Monday, September 30, 2019
Black Is Black Aint Essay
The final film by Marlon Riggs, Black is†¦Black Ain’t, is concerned with the state of the African American community. This film essentially asks the question, what does it mean to be black? The director and producer, Marlon Riggs, guides viewers along an â€Å"an up-front examination of racism, sexism, and homophobia within the black community itself. Bringing together personal stories, interviews, music, history, and performance, Black Is†¦ Black Ain’t asks African Americans: What is black, black enough, or too black? †1 Unfortunately, the AIDS-stricken director died before the film was completed. This film operates as a kind of last will and testament for Marlon Riggs. â€Å"He bequeaths the idea that rigid notions of what is or is not black behavior, of who is or isn’t black, need to be abandoned for the sake of strengthening the sense of community within the race. †2 The beginning of Black Is†¦ Black Ain’t explores the meanings associated with word black. I was very surprised to discover how most black people didn’t prefer being called or labeled black. Everything associated with the word black leads to disgrace and fear. Hence, the word black made most feel less than. At this time, a code of silence existed amongst black people. Living in a society that might lynch a person for being black, it makes sense that celebrating your blackness was forbidden. This eventually leads to the emasculation and castration of the black male. Pre civil rights, most black males were viewed as laughing, singing, entertainers and servants. The men were considered weak, and the women were considered strong and unwomanly. Anything associated with looking black was considered bad. The film uses the example of white hair as the good hair and frizzy curl hair as the bad hair. Post civil rights, out of centuries of emasculation, the black man needs to reclaim his power. Black people now embraced the word black as an act of self-empowerment. The black man now became patriarch. â€Å"Black Is†¦ Black Ain’t forcefully confronts the identification of blackness with a hyper-masculinity born of the ’60s Black Power movement. †3 Unfortunately, this self-empowerment has the capacity to imprison as well as liberate. The film reminds us that â€Å"slavery and its aftermath involved the emasculation-physical as well as psychological – of black men, the drive for black power was usually taken to mean a call for black male power, despite the needs of (and often with the complicity of) black women. That continues to result in the devaluing of black female contributions to the liberation struggle and in the subordination of black women in general. †4 The result of emasculation became hyper masculinity. This phenomenon confined the meaning of what it meant to be black even further. For example, to be black is not to be homosexual. This is due to the notion of homosexuality as the ultimate weakness. Hence there is often prejudice of homosexuals in the black community. The homophobic initiative from the black Catholic Church doesn’t make the situation any better. Hence, Marlon Riggs ties in his own story as a gay black man with AIDS. It really assists the film in showing the restrictions that exist in black unity. So what is the black identity? Are you black enough? Do you talk black? Are you a hyper masculine heterosexual male with kinky hair and a criminal record? I can see how it must be difficult to maintain a sense of communal self. Angela Davis one of the speakers in the film, provides this answer: â€Å"You take some color, a dash or a big dollop, it don’t matter, and you blend it with an assortment of physical features that reflect every face you might possibly encounter on this great earth, mix that up with a culture that just loves to improvise, signify, reclaim, renew, and read – and you’ve got, the recipe, for black folk. †1 Independent Television Service 2 Cliff Thompson, â€Å"Black Is †¦ Black Ain’t†3 Independent Television Service 4 Cliff Thompson, â€Å"Black Is †¦ Black Ain’t†.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Poverty: Comparative Analysis of China and India
University of National and world economy economic sociology paper [pic] Poverty: Comparative Analysis of China and India WRITTEN BY mANOL MANOLOV ECONOMICS IN ENGLISH 131 FACULTY No: 29114055 TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. Introduction to ‘poverty’ in the world †¢ Causes of poverty †¢ Effects of poverty †¢ Global analysis of world poverty †¢ Analysis of East-Asian region 2. Analysis of poverty in India †¢ Overview †¢ Historical trend †¢ Urban poverty †¢ Rural poverty †¢ Indian economic development 3. Analysis of poverty in China †¢ Overview †¢ Historical background Analysis of characteristics of China’s poverty †¢ Recent economic growth in China †¢ Connection between the Economic growth and Poverty reduction 4. International cooperation for reducing poverty 1. Introduction to ‘poverty’ in the world According to the World Bank (2000), â€Å"poverty is pronounced deprivation in well-being†. This of course begs the question of what is meant by well-being. One approach is to think of one’s well-being as the command over commodities in general, so people are better off if they have a greater command over resources.In this view, the main focus is on whether households or individuals have enough resources to meet their needs. Typically poverty is then measured by comparing an individual’s income or consumption with some defined threshold below which they are considered to be poor. This is the most conventional view – poverty is seen largely in monetary terms. This also is the starting point for most analyses of poverty. A second approach to well-being (and hence poverty) is to ask whether people are able to obtain a specific type of consumption good: do they have enough food? Or shelter? Or health care? Or education?In this view the analyst would need to go beyond the more traditional monetary measures of poverty and analyze an individual’s depri vation of education, nutrition, clothing, shelter etc. Perhaps the broadest approach to well-being (and poverty) is the one articulated by Amartya Sen (1987), who argues that well-being comes from a â€Å"capability’’ to function in society. Thus poverty arises when people lack key capabilities, and so have inadequate income or education, or poor health, or insecurity, or low self confidence, or a sense of powerlessness, or the absence of rights such as freedom of speech.Viewed in this way, poverty is a multi-dimensional phenomenon, and less amenable to simple solutions. Around the world, in rich or poor nations, poverty has always been present. In most nations today, inequalityâ€â€the gap between the rich and the poorâ€â€is quite high and often widening. The causes are numerous, including a lack of individual responsibility, bad government policy, exploitation by people and businesses with power and influence, or some combination of these and other factors.Ma ny feel that high levels of inequality will affect social cohesion and lead to problems such as increasing crime and violence. †¢ Causes of poverty Poverty is caused by two basic things: scarcity of basic needs and barriers to opportunities. In the past poverty had been mostly accepted as inevitable as economies produced little while populations grew almost as fast making wealth scarce. Food shortages were common before the appearance of modern agricultural technology. However, nowadays there are well enough places that still lack such technology, leading to poverty rates being retained or even raised.On the other hand, intensive farming often leads to a vicious cycle of exhaustion of soil fertility and decline of agricultural yields. Approximately 40% of the world's agricultural land is seriously degraded. Health care can be widely unavailable too. The loss of health care workers emigrating from impoverished countries has a damaging effect. For example, an estimated 100,000 Philippine nurses emigrated between 1994 and 2006. There are more Ethiopian doctors in Chicago than there are in Ethiopia.There are also a lot of factors of