock found at the site had charming and mending qualities which greatly attracted legion pilgrims to the site. A adult male ‘s Remains at about five stat mis from Stonehenge were discovered by the two archaeologists. The remains collected indicated that the adult male had a knee cap infection and a terrible tooth eruption. This was hence used as strong grounds by the two archaeologists and they came up with the theory that the adult male may hold died on his manner to the mending evidences ( Stonehenge ) . In add-on, a skeleton analysis which was found three stat mis from the memorial indicated that the adult male had travelled a long distance and was enduring from a potentially deathly dental disease. It was hence concluded that he had travelled that long distance as a manner of seeking for the rocks associated with the mending power. Most archaeologists remain inexorable that the site and the environing country were majorly used as a burial land. To endorse their healing hypothesis, Darvill and Wainwright studied the bluish rocks found at the site and which were believed to hold been at that place since 2400 BC and 2200 BC. Having studied 14 samples of organic stuff such as the bone in the trench and carbonized works remains, they indicated that it was good grounds that the evidences provided first-class mending evidences to the community. The blue rock survey undermines the chief theory suggested by Mike Parker Pearson that the memorial acted chiefly as burial evidences and hereditary site where people held ceremonials and offered forfeits to the ascendants. Other important finds from the excavation have been made at the memorial. A series of little rocks broken down from the larger standing 1s were discovered and the archaeologists believed that the rocks were used as lucky appeals. This provided the grounds that the ancient people believed in the healing belongingss of the rocks. The archaeologists besides believed that the bluish rocks had legion healing belongingss since there were a figure of sacred springs in Preseli which were considered to hold wellness giving qualities. The two archaeologists besides quoted the twelfth century Monk indicating that the rocks were thought to hold medicative belongings. The grounds uncovered by their digs portrayed that people were come offing and traveling off pieces of the bluestones through the Roman epoch through the in-between ages. In relation to the finds made refering Stonehenge, it can be concluded that Stonehenge is a popular and powerful topographic point of pilgrim's journey. However, there is no support that the memorial ‘s mending power truly worked.MentionsMargaret, Katherine. The enigma behind Stonehenge. Harvard: Harvard Press, 2002.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Communication Leaflet Essay
Idea occurs: this is when you think of an idea that you want to communicate. We all communicate for a reason, which is usually to pass on information to another person. Message coded: once we have thought of an idea we compose this within our thoughts, how we are going to say our idea to the recipient in a way the recipient will understand. For example, is the message going to be spoken to them, do they speak English. Is the message going to written down for them or are we going to use sign language, if so, what signs are we going to use to portray our message. Message sent: idea/message sent to the recipient. Message received: message is received by the other person. The recipient senses they have a message, for example either by seeing the message you’re signing or have written to them or hearing the message you’re speaking to them. Message decoded: recipient looks at the message and has to process what you have communicated for them to understand what has been spoken, signed or written, the message could be misunderstood easily by interpreting words differently. Message understood: the message has been received, decoded and understood by the recipient. If it has been communicated clearly, for example if there were no barriers within the communication cycle, the recipient will show their understanding by replying to your message. As the conversation continues, the sender of the message will then become the receiver of the replied message and so on and so on. Example of a message being sent using the Communication Cycle. The cycle will only continue if both parties understand what one another are sending, they can only do this by listening and processing what is being sent, understand then you can reply appropriately. In the communication cycle, things don’t always go smoothly and communication can break down when the cycle is broken. The cycle can break if the sender is unclear when they are sending their message or the receiver can misunderstand the message due to other distractions and then assume something else was being sent. Working in health and social care, your communicational skills are one of the most important skills you’ll need and use everyday. When communicating with patients/service users it is important they understand what discussions are taking place so they can join in them and it is equally as important for you to understand them so you know what they need and the choices they want to make. Communication barriers There are so many barriers that could affect communication between people. For example: Noisy surroundings: these can be a barrier as you may not be hear what is being spoken over the noise. For example, The manager of a care home was having a staff meeting when they were distracted with a noisy drilling and hammering sounds from workmen using loud tools in the room next door.. To overcome a noisy distraction you could ask the workmen how long they are going to be and if it isn’t too long you may take a break or postpone your meeting until they have finished. You could ask if they could delay theirs works for the remainder of your meeting. If this is not possible, rearrange your meeting for a later day, move room location for the remainder of the meeting. Disabilities: A physically disabled person attending their eye appointment and there is no lift at the opticians. To overcome this barrier you would enquire to see if the have another means to transporting the service user up the stairs and if this was not possible, enquire if the appointment could take place downstairs and if this was not possible, arrange an appointment where they can accommodate a wheelchair. Cultural differences: same meaning but different beliefs in different cultures. For example, eye contact when initially greeting some cultures is important but continuing eye contact is seen as a sign of disrespect. Some cultures like you to introduce yourself, they like a smile and a shake of hands. They are particular with the way they shake hands, extend the hand out and gently touch the other person’s hand, they don’t like the strong grasping shake of hands that the some cultures have. Bad lighting: bad lighting can be a distraction for example, someone who is visually impaired and wears glasses is at a meeting and the bright florescent lights are reflecting off their lenses or flickering distracting their sight. To overcome this barrier, you would enquire of any disabilities people may have, such as visual impairments or epilepsy and would not use lighting that will affect their condition or change room locations if the problem of flickering lights persists. Jargon: is technical terminology used by professionals for example, when a doctor uses full medical terminology when speaking to a service user and they do not explain what they mean in a way the service user can understand. Slang: is wording and phrases that are used by service users that could have several ways of being misinterpreted by others, for example, the elder service users may say they have water problems, and they are meaning they have toileting problems, we may think they mean tap water problems. Slang can be used when all parties understand. Language barriers: someone who doesn’t speak in a language you understand, for example, they are foreign or they can only communicate with sign language. To overcome a language barrier, enquire what language they communicate and have in place a signer if needed or a translator. Body language: is an aid to expressing what we want to communicate, verbally and none verbally. Body language that can be misinterpreted, for example, a manager stood at their office door with their arms folded may be seen as they are angry when really they are stood there listening as they are waiting for a visitor. Aggression: an aggressive attitude is often a barrier as this behaviour is frightening to others and can be intimidating. Mobile phones: ringing at the wrong time, for example, you are at Sunday mass with a service user and whilst your at the alter with the service user, your mobile phone rings. To ensure mobile phones do not ring, put signs in place to ask people to kindly turn their mobiles on silent if they cannot turn them off for any reason.