living, closely connected with poverty. Colonial history, centralization of power, corruption, warfare, environmental degradation and social inequality are factors on which the development of a nation or state is fully dependent. Moreover, warfare, unproductive agricultural cycles, drought and flooding and all kinds of natural disasters are factors which directly lead to poverty of any kind. Such factors are known as acute causes of poverty. †¢ Effects of poverty Poor health and education severely affects productivity.Inadequate nutrition in childhood undermines the ability of individuals to develop their full capabilities. The lack of economic freedom inhibits entrepreneurship among the poor. New enterprises and foreign investment can be driven away by the results of inefficient institutions, notably corruption, weak rule of law and excessive bureaucratic burdens. In reality, behind the increasing interconnectedness promised by globalization are global decisions, policies, and practices. These are typically influenced, driven, or formulated by the rich and powerful.These can be leaders of rich countries or other global actors such as multinational corporations, institutions, and influential people. In the face of such enormous external influence, the governments of poor nations and their people are often powerless. As a result, in the global context, a few get wealthy while the majority struggle. †¢ global analysis on world poverty The world has the wealth and means to end poverty. Almost half the world  over three billion people  live on less than $2. 50 a day And over 11 million children will die from poverty-related illness this year alone.This is the reality – the difference between the â€Å"developing†and â€Å"developed†countries is huge. [pic] In 2 005, the wealthiest 20% of the world accounted for 76. 6% of total private consumption. The poorest fifth just 1. 5%: [pic] Relatively to the graph above, the poorest 40 percent of the world’s population accounts for 5 percent of global income. The richest 20 percent account for three-quarters of world income. Nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names.Less than one per cent of what the world spent every year on weapons was needed to put every child into school by the year 2000 and yet it didn’t happen. Of 2. 2 billion children in the world 1 billion are in poverty (every second child). For the 2 billion children in the developing world there are 640 million without adequate shelter (1 in 3), 400 million with no access to safe water (1 in 5) and 270 million with no access to health service (1 in 7). A lot more facts can be displayed in order to portray the tremendous ratio of poverty and well-being in the world today. â⠂¬ ¢ Analysis of East-Asian regionThe role of social policy and particularly social security in addressing the ongoing challenge of poverty in East Asia is huge despite the region’s spectacular experience of economic growth in decent decades. The East Asian miracle resulted over the last four decades in a transformation of the region’s traditional agrarian economies and significant increases in standards of living for many ordinary people. Even though it was given little attention, poverty has remained an ongoing problem. The problem became particularly evident however with the Asian financial crisis of 1997 when many low income and middle class workers became unemployed.As a result of this crisis, the need for effective social policies and social security programs were recognized. The idea that economic growth would solve the problem of poverty was increasingly challenged. Even in China today, where rapid growth has created new employment opportunities and the promise of prosperity for many, the government has recognized that the problem of poverty cannot be addressed only through economic growth but that comprehensive social policies must be formulated, and this includes the development of an effective security system.It is claimed that the East Asian nations had not only solved the problem of poverty but were likely to maintain high standards of living for their citizens for many years to come. There were many references to what was called the â€Å"Asian Century†at the 2008 World Economic Forum at Davos which implied that the East Asian nations had not only achieved economic success but were likely to dominate global trade and finance in the future.This notion perpetuates the idea that economic growth is the solution to the poverty problem. However, the seriousness of the problem of poverty is seldom missed by journalists and the main stress is put on the vast economic development. While the incidence of absolute poverty associated wi th subsistence agriculture and urban, informal economic activities has declined dramatically, this does not mean that poverty and relative deprivation have been eradicated.Indeed, it became painfully clear in the late 1990s that the East Asian economies were vulnerable to global economic shocks and ill prepared to address the challenge of rising unemployment, homelessness and other social ills. Analysis of the World Bank show, that in recent years poverty in the region has decreased from 2% in Korea up to more than 10% in Malaysia. Poverty declines in China and India have been particularly sizable. The table below shows the proportion of population below the poverty line of 1$ per day: Country |1990 |Latest Year | |People’s Republic of China |33% |10. 8% (2004) | |Mongolia |27. 3% |11% (2002) | |Indonesia |20. 6% |4% (2005) | |Malaysia |
Saturday, September 28, 2019
An Examination Of Albert Einsteins Early Years
An Examination Of Albert Einstein's Early Years One of the greatest heroes of American(and international) science and culture in the past century has been German physicist Albert Einstein. Born in 1879, Einstein used his early years to educate himself and began to think up his own methods for solving his newly found inquiries into science and higher-level mathematics. In a short time during the beginning of the twentieth century, Einstein pulled together his research and incredible intellect for unprecedented gains in science and theory used throughout the world. One need not go far to view the incredible impact that innovative genius Albert Einstein has had upon the twentieth century. His impact stretches far beyond the reaches of physics and life in the early 1900s. This physicist of phenomenal philosophy, logic, and imagination has been and still is the subject of countless catch phrases and expressions of intelligence. Albert Einstein is a forerunner of influential American icons. Because of his contribution to American science and society as an immigrant, intellectual accomplishments, and discoveries in nuclear technology, it is my belief that Albert Einstein was the most influential person of the twentieth century. First of all, Albert Einstein was the most important figure of the twentieth century because of his contribution to American science and society as an immigrant. This is foremost important because of the U.S.s status as the premier nation of the world. Albert Einstein has had one of the greatest ever influences upon the American way of life. He is responsible for many of the most famous scientific and philosophical standards used in America today. He was born in Germany in 1879, but Albert did not come to America until 1933, when he feared for his life and fled from Nazi Germany. It was at this time that he was at his greatest fame.(PBS 1) He then began his work for the United States. His discoveries have impacted all facets of American culture. The sophisticated Special Theory of Relativity in physics that he created models the behavior of the entire universe. As stated on Nova, General Relativity has spawned the most important results in modern astronomy.