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Taxation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Taxation - Essay Example 50,760.34 Salary - Tax - NIC Tax brackets Income 10% (starting rate for savings only) 0 - ?2,560 20% for basic rate 0 - ?35,000 40% for higher rate ?35,001 - ?150,000 50% for additional rate Over ?150,000 (HM revenue and Customs 480 (2011) The liability of income tax payable from the above computation is ?25,718.3. A deduction of personal allowance of 7,475 is made in the year 2011/2012 (Great Britain: Parliament: House of Commons: Treasury Committee, 2011,103). This figure was increased by ?1000 (Budget, 2011, pp.1).The National insurance Contributions (NICs) are calculated under the annual brackets for directors. This is payable by the employer – Jumbo Company under the PAYE system on the payroll. The NICs is ?6,027.7. This is computed under the annual rate of the Upper Earnings Limit (UEL) of 12% of ?42484 minus ?7228 = ?35256 and an addition of 2% of the amount exceeding this figure. The company is liable to pay this amount of ?6,027.7 to the tax authorities. Question 2 Value of taxable benefits in kind Car (see appendix) (10% * ?33,464.19) ?3,464.19 Fuel for car ?20,000 Accommodation (higher of 75,000 at the rate of 4.75%) (3,000,000- 75,000) * 4.75% (Malcolm, 2010, 435) ?138,937.5 House benefit ?15,000 Private health ?3,000 Use of furniture ?35,000 ?215,401.69 NICs Class 1A on benefits (13.8% * ?215,401.69) ?29, 725.4 Section 114, 149, 174 of HM revenue and customs in the United Kingdom explains that benefits in kind including cars for private use, incentives etc. given to directors are taxed at special rates. Although they do not qualify as individual employee’s salary, they are levied for tax purposes. They are levied for income tax at normal tax brackets rates and the deduction for NICs Class 1A is calculated at a higher rate of 13.8 % of the total value of benefits. Section 201(2) of HMRC gives a list of the benefits that are liable for tax purposes. House benefit is taken as the figure of rateable rent payable of that house or the an nual amount given. A car bought by the company is deemed as benefit for the employer when it is used for part or full time use by the director. In our case, the car is for fulltime use. The Co2 emission is 119g/km hence it is liable for a benefit of 10% of its cost according to HMRC tax regulations i.e. it lies under the category of less than 12og/km Co2 emissions. Fuel benefit is taken for the portion used for private purposes. An assumption is made at a figure of ?20,000 fuel usage. The whole amount is a benefit in kind liable for tax computation purposes. If the employer purchases the director’s house, the only allowable amount not liable for tax is a purchase price below ?75,000. The provision of accommodation benefit is taken at a rate of 4.75% of the figure above ?75,000. The cost of this house is ?3,000,000. The only amount liable is ?2,925,000 as an extra charge for accommodation. The total benefit is therefore ?138, 937.5. Use of furniture is gift or an extra benefit from the employer. The whole amount is liable for tax computation under section 201 (2) HMRC. This is an extra expense borne by the employer – Jumbo Company for the director. Contribution by the employer to private medical schemes for the director is a benefit in kind liable for taxation. It is taken as the whole amount paid to the scheme for the director. (House of Commons – Spending Review Committee, 2010, pp. 1) Income tax payable by Mr. Jedward for year 2011/2012 Salary ?89, 011 Total benefits in kind ?215,401.69 Income ?304,412.69
Sunday, July 28, 2019
How Marketing Is Done On an International Scale Research Paper
How Marketing Is Done On an International Scale - Research Paper Example This paper illustrates that culture is the â€Å"collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one group or category of people from another.†It is a phenomenon that involves the values, ideas, practices, â€Å"artifacts and other meaningful symbols†that enable people to understand each other for easier communication. Culture in itself also encompasses the goals that are shared by a community. It embraces the way of life of a group of people, which may differ from the next group. Some of the factors that contribute to such differences are the behaviors and practices of previous generations, which are in turn passed on to the next generation by way of tradition. All of these factors, embodied by culture, influences how one treats a fellow human being, how one communicates and negotiates, how one processes information and formulates a decision. The values that are inherent in culture help mold an individual in making important decisions such as wo rk and may be the determining factor in helping that individual achieve success. Understanding the culture of a group of people is very important in marketing, especially in such a field as complex as international marketing. This is because everything that a consumer does, even down to the way the consumer thinks, is heavily influenced by his/her culture. This is what makes marketing quite challenging, because cultures vary from one to another, and there are always changes introduced to groups of people that would also modify their culture. Indeed, the culture in the 19th century is different from how it is currently. In the same way, marketing strategies are also bound to change.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
North Korea's threat to Peace and Stability Research Paper
North Korea's threat to Peace and Stability - Research Paper Example In the 1950, North Korea allied to the communist states and precisely, the U.S.S.R, then under the command of Joseph Stalin. Similarly, the republic of South Korea allied to the United States of America for protection and economic propulsion. The end of the Second World War marked the beginning of rivalry among communist and capitalist. Each group had different ideologies to development, leadership, and relations (Segell, 2005). The communist held tight fists on dictatorial regimes hoping, thus diminishing democracy to the lowest point, and undermining economic progression since most properties belonged to government, and there was no privatization whatsoever. North Korea desired to acquire the Southern country, and under the support of communist, the country invaded the South but foreign troops held it back (Kim, 2011). Thereafter, the country endeavored in militarizing the troops through the provision of mass destruction weapons, hoping to stand better chances against enemies. The following is an outline of the course to militarization, competing for supremacy, and threats to world peace in the country of North Korea. The course to militarization The family of Kim IL Sung has continuously indulged in armament of its troops through nuclear enrichments and provision of superior weapons. Further, the number of active arms total to more than a million out of a twenty two million-population count. This tally of officers represents 4.51% of the population, bearing in mind that almost all the citizens undergo military training. Therefore, North Korea is the first country in the world to militarize in relation to the population. At this point, advocacy for the acts of armament and nuclear development in the country remain a secret in the country’s heart of monarchical and dictatorial family of the Kim’s (Segell, 2005). Years after the Second World War, North Korea embarked on aggressions against neighbors, China, and South Korea. The country stands read y for any possible threats and challenges neighbors to war acrimonies by stressing on the urge to try military activities over their territories. The successions of Kim IL Sung and family lineage, over the leadership of North Korea to the current leader, Kim Jong-un tend to worsen the situation (Pak, 2000). Instead of defecting from their predecessors’ indulgence to nuclear armament, they enhance the projects. Militarization The state of North Korea produced weapons even at a time when famine befell the country for at least three years. During that famine period, estimations reveal that 800,000 to 1,300,000 citizens died of hunger whilst the country targeted military supremacy over the lives of the people. This occurred between 1994, and 1998 and the country’s leadership declined involvement of any humanitarian organization to the calamity, mentioning the strengths it had to tame the calamity. The country preferred military stability to economic, thus during the famine , the authorities did little to save the people, but ran expensive and intense nuclear programs at the time. The leader argued that, nuclear and weaponry stability was for the best interest of the entire nation. Initially, the United States of America assisted North Korea in eradication of a binding statute that deterred any nuclear operations in Korea. The US took the opportunity to acquaint southern and home country troops with nuclear weapons, while other nations declared the act as perpetrating
Friday, July 26, 2019
Team operating guide lines and principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Team operating guide lines and principles - Essay Example (1995) found that â€Å"[t]eams that evaluated themselves as more effective on team interpersonal process also regarded themselves as more successful venture businesses†(Watson et al., 1995). Therefore, it is important to consider deal with all team members equally in both responsibility and accountability. All group members will take notes during meetings. Notes will be prepared individually. Notes should be in writing. The notes will cover full length of the meeting. Notes will be reviewed at the end of meeting. Meetings are organized for promoting mutual understanding and sharing insights. In order for the goal of any kind of meeting to be achieved, it is critically important that all attendees mutually know the contents (Cramton, 2001). It is, therefore, required that all team members prepare notes individually while the meeting is in progress. This way, they can have the minutes of meeting prepared individually. Later, they can share and compare the contents to ensure everybody is on the same board. effectiveness in venture partnerships and its connection to perceived success. Journal of Business Venturing. 10(5), 393-411. Retrieved from
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Value Creation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Value Creation - Essay Example Upon complaining, the attendant would have provided me with another bag of chips or refund me. Evenson (2011) is of the assumption that good customer service is a great determinant of a business success. The author further asserts that good customer service creates an attractive business image in the market (Evenson, 2011). The customer preference is influenced by the human nature requirement of positive interaction. Organizations that spend heavily on creating an effective customer service strategy tend to succeed more that business that ignore the factor. In an argument by Evenson (2011) investing in the creation of an exceptional customer service system improves the market position of an organization. This is based on that good customer service also acts as a marketing strategy. From the arguments presented, it is an accurate assumption that good customer service is a basic business operational requirement. Businesses risk losing market relevance and preference if they ignore the significance and role of good customer
Strategic Information Systems ICT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Strategic Information Systems ICT - Essay Example In this scenario we are aimed at analyzing the basic issues regarding corporate information and data dealing. This kind of issues can emerge while transferring and dispatching and data and information. In addition, these issues can harm the corporate credibility and performance. In this scenario, the basic intention is to assess all the possible impacts that data security issues can place on the corporate market standing and customer relationship management. This research will compare and contracts the possible influences that a data or information breach can place on business. Here we will try to involve all possible stakeholders who can play role in the whole situation. However, major stakeholders that are involved in this scenario include business staff, outsider business rivals and hackers. These all categories will be inspected to assess their possible interest in business working and operational performance. I will make use of the drill down approach to assess and evaluate the overall working and performance related issues. These issues will be about the security and ethical aspects related. Part 2 Ethical Issues in ICT Assessing and determining the influence of a new technology, like that ICT could be extremely complicated task. In fact, ICT does not simply engage technological scenarios, however as well epistemology as the major part of ICT is information that demonstrates information, data and knowledge. In addition, ICT helps expand the capability of mankind to gather, process, store, recognize, utilize, develop, and distribute information at a speed as well as scale that had never been thought probable previously. Additionally, a number of influences as well as transformations of ICT are noticeable, however lots of are... This research aims to evaluate and present Ready Rural as a large size business corporation. Currently, the business deals with a lot of customers, supplier and involving stakeholders. There is a great chance of the security issues and privacy concerns such as loss of data and security at the corporate arrangement. In fact, the business data is transmitted and sent to a variety of people having major stack in business. In this scenario there is a chance of security breaches and privacy issues. Transactions are transferred and recorded in database of Ready Rural business at main data centers. The contents of e-communications and databases and other private information can be accessed by prohibited individuals and organizations if they are not strongly protected. The huge business setup of Ready Rural Business deals with a lot of business transactions every day. In this scenario there are greater chances of having some error during entry of data feeding level. In addition, the informat ion inserted into business databases is prone to device and human faults and error. Addition, the computer programs that execute different processes can hold thousands of issues and errors. As a result, these issues and errors are able to produce wrong as well as confusing information regarding organizations and individuals. Moreover, the information and programs errors might consequence in financial loss at Ready Rural Business, or even the loss of lives because Ready Rural Corporation has steel processing plant that has a really dangerous working environment.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Relevance of Core Competency for the Attainment of Competitive Essay
Relevance of Core Competency for the Attainment of Competitive Advantage - Essay Example The exponential increase in competition compels the organizations to implement effective strategies with the aid of strategic analysis to survive in the market. Olson and Bolton (2002) stated that the attainment of competitive advantage and development of core competencies have become two of the main goals of business owners in the prevailing times. 2. Overview of Competitive Advantage and Core Competency The domain of competitive advantage has been studied by numerous researchers over the years. Michael Porter is one of the prominent researchers in the study of strategic management and strategic analysis; he stated that competitive advantage is defined as the strategies implemented by an organization to compete in the market while combating the external forces in the environment. The possession of competitive advantage enables the company to have an edge over the prevailing services and products in the market. One of the most vital contributions of Porter (1998) has been the accumul ation of strategies to attain competitive advantage in the form of â€Å"Wheel of Competitive Advantage†: Figure 1: Wheel of Competitive Strategy (Porter, 1998) It can be seen from the above figure that the attainment of competitive advantage is spread across all the departments and functions of an organization while being influenced by the goals and objectives of the organization. Dividend Tree (2009) stated that core competencies bear great relevance for any organization since they facilitate survival in competitive markets. Brown (2002) defined core competencies in a simple manner and stated that core competencies are those tangible and intangible resources of a company that enable a company to compete in the market in the presence of competitors. Core competencies become sources of great revenues and value for the customers. Gardelliano (2002) stated that core competencies may be an outcome of the following factors: Related Knowledge: Knowledge is an important intangible asset for any organization, for example, customer buying behaviors, sales forecasting on the basis of past and current sales records etc. Set of Skills: Set of skills includes the abilities to perform business operations, for example implementation of business plans, level of expertise possessed by the employees etc. Attributes: Attributes are related to the qualitative aspects of the business operations that might include the quality of the service, customer relations etc. The amalgamation of these aspects results in the production of core competencies for organizations and makes their service and products unique as compared to the competitors in the market. 3. Process of Development of Core Competency Organizational identity is a relevant asset since it has an effect on the competitive advantage of any organization. Glowa (2001) explained that the identity of an organization is an accumulation of the unique aspects, organizational performance and core values that it can introduce in its services and products. Jeyavelu (2006) stated that if organizational identity is directed towards the achievement of unique business goals and operations of the company then it can contribute towards the attainment of competitive advantage. However, Voss, Cable and Voss (2006) pointed out that these factors cannot bear much relevance if organizational identity is not supported by the top management of the organizati
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Change management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3
Change management - Assignment Example Convincing them to see the advantages of the technology, especially information technology can be a hard thing for them, unfortunately, for managers it is all about money and they want to know that every investment they make will have a return to the firm in the form of profits (Dawson, 2015). In this regard, it is easier for a proposal to increase the machinery to gain support and financing from the managers than a proposal to create a new IT system. To make the situation even worse, IT projects do not always have a direct return of investment and it is always hard for the return in investment to be measured in terms of economic returns (, 2013). The main returns that can be achieved from IT investments are efficiency, happier customers, better management of information and other related advantages. These are very hard to measure in term of fiscal numbers. Because of this, it becomes very hard to convince the managers that the IT system will be useful to the firm and that it is a worthy investment (ECameron, Inc, 2011). Yet, without the support of the managers both in terms of the financing and the support to have the organization accept the new system, this can be a big barrier to the success of the project. Employees’ resistance is also another thing that has to be considered. This is especially with regard to change. According to Meliorate (2013), many people are afraid of change because they see it as a risk as opposed to seeing it as an opportunity. The fear of change is even more amplified when Information Technology is the one in consideration. Many employees may look at the project as a potential risk to their jobs (Creech, 2011). This will be caused by a number of factors . First, in the past, it has become evident that IT system can and do replace employees. Because of this, employees may feel that they may end up being victimized by being laid