(Levenson 4) Perhaps his largest contribution to America, Albert Einstein played a role in preserving American power. Einstein provided the biggest contribution to American science, setting most precedents for scientific study and standards. He evoked theories then thought radical and was then able to prove them and have since been followed. Albert Einstein catapulted into a revolution for U.S. defense as well as higher intellectual thought and goal-setting. After all, there have been many revolutions in the vast field of science, but that of Einstein has become the most famous. Albert Einsteins work was vastly important Sadly, his revolution has been taken for granted by this generation. Einstein was a visionary, a new mind that saw through the limitations of his day. Without Albert Einsteins research into motion and relativity theory, there would be no quantum theory or MRI for medical research. Einsteins reach extends through every fiber of American independence and ingenuity. Albert Einstein epitomizes even today the cutting edge of technology. As Genius Among Geniuses states, From 1905 to 1925, Einstein transformed humankinds understanding of nature on every scaleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Now, nearly a century after he began to make his mark, we are still exploring Einsteins universe. The problems he could not solve remain the ones that define the cutting edge, the most tantalizing and compelling.(Levenson 5) In addition, Albert Einstein was so important because of his intellectual accomplishments. He is considered by most to be an incredible genius. Einstein had a knack for inventive ideas. Imagination thrilled him more so than science. Of this matter, Albert said, When I examine myself and my methods of thought, I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledgeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.(Knowledgeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ 1) Einstein leapt into the vast expanses of physics and accomplished more in that short period of time than had ever been discovered before. While trying to hold down a job at the patent office, he was busy working on physics on his own. He developed his extremely famous Special Theory of Relativity(which states that measurements of time and distance vary systematically as one object moves relative to another), proving Newton wrong. In March, Einstein creates the quantum theory of light, followed by two papers in Apri l and May on atom size and motion(proving that atoms exist), and then completes Special Relativity in June.(Levenson) Amazing, but thats not all. This incredible outbreak of study is compounded by the daddy of them all. Yes, the world-renowned E=MC2, the most famous relationship in science. So many amazing discoveries, and the magnitude of any of them would be astounding for someone in any field. All of this sprang forth from the mind of Einstein in one year! It is best phrased by PBS associate Thomas Levenson: In sum-an amazing outburst: Einsteins 1905 still evokes awe. Historians call it annus mirabilis, the miracle year. Einstein ranges from the smallest scale to the largest (for special relativity is embodied in all motion throughout the universe),through fundamental problems about the nature of energy, matter, motion, time, and space-all the while putting in forty hours a week at the patent office. Well said. But, the best had yet to appear. After achieving a lifetimes work in 1905, Einstein achieved what Thomas Levenson calls a twenty year run at the cutting edge of physics. For all the miracles of his miracle year, his best work is(was) still to come. In 1907, he taught that gravity and acceleration are equivalent. He began to solve the central problems in all of physics in 1911, followed by developing his theories of relativity through the twenties, searching through quantum mechanics for some years, and then developing more theories about dimensions of the universe.(Levenson 4-5) Some of the most influential work of the century, 1915s General Theory of Relativity had taken eight years to complete and was quite a feat. This theory and the accompanying ideas that he proved come close to encompassing the vastness of Einsteins mind. Just think about how revolutionary his ideas were. Albert himself said, Physical Objects are not in space, but these objects are spacially extended. In this way the concept of empty space loses its meaning.(Relativity, vi) This theory was deep! While formulating in 1915, Einstein took his mind to the edge. He wrote a letter telling about his discovery. This month, he wrote to physicist Arnold Sommerfield, I have lived through the most exacting period of my lifeand the most fruitful. Sommerfield was not immediately impressed, a fact which induced Einstein to send him a postcard: You will become convinced of the General T heory of Relativity as soon as you have studied it. Therefore I will not utter a word in its defense.(Clark, 252) Nor was it needed. This principle, which took so long to perfect, was completed in 1915 and states that all matter and energy in the universe mold the shape of space and the flow of time. Its a little deeper than that, but Einstein explains it well in his book Relativity. Although not initially recognized as so, Albert Einstein was perhaps the most intelligent human ever. Finally, Albert Einstein was extremely influential in the research toward Americas (as well as the worlds)nuclear technology, demonstrating his ability as the most influential person of the twentieth century. The aforementioned E=MC2 proved that energy and matter are linked. At first, even Einstein did not understand what he had, but even then he suggests that the heat produced by the element radium could mark the conversion of tiny amounts into energy. (Levenson) This led to the work toward the infamous atomic bomb, making Einstein the father of the most famous weapon in history. Because of his studies and his efforts to make President Roosevelt aware of the potential crisis at hand, Albert Einstein has helped to put America in place as perhaps the greatest and most powerful nation in the world. He is credited with the development of the most powerful energy supply ever. Although mo st notable, Albert himself was not that pleased with the work on the atomic bomb. He took full responsibility for the creation of the effort toward it but absolutely despised the fact that harm could arise. Regardless, Einstein stated, The discovery of nuclear chain reactions need not bring about the destruction of mankind than did the discovery of matches. We only must do everything in our power to safeguard against its abuse.(War/A-Bomb 1) Over a short period of time, Einstein wrote four letters to president Franklin D. Roosevelt regarding the use of atomic energy. The first in this series launched the arms race. It was a warning to president Roosevelt of the possibility of the German government constructing powerful new bombs. Nevertheless, Einstein took full responsibility for its consequences, calling it the greatest mistake of his life.(Elert 1) In his letters to the president, Einstein and his associates wrote out exactly what were the best interests to pursue. Einstein did not want war, he simply thought that his only recourse was to notify the U.S. government of the possibility of producing chain reactions of nuclear energy so that they would have it before Germany did.(Elert 2) In his letters, Einstein states that it is extremely important to pursue the development of radium(element of the atomic bombs) before Germany can.(Clark 678-9) This was due to the fact that the war had already begun and Einstein was trying to ensure that the federal government had the advantage and that some order of peace, if at all possible, would be reached by the efforts of America. Albert Einstein differed from other scientists and professionals because of the incredible importance attached to the philosophical aspect of physics. Through the practical application of his teachings, the world becomes more educated on intelligence and technology. As we look behind at what he achieved and ahead to what his legacy holds for the future, we see the magnitude of this genius of a mans impact upon the twentieth century. Through his immigration and contribution to American science and society, extreme intelligence, and preservation of the United States through intuition in nuclear technology, Albert Einstein was the most influential person of the twentieth century.