Monday, July 22, 2019
European trails Essay Example for Free
European trails Essay As I amazed with the beauty of the European trails through backpacking, I began to investigate some of the reasons behind these magnificent sceneries. Since I have not been in Europe, the internet and my friends who have been in Europe are my two primary source of information. But the former gives a lot more details and information regarding Europe as compared to the stories of my friends. Internet could give information on the whereabouts of these places as well as the price tags of these adventures. The All Mountain Vacation web page is one of the sites that I tried to get the necessary information. It gives the minute details on how to get in a backpacker’s site in France. It includes the information about the whereabouts of the hotels and restaurants to dine in. also, the page includes the description of the terrains and the history of the place. It is very exciting to know that they preserve this beautiful region for such a very long time. They include the first hotel to stay in. They also mentioned the level of difficulty in tracking down the terrains. One of the interesting packages that they offer is that you would actually encounter the local people in these places. I also did some researches for my favorite spots like the West Highland Way in the western Scotland. It is just 100 miles in length although the exotic beauty of the scenery and the outrageous ambience of the place have kept the backpackers to return. This trail has long been discovered by the early Romans and they used it to conquer Scotland. About 20,000 people defended this place to protect the western Scotland. The West Highland Way was one of the major routes that have been used in war and it is a very memorable place for the local people today. As of now, about fifty thousand people form Scotland and other countries come to visit this place. And the people that experienced the beauty of this region always find ways to come back yearly. It is one of the flagships of terrains in all of the United Kingdom. There is a section in the website where the foreign visitors comment on the European services and accommodations. They would tell that there are plenty of fabulous people to meet Also, European ambience is perfect for families according to one of the comments of the visitors. The hotels and facilities are superb and organized. The peaceful environment makes it very ideal for those people who would want a relaxing vacation. Since Europe has relatively cooler environment than most regions, backpacking in summer the people can unwind indefinitely. There is website that offers package that includes an eight-day trip to different places in France. Everyday, there is a new destination to go to and different hotels are expecting them. I also noticed the punctuality that they show because they scheduled the time up to the last minute. The accommodation that they give is comparably higher than most of the American packages. The package price for this expedition is roughly $1300. most of their clients would come from different places such as the United States, Japan and other European countries as well. Section III: What I Found Out So why does this European accommodation differ from the others? And how well they could keep the cleanliness of their own natural parks and mountains? Since the people in Europe have very high standards of living, the possibility of the price of accommodation here is expected to be high. After thorough investigation of the European trails, I found out that it is quite good to explore. The European countries have the facilities to utilize in order to maximize the beauty of their nature. In this sense, more sophisticated equipments and gadgets are being used so that optimum level of performance and quality are attained. For example, they have high technological gadgets such as the GPS which could enable them to track down the routes in the forests. They even have garbage containers in the mountains to assure that the Mother Nature is free from wastes. It is something missing in most of the countries where there is abundance of nature locations such as those in the Asian region. Moreover, the sceneries that could be seen in this region can be boasted all throughout the world since they have some of the most magnificent terrains worldwide. Form the Ural Mountains to the Alps, there are limitless possibilities of defining the beauty of this region. Some say that Europe is a place that was blessed by God the abundance of nature and peace. Switzerland for example is a European country that boasts magnificent views and sceneries. Its temperate climate and cool ambient temperature makes it very ideal for those who are planning to get a summer vacation. This country lies in the central Europe where mountain peaks collide with each other. There are many theme parks and other amusement areas where backpackers like me would surely love. Among its magnificent sites are the snow covered mountains and the crystal clear lakes. It also has some animal and botanical gardens to visit. There are many high-quality restaurants throughout the country and most of them are internationally recognized. Meanwhile, I also admire the beauty of the French terrains. Although this country is known for its romantic ambience, I do not expect that it has full of exciting terrains to visit. Numerous establishments surround their nature parks and they have the atmosphere is actually hospitable for guests and visitors. Beside Paris, where the lovers stay, countryside of France is also a magnet for those who would like to zip champagne and walk around the grape yards. Although the beaches are not as comparable as those in the tropical countries, their mountains and other sceneries are not matched by their beauty. Since this region is small compared to America or Asia or even Africa, we could see the limit of place to go through. But the society here is as old as time has begun and they are very interesting to see. Backpacking is not always a trip to the Mother Nature but it is also an activity where backpackers could explore the metropolis and other cities. In terms of the service that they provide to the clients especially those backpackers, I would say that they have the experience of entertaining these people. They train themselves to prove to everybody that they are world class and that their standards are one of the highest in the contemporary world. It could be proven that they have high standards of living by the way they interact with foreign people. Most of the people in Europe have high income and they can afford to do their leisure activity in the way that they are pleased. And to match the quality of life they are having right now, they provide the most convenient and maximum effort to accommodate other races. It could be noticed from the way they build their hotels and establishments. They have an advance society that has the capability of providing an excellent community. Their hotels are some of the most sophisticated hotels in the world. I would not blame the high price of the tour packages that they offer because they do the right thing to give the best possible ambience for the tourists. The European community also ensures the security of the people from their territory and thus it is more secured to travel in this region. They are very strict in accepting tourists because they want to ensure that they would not be sabotage by terrorist and other notorious groups of people. The sanitation that they imposed on the environment could not be paralleled by others who tried to imitate. Also, the cool environment is one of the reasons why tourists keep on touring this region. During the spring and summer, while most of the tropical countries are very hot and humid, most European countries has a mild weather temperature like Germany and Switzerland. They provide a cool and refreshing atmosphere suitable for those people living in the topical countries. I also learned that the beauty of nature should be maintained and preserve by the local people nearby. The local government is also a key factor in preserving the nature. They are responsible for the development of these areas because they mandated to do this. Europe is being united by the formation European Union which the goal is to protect and develop all countries of Europe. And now, almost all of the European countries are members of the EU and other countries are also planning to conglomerate to the unification of Europe. By the cooperation of the local people and the government, nature would be protected thoroughly. Europe has responsible citizens that cooperate and honest governments that rule. Basically, all of these would attribute to the greatness of this region. As for the part of the backpackers, they would have the best experience if they travel to Europe. Mountain treks and national park reserves are some of the best places to visit. Also, the exploration of major cities in Europe can give excitement to adventurous people like me. Given the money, although there are also some trips that are very economical, and the will, they would have a perfect time exploring this region while at the same time enjoying the advantages and luxury that the European accommodations are offering. I hope that someday, even those people living in poor countries could avail this wonderful experience also. References: Edc Content Tours. 1994. Education Development Center, Inc. December 11 2006. http://main. edc. org/tours/parent612. asp.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Zara vs HM Supply Chain | Case Study