Friday, September 27, 2019
In what ways has social inequality been regarded as a context for Essay
In what ways has social inequality been regarded as a context for crime in the work Marxist and Left Realist criminologits - Essay Example that as long as people have different interests and as long as some individual groups hold more power than others then crime will always be in existence. This is because of the differentials in the power and interests of the human condition such that crime will always be a part of us. Similarly with the overthrow of the mode of production for the capitalists there will emerge the natural goodness of the humanity and this will further lead to no more criminal behaviour. The main ideologies in Marxism include the concept of crime, the cause of crime and the cure for crime. In the cause for crime the theorists refuse to pass the moral judgement since they view the criminal conduct to be morally neutral without any intrinsic properties which distinguish it from any conforming behaviour. On the other hand crime does not exist until there is a powerful interest group which is able to criminalize the activities of another group which is less powerful. Some people view crime as the revolutionary actions by those who are downtrodden in the society and others view it as the acts which are socially harmful by a class of traitors while others yet see it as the violations of the human rights. On the concept of crime the law tends to favour those who are more powerful but not any specified group. The group is more likely to be favoured if it has greater wealth more power as well as prestige in the society. This is a very powerful tool that is used by the ruling class who criminalizes the workers activities which are harmful to its interests while ignoring their own socially harmful behaviour. From the neo-Marxism came the most poplar theory of crime and the core of the Marxist is the class struggle concept. According to the Marxists the oppressors were the wealth owners who were also known as the bourgeoisie and they had the means of production and on the other hand the oppressed were the working class who were the proletariat. Also according to the Marxists the ruling class
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Why strong economies should support countries weak economies Essay
Why strong economies should support countries weak economies - Essay Example The paper tells that aiding underdeveloped countries by the industrialized countries is a very noble character since human nature is protecting and helping others. It is therefore worth understanding that helping poor countries is an internationally common practice whose main motive is based on moral obligation. Aiding underdeveloped nations act as an additional resource that empowers countries to develop themselves economically by financing their own projects. A humanitarian concern is the main reason behind helping poor countries. Funds or any aid offered to an underdeveloped country by the industrialized nation may assist in carrying out very important projects and programs such as elimination or reduction of diseases and poverty. This is because most poor countries are not able to raise funds that can help them in undertaking such kind of programs. Aiding is important because ‘It’s a necessity in eradicating third world poverty’. Availability of cheap labor in the Asian and other colonized countries as well as slavery catapulted economic development of the developed countries. Also, for harmony and peaceful coexistence, industrialized nations should act responsibly by helping the poor countries. It should be noted that ‘it is a moral duty to help those less fortunate than you’. Assistance by the rich countries may also be accompanied with technological transfer particularly when the aid is technical in nature and this may be of great help in boosting the economic growth of the underdeveloped countries. Moreover, the aid may come with training and education that may be of great use in promoting various infrastructural and human developments that are useful in propagating economic growth. Indeed ‘aid helps train teachers, buy textbooks for school’. Issuing aids further help in promoting the relationship between the developed and underdeveloped countries. By supporting countries experiencing financial difficulties, the strong economies tend to exercise equality in various sectors such as education, clean water, and healthcare. Supporting education and healthcare programs may boost literacy and health levels thus enhancing harmony in global development and reduces diseases and infections which may perhaps spread to the rich countries if proper treatment is not taken. Even for countries that do not need aid ‘at the end of the day, it is a matter of life and death’. On the other hand, giving an aid may not be the best thing to do to underdeveloped countries because of several negative effects and intentions it has on the underdeveloped nations.
Cocooning. Consumers are shielding themselves from the harsh, Term Paper
Cocooning. Consumers are shielding themselves from the harsh, unpredictable realities of the outside world and creating safe, - Term Paper Example Tutor Signature: Date: Cocooning: â€Å"Consumers are shielding themselves from the harsh, unpredictable realities of the outside world and creating safe, â€Å"homelike†environments†. Introduction The following research is related to the topic cocooning. The report includes the discussion about the term and its implications in the current consumer behavior. The research also includes the implications of the term and the factors impacting the consumer’s behavior. Finally a conclusion has been drawn in the research. Cocooning Cocooning can be said to be as the condition or trend when people socializing less and retreating themselves in their home more. This trend has become popular after the significant commercialization of the electronic shopping. The consumers are shielding themselves from the unpredictable and harsh realities of the outer world and are retreating themselves into the safe, cozy and home like environments. People are more looking at the home saf e home concept. People and consumers have changed their buying habits because of the high fear of the crimes and no longer like to shop after dark. People are highly frightened by what they see. All the people are looking for developing safer ways to guard themselves against the mad world by burring themselves deeper into the more protective shells and the safe places like cocoons (Moe, 2012). Consumer behavior is changing with a rapid pace. These trends are presenting threat and opportunities to the large variety of organizations. With the changing lifestyle of people the buying behavior of people are changing drastically. People are becoming more career oriented and have very less time for shopping and other activities. There is a high change in the cultural trends of the consumers buying behavior. The cocooning consumer behavior trend is taking high positions in this competitive market place. The behavior of the consumers is changing with a high pace. With the cocooning behavior taking place the organizations need to go online. The cocooning consumer’s behavior is promoting the online shopping trend, and this will take high priority in the coming period (Danziger, 2005). Cultural trends affecting the consumer behavior With the changes in the buying patterns and the promotion of the cocooning behavior of the people there is a high increase in the online shopping behavior of the people. People are all the markets are looking for convenient way of shopping from the comfort of their homes. The organizations are looking for alternatives using which they can easily grab the customers and can entertain the customers buying behavior. People buying behavior has changed drastically in the recent years they have adopted several online buying means like fingertip shopping etc. people are looking for places which acts like cocoon for them. They want everything in the comfort of their homes. The heart of the every cocoon is the bedroom and the bath. People want pl aces where they can easily distress and get recharged. Smart homes are the need of the day which can make the lives of the people easier. People are more attracted towards the ways which can make their shopping experience more pleasant and easy, as compared to the previous visiting system. People look the lives as the homes and gardens are the last places where they want to control their lives. People in the current market period want everything on a click. They do not want to visit the stores and look for buying things. People
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Macroeconomic Environment of Business Case Study - 2