Zara vs HM Supply Chain | Case Study In todays business environment, most of fast fashion retailers are tend to globalization that aiming achieves further growth, and it is the necessity action when the competition in domestic market is becomes fierce (Vida and Fairhurst, 1998) However, different fast fashion retailers (Zara, HM, and Benetton) have its different approach to support its international expansion ambition which will discuss in detail below. Theoretically, there are three different modes of market entry strategies were be consider internationally that included Wholly-owned subsidiary, Joint Ventures or Partnership, and Franchising (Johnson et al., 2008). In recent decade, Zara is aiming much to the international market because Zara are facing stagnant result by the heavy recession in its home country, Spain. However, Zara are tendency expended internationally through wholly-owned stores. By the beginning, Zara will open a flagship store in the major city. After obtain the experience that useful for operating locally, Zara will added the number of its own stores in adjoining areas. This pattern of market expansion is called as oil stain by Inditex. The main reason that Zara are favorite in expended internationally by wholly-owned stores is because Zara believe that the controlling a large part of supply chain which include own its own store is the only way to achieve the shortest lead time. In other words, Zara focuses on speed through control. Zara tend to have used franchising and joint venture method in the countries where this is a legal necessity and administrative barriers, otherwise, Zara will mainly focus on company-owned stores (Garcia, 2010). Similarity, HM mainly choose the wholly-owned subsidiary entry mode to expended internationally that similar as Zara doing. The chain of company-owned stores is the main distribution channel in HM, which means that it is allowing HM can tight control on every stores operation and own the right of store locations decision. The store location must be located in the prime location such as major town or cities shopping area. HM always chooses the way of investing directly in the foreign markets where is politically stable and high growth purchasing power such as European markets, Asian markets and North American (Li and Frydrychowska, 2008). However, in Middle East, because of the legal restriction, HM is impossible to operate wholly owned subsidiaries. Therefore, HM change its original entry mode and partnership with franchisee Alshaya, which is one of the biggest retailers in Middle East. That is, HM sells the clothes on wholesale and deliver them to its partner, which Alshaya stocks t hese clothes and sell them in shops. Meanwhile, HM puts everything under its control that includes store location decision, range of merchandise, arrangement inside the store and the training of the staff in order to remain the HM company concept. It is so-called franchising (Walter, 2009). Unlike the Zara and HM, most of the Benetton shops in market were not company-owned. Benetton have sold its products in 5,800 mono-brand stores that distribute throughout the world, and 95% of which are in franchising. It is not same as those of the franchising contract. There was informally franchised to shopkeepers with royalties were not requested and granted no exclusive right. Benetton was the first Italian fast fashion company that used the quasi-franchising system to retailing. That is, Benetton coordinated by its independent partners or agents who are working on commission to recruited franchisees and collected their orders. When these franchisees open several independent shops in the same urban area, it will not only produce a positive iteration effect on end consumers but also a dissuasive effect on its rivals (Garcia, 2010). Indeed, Benettons international expansion relies predominantly on its network of independent retailer, this franchising method is beneficiary Benetton more easily to enter the new markets where culture barriers and registration on wholly-owned. Besides, it is allow the Benetton can expand without investing too much of its own capital, that was good for Benetton open its success journey at the beginning that lacked of necessary capital. This system is allowing Benetton has a fast growth of sales and it is becomes the driving element of a strategy for Benettons global expansion. However, since the commission for agent is only encourages sales, there is little direct incentive to share business intelligence with Benetton or share best practices to those agents. Therefore, it may encourage the free rider problem (DocShare, 2010). After analysis three companies global expansion journey, we can found that Zara and HM are still struggling on its brand internationalization. Zara believe that controlling a large part of the chain is the only way to guarantee fastest throughput time. It may lead Zara sinking an enormous of necessary capital. Subsequently, Zara is primarily rely on company-owned store entry methods therefore it is lead to Zara bearing a big obstacles and investment risk when they enter a countries where are culture barriers, wholly-owned restrictions and managerial barriers. Doole and Lowe (2008) says that internationalization should tends to be an incremental process, which means that Zara should not to choose wholly-owned entry modes but franchise to access the countries when they are low involvement. Furthermore, Zara didnt have invested in distribution channel to support its internationalization ambitious. The Zaras centralized logistic is work well in the current number of store that majority i n Europe, but it may not able to supply more retail location into other countries (mbaNERDs, 2010). Similarity, HM also implied wholly-owned subsidiary method as its main foreign entry mode as what the Zara doing. HM didnt not follow the Uppsala model which at the beginning with no regular export activities, then export takes place via independent agent, later through a sales subsidiary (franchising or licensing), and eventually manufacturing. HM immediately implied wholly-owned store in all the countries may lead them bearing a high capital investment and failure risk when they operate its store in the unfamiliarity country. Meanwhile, international expansion by investing in retail may be partly because HM is the design-led company and it generally sells its products price at a lower price that Benetton. The high cost of design and store will due to low margin, therefore HM may wish to retain entire retail margin for itself rather than give some of it to franchisee and it may restrict its global expansion. To an even greater extent than Benetton, HM should not invest in between re tailing and design stage of the chain (Li and Frydrychowska, 2008). By comparison with Zara and HM, Benettons supply chain is most competitive in the global expansions aspect. Benettons franchising system is allow the company can enter the new market without the high necessity high cost as Zara and HM, also it is helpful the uncertainty risk when the higher physic distance (e.g. culture different, language, restrictions). Besides, Welch et al., (2007) mention that Benetton has relying on franchising model in term of four main contribution factors: captive distribution network (sell only Benetton goods), no financial commitment (franchisees use its own finance to operate shops), hastens expansion (remove the need to oversee day-to-day performance. The image and strong brand name also has the significant contribution to Benetton. It should be thanks to its marketing effort which is always provide a positive, international, world peace, and characterized by universal themes. It is not only allowing Benetton wining praise and the attention of public but also strengthen its global brand and image (Garcia, 2010). However, there is some recommendation that helpful for Benetton. Since Benetton is always focus image on brand what the Benetton should do is sufficient control through factories that it does have and the stores and franchising that it operates. With this approach, Benettons internationalizations journey can be going with greater far. Hamlet, by Shakespeare | Impact Hamlet, by Shakespeare | Impact There can be no doubt that there once lived a man called William Shakespeare, who was an English poet and playwright. Also known as the Bard of Avon, he is often deemed as the greatest writer in the English language. Not only have his plays been translated into every major language, but they have been performed more than often than those of any other playwright. One play that seems to have been the most discussed is the tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, believed to have been written between 1599 and 1601. The play is set in Denmark and it tells the story of how Prince Hamlet seeks revenge on his uncle Claudius, who has murdered the King, Hamlets father, and then married Queen Gertrude, having taken the throne of Denmark. The play explores themes of revenge, treachery, incest, as well as moral corruption. The core theme, hero-as-fool is widely found (there have been different legends like the Hamlet one in Italy, Spain, Byzantium, Scandinavia and Arabia), although it is believed it has Indo-European roots. In time, Hamlet has exercised a great influence upon the European theatre, not only because of the contemporary themes it is dealing with, but also because of the manner in which it has been written. In the nineteenth century, the majority of people were highly preoccupied about who Hamlet was, and was charging Shakespeare with having written an illogical and badly constructed work of art. The range of possible responses runs from Tolstoys famously perverse dismissal of the play as unintelligible (Tolstoy, 1937), to the most far-reaching claims for its insight into the Nature of Cosmos. (Collins, 1994, p. 1079) What is common in todays beliefs is the theatrical vision. Hamlet is not about morality or philosophy, but about theatre, pure theatre, with words and sceneries. And it is ageless theatre. You can now play Hamlet with the same intensity as 300 years ago and people will not feel as if it is old-fashioned. Although written in the Middle Ages, it speaks about issues that remained very important even in our century. Politics is even now a very controversial and highly disputed subject, a common matter in our everyday lives. And there is at least one version of Hamlet focusing on this matter. Another example would be the moralist Hamlet, who cannot define the idea of right and wrong. Isnt this what we everyday wonder about? What is right and what is wrong? Who can tell where the limits for these two very delicate matters are set? Do all these and the acceptance of the idea that the same themes of Hamlet are the themes on which our lives stand not make Hamlet our contemporary? Isnt it then right to accept the play on the stages of our theatres, the contemporary ones? And if we accept it, do we not have to accept the influence that it has upon more recent plays? Hamlet is one of the few theatre heroes that live even outside the text, outside the theatre (J. Kott, Shakespeare, our contemporary, 1969, p 61). Everyone knows his name, regardless of the fact that they may have never read Shakespeare or known anything about him at all. This is mostly due to the fact that between us, the people, and the play, there have been interposed not only the whole life of Hamlet, but also the dimensions of theatre. And theatre is, as Stella Adler said, the place where people come to see the truth about life and the social situation. (Stella Adler, New York Times, December 22, 1992) Hamlet cannot be performed entirely, for it would last somewhere around six hours. Scenes must be selected, the play must be shortened. This gives the actors the chance to play only one of the Hamlets in abeyance that exist in this creation: the moralist that cannot accept a clear delimitation between good and evil, the intellectual who does not manage to find the reason for actin g or the philosopher for whom the existence of the world is highly questionable. Of course, this will always mean playing less than the whole Shakesperian Hamlet but this may as well mean focusing on only one of the themes: the political one, the violence, the morality, the controversy regarding the relationship between theory and practice or maybe the one concerning the final goals and the meaning of life. What is fascinating about it is that the audience must feel every detail and understand the meaning of every single word. Thus, it is performers who must make the spectators empathise with the character is such a way as to feel and think like him. Through their mimics, intonation or movements, they must take the viewer into Hamlets world and dimension. There is a widespread question about this play, around those who have just read it: Is Hamlet mad indeed, or is he just faking it?, The answer lies in the whole idea of theatre, which, with its cumulus of actions, manages to succeed where words fail in transmitting the message. Hamlet is faking insanity, hes hid ing behind the mask of madness, fully aware of his actions, in order to achieve his goals. This can be fully discovered only after the character has finished performing. Hamlet is like a sponge. If the actor does not play it like an antiquity, it is able to absorb all the contemporanity possible (J. Kott, Shakespeare, our contemporary, 1969, p. 66). And what better example to highlight this that the fact that Hamlets situation has been nothing but imposed. He accepts it but hes against it, assuming the role but, at the same time, remaining behind the role, though he is somebody different from the role. He surpasses it and gains himself a life that changes with time and moulds according to the period during which the play is set in. In 1902, Stanislav Wyspianski, painter, decorator and dramatic author, has referred to Hamlet as Poor young man, with a book in his hands. Indeed every Hamlet is holding a book in his hands. In Cracow, at the end of the autumn of 1956, Hamlet was reading nothing but newspapers. He was shouting as loud as possible that Denmark is a prison and he was fighting for a better world. He was an idealist who only lived to take action. In 1959, in Warsaw, Hamlet had yet again been filled with doubt; the audience saw him again as a poor young man, with a book in his hands. It is now quite easy to imagine him wearing a black sweater and blue jeans. He is not reading Montaigne, but Sartre, Camus or Kafka. He studied in Paris or in Brussels or even just as the real Hamlet- in Wittenburg. He has returned to Poland for two or three years, having serious doubts about restraining the whole world to several elementary formulas. Once in a while, he frowns at the thought of the fundamental absurdity of existence. The last one, the most modern of all Hamlets, has returned to the country in a moment of tension. His fathers ghost is asking for revenge. His friends are waiting for the fight for the throne to begin. He wants to leave again but cannot. Everyone is pushing him towards politics. He has fallen into the trap and now he finds himself in a situation where he cannot do what he wishes; a situation he does not long for, but in which he found himself thrown. He searches for his inner freedom and wants to get a job. Finally, he follows the solution that has been imposed to him. He gets hired, but only for what he does and not for what he thinks. He knows that every action is designed with extreme precision, but he rejects such a limitation of his thinking, as the equality between theory and practice stands unbearable. He is starving in his inner forum. He sees life as a cause that is lost from the very beginning. He wishes he was spared the life and death game, but he obeys each a nd every one of the rules. Sometimes he thinks of himself as an existentialist, and sometimes as a rebel Marxist. Hamlet is looking for perfection. However, perfection, as culture conceives it, is not possible while the individual remains isolated. (Norton, 2001, p. 828) He must, then, carry others along with him in the quest for what seems unreachable. In doing so, performers in Europe, especially during the communism, have tried to make Hamlets mission known, not only to those who were politically oppressed, but to all those in suffer, as finally, perfection, as culture from a thorough disinterested study of human nature and human experience learns to conceive it,- is a harmonious expansion of all the powers which make the beauty and worth of human nature, and is not consistent with the over-development of any one power at the expense of the rest. (Norton, 2001, p. 828) And if all the above-mentioned facts do not show exactly how much Hamlet influenced contemporary European theatre, let us take into discussion the matter of Fortinbras. This character is barely presented to the audience, they know almost nothing about him, and still he is the one who decides the scenery of Hamlet. He only appears twice on stage: in the first act, when, in front of his army, he is heading towards the boundaries of Poland and in the last scene, when he arrives after the massacre. Despite his scarce appearances, his name is mentioned throughout the play every so often. Fortinbras is the one whose father killed Hamlets father in the duel. At some point, the viewer might lose track of the young fellow, focusing on other more imposing characters. In the prologue they find out that Fortinbras wants to attack Denmark, then he fights with the Polish, and then he is seen in Elsinore. He is the one who voices the last words of this bloody drama. But who is he? We cannot really tell; Shakespeare does not tell us that. What does he represent? Maybe, the absurdity of humankind and the world. Or, maybe, the blind faith. He might even stand for the victory of justice over all oppression. Any of these suppositions works, for it is up to the director to decide what wills this young fellow present the audience with. He could be an understudy of Hamlet, his alter-ego, as well as the heir to the throne of Denmark, the man who stopped the course of murders and revenge, the one who re-established order in Denmark. The end of the tragedy can also be put forward to interpretation. No one who wishes to settle the moral conflicts in Hamlet in a historical context, be it Renaissance or modern, can ignore the important role of Fortinbras. Hamlet is, therefore, a complex play, a genius work. The world of Hamlet is a world in which appearances sometimes deceive and sometimes speak the truth. (Wadsworth, 2004, p. 276) Not only does it display more themes, making it the direcors decision on which should the audiences focus be, whether it is the theme of politics, or the one of morality, separating good from evil, or even the subject concerning the meaning of life, but also moulds to the problems of every age or period of time. Be it the violence during a war, or peaceful thoughts which the philosophers will then turn towards the difference between good and evil or the questionable existence of life. Hamlet is a play for every century or decade and for every human being, as it deals with common issues inasmuch as it deals with subject of international concern. It is impressive indeed how Shakespeare succeeded in combining war with deception and jealousy, madness or insanity and managed to have such a great impact on the European stage, even now, a century after his age. This all turn Shakespeare into a man of great value of all times and continent, for we cannot deny the impact he has always had on the European theatre.