Macroeconomic Environment of Business - Case Study Example It has led to domestic imbalances in the middle-income countries and the open economies ending up into large current account deficits and housing bubbles. Unemployment rates in the OECD countries rose rapidly from 5.7% in 2007 to 8.6% in 2009. This was a rise of 10.1 million individuals without employment in the OECD countries. Unemployment in the US was most massive with similar labour market consequences in Spain, Denmark, Turkey and Slovakia. Some of the worst-hit nations were Estonia, Lithuania, Ireland, and Latvia which witnessed dramatic output and labour market contraction (Verick & Islam, 2010, p.20-24). The most common methods of fiscal policies which could be used responding from the global crisis were a combination of government spending along with tax cuts in order to provide a boost to the slogging economies. According to the Keynesian theory, deficit spending could be used by the governments to replace an extent of the demand which was lost due to the recession and prevent further wastage of economies resources due to lack of demand. Governments could have responded by increasing bailouts and injecting money into the financial system in order to allow credit flowing in the economy; cutting down rates of interests in order to encourage investments and borrowing; and finally to allow excess fiscal sending to increase aggregate demand (Verick & Islam, 2010, p.36). This response could be effective in controlling further impacts of the crisis and further economic deterioration and keep workmen in their jobs and help in the creation of new job opportunities for those unemployed. Alth ough this response was likely to control further downturn the effectiveness could vary across economies (The Economic Times, 2008). One of the limitations in using fiscal measures during the recessions is the fact that ideally government finances must increase during periods of growth and reduce when the economy contracts or slows down. Â
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Employee benefits Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Employee benefits - Assignment Example include, vacation and sick leave, health insurance, pension plans and proper remuneration according to the local standards on minimum wages and working duration. The organization executes annual health and safety day where health consultants and safety experts advise the employees and carry out health assessments on employees. Besides, the employees are informed on safety compliance and health as well as compliance to environmental protection. The blood pressure of employees is measured and fresh up massages. The company allows a maximum of 6 months of sick leave for its employees but with no pay. The company has a policy of not forcing its employees to work; the only remedy for this is to deduct salaries. The directors are paid compensation in terms of pension plans, stock option plan at market price among other related benefits. The employees are offered an employee Benefit Plan 401(k) as well as single employer plan, health insurance cover which is deductable from their basic pay (Finance Week 23). The health insurance for employees is compulsory for all permanent employees. The temporary or contract employees are required to organize for their own personal health insurance prior to signing their employment contracts. The executive employees have other benefits which tied onto performance but majorly linked to the stock options plans. The executive employees receive the highest compensation in the company depending on the extent of output of the organization and its investments. Richemont Swiss offers life insurance to its employees, which is optional and deductable from the basic pay of employees. This comes after an agreement with the employees from the deduction on their pay. Besides, the organization has other health benefits such as dental benefits, long term disability for the employees in line of duty, temporary disability benefits such as accident and sickness, death benefits which comprise of travel accidents with exclusion of life assurance. The
Sunday, September 22, 2019
It's FAMILY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
It's FAMILY - Essay Example Among these authors, Nicolas Cage has tried to uphold the positive sides of a family in his film â€Å"Family Men†. In â€Å"Lottery†, Shirley Jackson talks about the cruelty and superstition of member family members. Whereas in the poem, â€Å"Daddy†Sylvia Plath disparages the conservative control of a father over a girl, Hayden appears to be confused about how to assess his father’s control as well as his care for the child. But in the story â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†, Flannery O’ Connor tells about the fakery of a family member, namely the Grandmother. But she considers all men and women as members of a common human family. After all, authors present both the good and bad sides of family life and family members. They, to a great extent, reflect Charlotte’s view of the negative consequences of family. Thesis: Though family is important for human life, the authors say that it has both the good and the bad sides and some author itative family members can be harmful for other members. Like Charlotte Gilman, Sylvia is preoccupied with the harmful dominance and control of family members such as a father or a husband on a girl or a woman. In the poem â€Å"Daddy†by Sylvia Plath deals with the negative consequences of a father influence on a child. In the poem, the poet compares her father with a number of imagery, such as daddy, shoe, devil, commander of Jewish extermination, etc to portray the unhappiness that her father caused to her. She compares her father with someone protective; but obviously for her protection, this protection is dark and choking. This is evident in her use of the imagery of black shoe. Shoe protects one’s feet but its blackness means that it is a dark protection (Plaths â€Å"Daddy†). Both Charlotte and Sylvia agree that conservative attitude of family members like father and husband harmful for a woman because they make her passive and choke
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Atlas Honda Motorcycle company †BRM report Essay Example for Free
Atlas Honda Motorcycle company – BRM report Essay Atlas Auto Limited manufactures and markets Honda Motorcycle under a technical assistance agreement with Honda Motorcycle Company LTD. of Japan. An epoch-making event in the history of the company cementing of Atlas Honda relation with Honda Motorcycle Company LTD. Of Japan becoming as equity-holder in Atlas in 1988. Due to the suitability wide range and high quality of the product, Honda motorcycles are by for the best selling motorcycle in the country. Turnover has risen from Rs. 2. 5 million in 1965 to Rs. 830 million in1987. Pakistan’s motorcycle market size is still relatively quite small Nevertheless. Atlas has undertaken to develop local manufacturing capabilities to the highest-level economically feasible while a major role in localization has been assigned to vendor industries. Atlas has invested Rs. 197 million in fixed assets between 1983 and1987 to develop the country largest in house manufacturing capacity in the industry. By end of 1988 local component will go upto 70% of Atlas product. Atlas management is strivings to modernize company operation by adapting applicable aspects of research and theory and more especially Honda’s philosophy and practices to the realities of Pakistani Conditions Company management structure and processes are being transferred to meet challenges of growth and change. Effort are being made to develop genuine participation of all levels of personnel in decision making; substantial and effective delegation has been established at all level various participation programmes, such as â€Å"Alaymayar†quality circles movement launched in 1985 are supported to encourage constructive self expression and team work. The company training and development programmes encourage each member to develop himself to his full potential. To support the production facilities the company has established a RD wing and tool making facilities which are set to grow rapidly in size and function. Atlas is playing a pioneering role in creating conditions for easy and confident use of motorcycle all over the country. A vast network of motorcycle, service and share parts dealers has been established to provide dependable service to every motorcycle user. To back up this system, Atlas has set up a permanent motorcycle technical training center in Lahore which provide several courses of varying duration and complexity for motorcycle mechanics user each year. Mobile training facilities take the latest know how on technology and maintenance