Report Of Business Organizations Tesco And Oxfam Business Essay
Report Of Business Organizations Tesco And Oxfam Business Essay Term of Reference: I have investigated two organizations 20/10/10 one from profit sector which is Tesco and one from non profit sector which is Oxfam. Procedure: I am going to collect relevant material of these two by using internet and textbooks. FINDINGS: I have chosen two contrasting organizations TESCO and Oxfam. Tesco is a shopping mart where we can purchase our essential things. It can also be define as a global grocery and general merchandising vendor headquartered in UK. Sir Jack Cohen founded Tesco in 1919, when he began to sell extra food stuff from a stall in the East End of London. Tesco first appeared above a shop in Edgware in 1929 and since then the company has grown and developed. Tesco is the third largest retailer in the world measured by income Tesco private limited corporation (PLC) is the biggest super mart in UK which has 29% of shares in market compared to other companies like asda which has 17% shares in market. PLC private limited company and dont allow its shares for sale publically. Plc company makes profit more than public companies. A Plc company has no limits of share and share capital and there is no limit to the members liability because there is no limitation on members liability Purpose of Tesco is to make money and invest and sale quality products. And provide reliable materials to consumers. Why do Tesco exist? Tesco exist to provide the goods and services that people and earning money and profits from business .it provides jobs for people the Tesco provides daily need products . Products that customers demand like food, clothes, Home electircs,Sound and vision ,Bed and bath, Furniture and kitchen, Clothing and jewellery, Toys and gift, Baby and toddlers, Garden needs. Products and services supplied at profit, at cost and below cost. Tesco is getting profit by introducing new brands and also selling goods at lease.tehy are getting profit on products by supplying them to other countries and at whole sale. They can sell products by introducing off packages to customers at low prices for a specific duration which means to make them as a regular customers to gain profit in future. And also out of seasons sale which shows selling at low cost. Objectives of TESCO are as tesco is UKs finest food retailers having 519 stores in England, Wales, and Scotland. And 105 stores in France managed by wine producer and 44 in Hungary managed by international. Tesco offers best reasonable prices. Tesco meets the need of customers opinions regarding advance product quality, choice, store facilities and service Tesco is the main profitable investment with progressive return. Tesco is introducing young talents and sound management of workers and training practices and giving job on marit basis not by personal relations.Tesco maintaining its relationships with product makers supplier on quality and price criteria. Tesco is co operating on making of food in industry. also Providing good environment and protection. Ownership can be defined as Employee or executive who has the principle responsibility for a business, or project The public sector in this type of ownership only British people can get ownership in Tesco to gain profit. Sole Traders controlled and financed by one person. Least expensive form of ownership to organize. Sole proprietors receive all income generated by the business to keep or reinvest. Partnerships contains 2 -20 members who share their assets and profits from business. Public Limited Companies (PLCs) shares to the general public it contains Minimum of 2 but no maximum number of shareholders Private Limited Companies contains financed and controlled by between 2 and 50 shareholders. Franchises .A business which has bought the right to trade under established name in different cities.e.g McDonalds, KFC. Co-operatives it contains Groups of people who enter business and share the benefits customers Co-operatives, Producer Co-operatives, Worker Co-operatives. Charitable trust for helping famines and collect funds from rich .and also receives funds from GOVT. OXFAM It is a trouble reliever organization which includes 14 countries organization with 3,000 partners in around 100 countries to decrease poverty and injustice .It can be define as an International organization which helps and provide training and financial aid to people in developing countries and disaster areas. A UK based organization which was established in the 1942. Oxfam is campaigns, development program and emergency response by co operation of internationally connected associations. Oxfam international was formed in 1995 by an independent non government organization. Development Works with local partner organization And helps poor and poverty. And realizing People Their rights e.g. education, health Emergency Oxfam provides life saving aids during Emergency and help people for Future Crises Campaigning Putting the pressure on leaders to make long lasting change Oxfam International is group of 13 independent association contains Germany Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, , Great Britain, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Ireland, The Netherlands, Quebec, Spain and the United States. Why Oxfam exist? Oxfam exists to make a global impact on the causes of poverty. Today mostly countries areas are facing problems and Oxfam is the most efficient organization to help them. Campaign initiatives, planning and putting into practice new tactics and strategies to spread climate change.oxfam is trying to make relationships globally with international NGOs to develop prosperity. Objectives of OXFAM: Relieve suffering caused by natural disasters.Oxfam supports peace and understanding based upon mutual tolerance and respect. Strengthen peoples capacity to help them. Oxfam works for trade justice, fair trade, education and aid, health, HIV/AIDS, conflict ,campaigning and natural disasters, human rights, and climate change. Oxfams International purpose. The main purposes of Oxfam are Promote, assist and manage relationship between the Oxfam international to do help all disasterd people globall.and earning name at international level And removing poverty OXFAM has its committee in different countries which are as under Oxfam GB (Great Britain) .Oxfam Canada.Oxfam America. Oxfam GB (Great Britain) independent non-profit organization is the biggest family for help and has large capacity of workers and income for famines . In UK OXFAM GB was originated in 1942. Oxfam Canada is first member of Oxfam International, and was developed in at start Canada Oxfam faced troubles soon Canada began to analyse its role in the development process. OXFAM in AMERICA an independent non-profit organization was developed in America in 1970 and fight for independence and shelter. Advantages of Oxfam are they dont have to pay tax. they get ready to help other. they receive money from businessman and Government. TESCO Stakeholder Stakeholder can be defined as a person, group or organization that has direct and indirect position in organization. It is affected by organizations rules, polices and decisions. Tesco has many stakeholders. Government, Customers, Employees, Local Community, Suppliers, and Pressure Groups: they all have equal importance in building of Tesco Customers. Usually a customer wants quality goods at a low cost. They would also want a variety of products to choose from key holders Diagram of stakeholder in organization Supplier Owners Government Creditors Customer Directors Workers Community Unions Key stakeholders in a business organization Customers. These are the people who buy products from shops and to save lives of needy people. Customers want reliable products and at low prices. Employees its how you manage in any situation; understand the customer; be first with the customer use your strength to deliver unbeatable value and look after the staff so they can look after the customer, teamwork trust and respect. Directors they are responsible for business objectives and managing all strategic decisions .director holds discussion at board meetings. Where they make strategy for improving business, Managers they are responsible for obtaining goals creating atmosphere of work among workers, each manager has handles accounting, law marketing, and sales production. Suppliers they supply products at commercial level like banking .they supply goods to different branches. Owners they are the business, assets holder, and pay the workers. Pressure groups not put up candidates for election, but seeks to influence government policy rules. Trade unions function is discuss pay and working conditions and creates discipline among workers Employee Associations they set up pay packages and employees for resolving argument. Stakeholders of Oxfam Stakeholder can be defined as a person, group or organization that has direct and indirect position in organization. It is affected by organizations rules, polices and decisions. Volunteers they are the workers who help in building Oxfams strength. Volunteering is a personal Choice, not a compulsory job. Express values in activities that are meaningful. And co operates for helping in medicine, education, or emergency rescue. Campaign supporters The Individuals, celebrities, politicians and organizations across the run campaign for collecting funds and to remove illiteracy and poverty. Individual donors this types of donors can make decisions faster, they mostly work in under developed countries to make them growing countries, and feel this easy to work alone. Donate personally money, clothes for removing poverty. Customers are the main participant in organization. They help by buying food, drinks, and also help organization by used drink bottles and wrappers for recycling and make collection for Oxfam. Without their involvement it is not possible collecting money for Oxfam. Employees they are workers of Oxfam and work in flood relieving, food preparation, palcing people in save places when they get infected. Pressure groups they help in protesting if Government is not funding properly.ank manage strike on roads, institutes, cites and encourage people for infected s help from Govt. FUNCTIONAL AREA OF TESCO Board of Directors Finance department Marketing sales department Production department Finance manager Accountant Marketing manager Area sales manager Sales staff Production manager Production supervisor Production workers Human resource department Human resource manager Clerical assistant ICT department Board of directors people are the people of tesco who have decision-making rights, voting rights specific responsibilities which in each case are separate and distinct from the authority and responsibilities of owners and managers of the business entity. Finance department is responsible of balance sheets, profit and loss of tesco and responsible to keep records of fund and all planning of Tesco financial income and loss. Finance manager duties are to make investment sheets ,financial reports, activities, and implement cash management strategies. Accountant helps managers to make reports, investments (savings), and tax implementations. Handles profit loss details, cost production, financial statements. Marketing sales department function is to understand users needs and fulfil requirements with quality of goods and also pay attention to their demands and fulfil that correctly. Sales manager sales out products and provide services to the customer for the profit and want to become finest retailer. They ake products available for all customers. Production Tesco is to make sure that the goods of Tesco are formed on time and is in a suitable quality for the customers. And maintain furniture. Production managers duty is to handle all kind of goods preparation demands and duration when product will get ready for customers and at given time and at exact time and standard. Production workers made goods according to the user demands and works exactly in uniform way. They have to know all about what customer wants and what kind of material should use. Human resources keep hold of good experienced staff and only choose hardworking employees and They deal with the recruitment, employees, planning, training and paying to employees. ICT (International Computers and Tabulators) its main function is to check that all data of Tesco is stored properly. All computer software are working, all business websites are accessing.( FUNCTIONAL AREA OF OXFAM Oxfam ambassadors Political counsellors Deputy Chief of mission Defence attached Economic counsellor Public affairs Chief security assistant Administrative counsellor Director Counsellor office Agency representatives Director Peace Corps Ambassadors are the highly ranked representative within a nation for other organization. and directly linked by Government. Political counsellors/ Deputy Chief of mission/ Defence attached they all are directly attached with ambassador an communicate all society problem with each other and make decisions Director is a group of people nominated by the owners of a business who have decision-making authority, voting authority specific responsibilities which in each case is separate and distinct from the authority and responsibilities of owners and managers of the business entity Deputy Chief of missionHe or she acts like a ambassador in absence of chief of mission. He handles matter in absence of chief of mission Political, Economic, Public Affairs, Management) at the Embassy,. Director Peace Corps US company that sends American volunteers to developing countries for educational, agricultural improvements. Tesco Mission and values Planning, calculating and the passing of information form rival is called mission. Tescos mission is to earn profit and sale pure goods. And to sale goods online by using website and public dealing in good manner to make regular customers and create significance for customers to earn their lifetime reliability. Values Values of an organization defines it standards. They show Respect to each others Try to give their best. Want to be energetic and fit. Tesco strategies to become are successful international trader, to become famous business party. To be good food provider to put community at the heart of what we do. Objectives Tesco increasing customers by offering buy 1 gets 1 free. Tesco offers best reasonable prices. Tesco meets the need of customers opinions regarding advance, product quality, choice, store facilities and service Tesco is the main profitable investment with progressive return. Tesco is introducing young talents and sound management of workers and training practices and giving job on merit basis not by personal relations. Tesco maintaining its relationships with supplier (product makers) on strict quality and price criteria.Tesco is co operating on making of food in industry. Provides good environment and protection Strategic Planning Tesco is trying to make shopping easy and comfortable. Seeking to low price to help people Lessing prices. Smart objectives of Tesco Specific Tesco wants to make profit its sale. Measurable Tesco is leading in business by its major shares in market. Achievable Tesco achieve its goal by increasing its customers and making profits. Tesco has achieved it by good quality products. Realistic Tesco is third big company in world. OXFAM Mission It acts for attitudinal change to facilitate in development, socially and economically. It helps famine and giving life to them. Values satisfactory behavior within organization. Behavior of individuals within the organization. And Flexible commitment. Use time and resources efficiently Strategic aims and objectives Oxfam works for trade justice, fair trade, education and aid, health, HIV/AIDS, conflict ,campaigning and natural disasters, human rights, and climate change. and supporting children by educating them and providing food. Oxfam strategic planning process Oxfam is worlds 3rd largest nonprofit organization and Oxfam strategic planning process is to works for the removal of poverty. To fight homelessness and also for the development of undeveloped area and for progress of organization. Smart objectives of Oxfam Specific Reducing Poverty is specific objective. Measurable Oxfam is responding to 26 emergency situations worldwide. Relevant skills Oxfam is finding people who have skills to tackle problems. Time-based Oxfam includes 14 countries union working in more than 100 countries. M1 Point of Views of different stakeholders Directors the business through meetings with top managers and managing stretegies for progress of tesco.Employees should work hard on making good quality products that will make profit and also increase pay and conditions of Employees and also helpful for safety, health and pension arrangements. Customers views are to getting latest brands and saving by low price products. D1 Evaluate the influence different stakeholders exert in one organization Stakeholders stand for great influence in organization. Developing countries employees make fashionable clothes and brands to exert little power over their employers to give them jobs and getting new products. Owners are the organizations main stakeholders and gain profit and pays all bills and wages to workers and remain profit shares with shareholders directors pay attention to make strategy and decisions regarding organization Government influences by law rights to change behaviour of environmental or health and safety. Employees exert main role in business profit or loss. When the economy is active they work hard and make extra products. Customers also create great influence within an organization by purchasing products from store or online at low prices. Conclusion I was given an Assignment of two contrasting organizations Tesco and Oxfam. I found that both organizations are serving better in their departments and both are for people. in both organizations stake holder are more important participant because if you dont have too many stake holder and your profitable and non profitable organizations will not succeed in their missions. Recommendations I would like to recommend the both different organization one is profit gaining Tesco and nonprofits gaining Oxfam have good customer connection because Oxfam is an international charity which is focused on fighting poverty and providing them shelter.and Tesco is providing daily needs products for customers and also providing funds to Oxfoam so that they can participate in decreasing poverty. So both plays important role for customers.
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