of motorcycles to major rural centers around the country. ORGANIZATION HISTORY The established year of Atlas Autos Limited in 1963. In 1964 Atlas entered into technical assistance agreement with Honda Motorcycle Company of Japan for manufacturing and assembly of Honda Motorcycle in Pakistan. It is the only Public Limited Company in the industry of Pakistan. Atlas Autos Limited operate two plants one at Panjdarys Sheikhpura Road Lahore. Both Plants are franchises and have relationship of technical collaboration. MANAGEMENT OF ATLAS AUTOS. In 1964 Atlas autos started business as assembler of Honda Motorcycle, than they came into the business of import Honda spare parts. The organization set up of Atlas is as follows:- A Board of Director consists of 7 members, elect a chairman, chairman has all managerial authority. Chairman is selected out of directors and It is the responsibility of chairman to conduct the business on a satisfactory line and maximize the profit. After the chairman then comes C. E. O (Chief executive officer). Then for assistance of chairman and C. E. O personal manager, accounts manager, production manager and marketing manager are selected. Seven managers are working under C. E. O each manager is responsible for respective function. There are two sales managers one for North Zone and one for south Zone. In the every zone two provinces. In the North Zone come Punjab, NWFP and Azad Kashmir. In south zone Sindh and Baluchistan. In north zone there are three regions. 1- Lahore 2- Multan 3- Rawalpindi The head of every region is regional manager. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The main purpose of my research is:- v To Visualize and identify these factors that contribute to the demand of Honda Motorcycle in Multan city (Punjab, Pakistan). v To recommend suggestion to increase the demand of Honda Motorcycle and getting much marketing share. RESEARCH DESIGN Research design is the arrangement to condition for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine the relevance to research purpose with economy in procedure. Measurement For the measurement of attitude of people, We used open-ended questions as well as fixed alternative questions in our questionnaire. Sampling The basic idea in sampling is that the analysis of some of the element in the population provide useful information’s about entire population. An element is the subject on which the measurement is being taken. It can be called as the unit of study. Population is the total collection of element about which we wish to make increase. For the selection of sample, we used the stratified sampling. We divide the Mutlan city into 4 regions which are given as under: 1. Gulgasht 2. Hussain Agahi 3. Shah Rukan Alam 4. Cantt After dividing the Multan city into different region. The we used random sampling and select 25 respondents from evry region. Our target respondents are the customers and dealers of Honda Motor Cycle. Sample Size Dealers and customers of Honda Motor Cycle are easily available, so it is easy to select a big sample size. For the purpose of our research We selected a sample of 100 customers and 3 dealers of Honda Motor Cycle, because of the time constraint that’s why we selected these customers and dealers. Data Collection Method The report is based on primary data. Information are directly taken form the customers and dealers of Honda Motor Cycle for the particular purpose. For that purpose we developed two questionnaire ( for customers and dealers ). We have conducted personal survey method. The main qualities of this survey method are as fellows: 1. The most important features of this method is that it leads towards high participation. Moreover, in personally interview the interview can carry with additional information’s. 2. The props and visual aids can also enhance the vision of knowledge of interviewer. The interviewer has more control over the personal interview than other interrogation types. 3. The greatest value of this method is the depth and detail of information that can be secured. It for exceeds in volume and quality, the information we can usually secure from telephone and mail survey. 4. The interview can do more things to improve the quality of the information received than with other methods. Respondent motivation is heavily in the hand of the interviewer. Studies of reaction to a number of surveys indicate that respondents can be motivated to participate in personal interviews. Medium of Communication All the users of Honda Motor Cycle are not educated. So we adopt different style. For educated persons we use the same questionnaire. But for uneducated persons we translate the questionnaire for them. Questionnaire For Consumers Q. 1: What is your Occupation? REPONSES % AGE Student 15 15% Govt. Employee 40 40% Business man 20 20% Others 25 25% Total 100 100% Conclusion: In our respondents 15 persons are students, 40 are Govt. Employee, 20 business man and 25 are related to other occupation. From this result we can say the users of Honda Motorcycle are Govt. Employee and Other occupation. Q. 2: What is your Income Group? REPONSES % AGE 5000-10000 30 30% 11000-15000 40 40% 16000-20000 20 20% 21000-25000 8 8% 26000-above 2 2% Total 100 100% Conclusion: The respondents whose income is 5000 to 10000 are 30, 11000 to 15000 are 40, from 16000 to 20000 are 20, from 21000 to 25000 are 8 and finally 26000 and above are only 2. So we can say that the user of Honda Motorcycle is middle family people so it is bike of economical people. Q. 3: What is your preference? RESPONSES % AGE Yamaha 0 0% Honda 100 100% Suzuki 0 0% Total 100 100% Conclusion: We have interviewed just those persons who are driving Honda Motor Cycle so preference for this sample comes to 100%. Q. 4: You yourself purchased it? RESPONSES % AGE Yes 92 No 8 Total 100 Conclusion: Out of a sample of 100 respondent 92 were of the view that they personally purchased the bike and 8 said that is give to them by their company. So it means that 92% people have purchased the bike personally which 8% people got it from their company. Q. 5: When did you purchase Honda Motorcycle? RESPONSES % AGE Before 1984 0 0% 1985-1990 10 10% 1991-1995 20 20% 1996-2000 25 25% After 2000 45 45% Total 100 100% Conclusion: When we asked this question to respondent, out of 100, 10 were those who purchased during 1985-1990, 20 were those who purchased during 1991-1995, 25 were those who purchased during 1996-2000 and finally 45 were those who purchased after 2000 so we can say that the market or demand of latest model is more than others. Q. 6: Why you purchase Honda Motorcycle? Because of RESPONSES % AGE Fuel consumption 58 58% Less Noisy 0 0% Parts Availability 0 0% All of the above 42 42% Total. Conclusion: Out of 100 respondents, 58 persons said that they preferred Honda Motorcycle due to fuel consumption, and 42 persons say that they purchase Honda motorcycle because of all these qualities which mention are present in the motorcycle. So we can say mostly people purchase Honda motorcycle because of Fuel consumption. Q. 7: have you used any other brand of Motorcycle? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 45 45% No 55 55% Total 100 100% Conclusion: When we asked this question, 45 respondents said that they used other brand of motorcycle while 55 persons told us that they never used any other brand of Motorcycle. Q. 8: If yes then what is the reason of change? RESPONSES %AGE Fuel consumption 40 88. 888% Spare part availability 0 0% Any other mention 5 11. 111% Total 45 100% Conclusion: In response to this question 40 respondent said that they have change previous motorcycle with Honda motorcycle because petrol average per liter of previous motorcycle is very low as compared to Honda motorcycle and 5 respondent said that any other mention like there machines are not easily available and etc. Q. 9: What is average coverage of your Motorcycle per liter? RESPONSES %AGE 40-50 15 15% 51-60 60 60% 61-70 25 25% 71-80 0 0%. Total 100 100% Conclusion: In the regard of this question, 15 person said that their bike cover 41-50 km per litter while 60 respondents said 51-60,and 25 respondent said 61-70. So I can say it is a main factor of Honda bike. Q. 10: Do the spare parts easily available? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 100 100% No 0 0% Total 100 100% Conclusion: When I asked this question, response to this question is 100% in favor. The respondents said they have to never face any problem because the spare parts of Honda Motorcycle are easily available. So it is also a main cause that Honda motorcycle has an edge on other Motorcycle. Q. 11: Do you think that fuel consumption affect your purchase decision? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 91 91% No 9 9% Total 100 100% Conclusion: In the response of this question all respondent said that fuel consumption affect their purchasing decision. They said we can save our money. Because expense of this motorcycle is less as compare to other motorcycle. Q. 12: If Yes then how much? RESPONSES %AGE Very much 60 65. 94% High 20 21. 98% Low 0 0% Normal 11 12. 1% Total 91 100% Conclusion: Out of 100 respondent 60 said that fuel consumption affect their decision very much while 20 said that it is high affect on their decision. While 11 said that fuel consumption has normal affect on their decision. Q. 13: Do you think the price of motorcycle affect your buying decision? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 56 56% No 44 44% Total 100 100% Conclusion: In the response of this question, 56 respondent are those said that price affect their purchasing decision while other 44 respondent told that price does not affect their purchasing decision. Q. 14: If yes than up to what extent? RESPONSES %AGE High 32 57. 15% Normal 22 39. 29% Low 2 3. 58% Total 56 100% Conclusion: Out of 56 respondents are those who said that price affect their purchasing decision, 32 persons said price has high affect while 22 respondent said that price has normal affect and finally 2 respondent said that it has low affect on their buying decision. Q. 15: Do the mechanics easily available for the repair of Motorcycle? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 100 100% No 0 0% Total 100 100% Conclusion: When we asked this question the entire respondent said that mechanics are easily available for the repair of Honda Motorcycle. So it is also a main factor that Honda Motorcycle captured the market and spread all over the country. Q. 16: What is the resale value of Honda motorcycle after four years? RESPONSES %AGE More then half price 70 70% Equal to half price 29 29% Less than half price 1 1% Total 100 100% Conclusion: Honda Motorcycle is a cash deposit bike. You can cash it at any time. When we asked about the resale value all respondent said that they preferred Honda Motorcycle because it will be sold more than half price. Some respondent said that they sold Honda motorcycle more than their original price. So it is an important factor of Honda Motorcycle. Q. 17: What is the performance of its shocks? RESPONSES %AGE Very good 25 25% Good 55 55% Normal 20 20% Bad 0 0% Very Bad 0 0%. Total 100 100% Conclusion: In response to this question, 25 respondent said V. Good, 55 said Good and 20 people said the performance of shocks is normal. So we can say that the over all performance of shocks is good. Q. 18: What is the performance of its engine? RESPONSES %AGE Very Good 25 25% Good 70 70% Normal 5 5% Bad 0 0% Very Bad 0 0% Total 100 100% Conclusion: 25 respondents said that performance of engine is V. Good 70 respondent said good while 5 person said normal. So it is a main cause due to which Honda Motorcycle captured the market. Q. 19: How is it’s electric system (cdi) ? RESPONSES %AGE Very Good 14 14% Good 40 40% Normal 45 45% Bad 0 0% Very Bad 0 0% No (cdi system) 1 1% Total 100 100% Conclusion: 14% respondent said V. Good, 40% said good and 45% respondent said Normal electric system and 1 respondent said that he has no cdi system I his motorcycle. So over all we can say that Honda electric system of Honda Motorcycle is good. Q. 20: How is the pick up of Honda Motorcycle? RESPONSES %AGE Very Good 5 5% Good 20 20% Normal 75 75% Bad 0 0% Very Bad 0 0% Total 100 100% Conclusion: 5% people said that pick up of Honda Motorcycle power sV. Good, 20% said good and 75%. respondent said its pickup is normal. From this result we conclude that Honda motorcycle is economical bike for the people. Q. 21: Is it a balanced bike? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 100 100% No 0 0% Total 100 100% Conclusion: From 100 respondent all the respondent said that it is a Balanced Bike. So we can conclude that it is balanced bike. Q. 22: Have you seen any Advertise of Honda Motorcycle on TV or any other media like Newspaper, journal etc? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 80 805 No 20 205 Total 100 100% Conclusion: Out of 100 respondents 80 says that they have seen the advertisement of Honda motorcycle and 20 says that they haven’t seen it. So we can say that most of the people have seen the advertisement of Honda Motorcycle. Q. 23: Whether the advertisement of Honda Motorcycle is Impressive? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 30 37. 5% No 50 62. 5% Total 80 100% Conclusion: In the response of this question 37. 5% respondent said that advertisement of Honda CD 70 is impressive while 62. 5% said that it is negative. So, we can conclude that advertisement is not good of Honda motorcycle. Q. 24: Do you thing the advertisement affect your purchasing decision? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 10 12. 5% No 70 87. 5% Total 80 100% Conclusion: Out of 80 respondent 10 said that advertisement affect their purchasing decision while 70 said advertisement has no affect on their buying decision. Q. 25: Do you think the market value affect your purchasing decision? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 95 95% No 5 5% Total 100 100% Conclusion: 95% respondent said that market value affect their purchasing decision while 5% said in No. Honda motorcycle is such motorcycle which we can sell it at any time. So it is a main cause Honda motor has an edge on other motorcycle. Q. 26: Are you satisfied with company after sales service? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 75 75% No 25 25% Total 100 100%. Conclusion: In the regard of this question 75 respondents said that they are satisfied with after sales service while 25 respondents said that they are not satisfied. Q. 27: Have you any suggestion about motor cycle to the company? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 30 30% No 70 70% Total 100 100% Conclusion: 30 respondents give different suggestion they said that company make it heavy, Improve the equality make it innovative reduces the prices of spare parts etc. while 70 respondents give no suggestion. Q. 28: What is your education? RESPONSES %AGE Metric 10 10% F. A. 30 30% B. A. 40 40% Masters 20 20% Uneducated 0 0% Total 100 100%. Conclusion: In our respondent 10 are Metric, 30 are F. A. 40 B. A. and 20 respondents are in masters. So we can say educated people mostly used it. Questionnaire For Dealers Q. 1: Why you preferred the dealership of Honda Motorcycle? RESPONSES %AGE Incentive to dealers 0 0% Easily dealership available 0 0% Much sale 3 100% Total 3 100% Conclusion: Out of 3 dealers, all of them preferred the dealership of Honda motorcycle because its sale is more than other motorcycle. Q. 2: How is the security requirement for its dealership? RESPONSES %AGE High 1 33. 333% Low 0 0% Normal 2 66. 667% Total 3 100% Conclusion: 1 respondent said that its security requirement is high, while 2 respondent said that security requirement is normal. Q. 3: How much the incentive given to you? RESPONSES %AGE Very much 2 66. 667% Much 0 0% Normal 0 0% Less 1 33. 333% Total 3 100% Conclusion: 2 dealers said that for it’s dealership a very much security is required and while 1 say that less security is required for it’s dealership. Q. 5: Do you advise your family members, friends to purchase it? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 3 100% No 0 0% Total 3 100% Conclusion: When we asked this question from dealers, the response is 100%. They said that which thing they sale they must advertise for it. Q. 6: Why people purchase it? Because of RESPONSES %AGE Fuel consumption 2 66. 667% Spare parts availability 0 0% Four stroke 0 0% All of above 1 33. 333% Total 3 100% Conclusion: In response to this question, 2 dealers said that people purchase it due to fuel consumption, and 1 dealer said that people preferred it because all these qualities are in this motorcycle. It is a four stroke, spare parts easily available and also fuel consumption is less as compare to other motorcycle. Q. 7: Do you check the bike before its sale? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 3 100% No 0 0% Total 3 100% Conclusion: In response to this question all dealers said that they check the bike before its sale. Q. 8: How much are your monthly Sale? RESPONSES %AGE 1-10 0 0% 11-20 0 0% 21-30 3 100% Total 3 100% Conclusion; In reply to this question all the dealers said that their monthly average sale is between 21-30. Q. 9: How much profit you get on the sale of a bike? RESPONSES %AGE 1000-2000 0 0% 2001-3000 3 100% More than 3000 0 0% Total 3 100% Conclusion; All the dealers said that there profit is between 2001-3000 from the sale of each motorbike. Q. 10: What is the behavior of its user about it? RESPONSES %AGE Good 0 0% Very Good 3 100%. Normal 0 0% Total 3 100% Conclusion: All the dealers said that the behavior of customers is very good towards Honda Motorcycle. Q. 11: What step you have taken for its promotion? RESPONSES %AGE Not taking steps for its promotion 0 0% Motivating the people suggestion to the company 3 100% Total 3 100% Conclusion: We are taking too many steps. We are increasing sales promotion effort. We are also increasing the advertisement of Honda Motorcycle. We are also tried to motivate the people to purchase it. We held seminars with the help of company and also use P. R and tell the people its advantage. Conclusion Conclusion. After conducting the research we can say that Honda motorcycle is successful and popular in people because of the following reasons: Spare Parts Availability: The spare parts of Honda motorcycle is easily avilavble in the market. If some fault occurs and due to that fault customers has to replace a particular parts, Which is easily available in the market, so customer has to face no problem. It is a main factor due to which Honda motorcycle is too much popular. Resale Value: The customers are strongly satisfied with the resale value of Honda motorcycle. The user can easily sale it more that half price at which he purchased. Some time the user of Honda Motorcycle sale it greater that price at which they purchased so it is a fact users agree with its resale value. Petrol Average: The petrol average of Honda motorcycle is also very good. In the beginning its average is very good and more than 70 km per litter. After some time its average decrease but not too much. The minimum petrol average of Honda motorcycle is 50 according to our survey. It is a very good petrol average. Service And Maintenance: The mechanics are easily available for the repair of motorcycle and they also trained in their work. So consumers have to Face no problem of service and maintenance. After Sale Service: The company gives free service after sale of motorcycle. Due to this customers are satisfied with its after sales services. Pick up: The pick up power of Honda Motorcycle is good. The pick up power of other motorcycle is very low as compare to Honda Motorcycle. 4Strokes: This quality of Honda Motorcycle make this product different from others motorcycle. It is only 4 stroke motorcycle. Electric System: The electric system of Honda Motorcycle is also to much affective. Design: The management of Honda motorcycle changes the design of motorcycle at the time. Honda Company introduced or replaced 113 models of motorcycle with in 18 months, other companies are not able to introduce new model so quickly. Due to this factor Honda motorcycle is popular. Others: When we asked questions to the customers about the bike, most people said that it is a balanced bike. They showed satisfaction on the meter performance, shocks reliability and speed. One more factor we felt during our survey is that mostly students and Govt. servant like Honda motorcycle and it is more popular in highly educated person the age group 20-25 years and income Rs3000 to 5000.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Recruitment And Selection Plays A Vital Role In Every Industry
Recruitment And Selection Plays A Vital Role In Every Industry Recruitment and Selection plays a vital role in every industry. Recruitment is also the process of locating and attracting the applicants which are capable for the vacancy. Recruitment and selection both are very closely linked. Both of the activities directs towards achieving the appropriate candidate with the requisite competencies and attitudes. The recruitment can also be understood as the foundation for the selection process by providing the number of applicants from which the selection panel and select the suitable candidates. So it is the source of manpower to meet the requirements which are needed in the staffing (Flippo, 2000). There are basically two types of recruitment, internal and external. Internal recruitment can be understood as they where the suitable candidate is chosen amongst the employees within the organization; however external recruitment is where the suitable candidate with the required competencies and attitudes are chosen externally. In simple words the ou tsiders are invited to fill the current vacancy. The aims of recruitment are: To get a pool of candidates with appropriate competencies for the vacant posts To choose the candidate with the fair process To make sure that all the recruitment activities are achieved as per lines to the organizational goals The recruitment process is conducted in a cost effective manner The term selection can be the best understood as the process to fill the vacancy either internally or externally. . It is to make a choice among all the applicants and to choose the best for the organization (Banfield, P.Kay,R, 2008). The major goal of selection is to choose the best person for the job. Selection matches the candidates as per the job requirements to understand that how well the candidate will perform to the requirements of the offered position as they do not want that the candidate to leave the organization in a short span of time. As the recruitment and selection process costs to the company hence the selectors want the best candidate. Basically the objectives of the selection are as follows: To collect the relevant information. Organize and study the information collected. Evaluate each candidate. Hence, it could be better understood as the important aspects in the organisation. The organisation does the recruitment and selection to achieve the organizational goals. The inappropriate selection can result in the loss to the organisation. There are various ways of doing the recruitment, like advertisement, head hunters and some do the recruitment fairs. Hence the recruitment and selection process differs from the sector to sector. In current scenario, the company invests the considerable amount of money to recruit and select the best suitable person for the organization so that the person could be an asset for the organisation. The long process starts from, Identifying requirements, screening, process design and the process end by offering the appointment letter. After this the training is provide to the candidate. The training also cost a considerable amount of money on the candidate. The following stages are used in the recruitment process. Refer Fig . Identify vacancy Prepare job description and specifications Advertising the vacancy Managing the response Short listing Arrange interviews Conduct interviews and decision making India is recognized as the emerging economies worldwide. India has a large population and it has got a vast land size. The land size has a diverse culture and extreme diversities in income level which vary state to state. The country has a high level of illiteracy rate among the large population, however, the country still got a huge reservoir of managers and technological advanced talent. Between 30%-35% of population resides in metros and urban cities and rest in urban, semi urban and rural centres. The countrys economic policy framework reflects features such as structure, size and diversity of the banking and the financial sector. There are basically two types of sectors operated in India, Private sector and the Public sector. In the private sector there are three main types of organization, which are Sole traders, Partnership and the franchises. The public companies are those companies which are owned by the government. These companies are well known in national and as well as the international companies. Recruitment Process Fig , Different Stages for Recruitment process The country need to have a sound and effective banking system so that the country could have a healthy economy. The banking system of any country should be smooth and should be ready to face of the challenges which could be incurred by the technological or the other external or internal forces. The major name in the Indian banking industry is State Bank of India. This bank originates in the first decades of the 19 century. Later, it got merged with the imperial bank of India. Further the government of India nationalized the Imperial bank along with the reserve bank of India and the name was changed to State bank of India. It is one of the Indias largest commercial banks. The government controls maintains a stake of 60% in State bank of India. The bank has 13,500 branch offices throughout India, staffed by nearly 220,000 employees (Source: State Bank of India is also present worldwide. Not only is this but the important point to notice here that, because of the effective management the SBI has to manage to make an international presence as well. Thats the only reason that they have office in almost 12 other countries around the world apart from India such as the ones listed below (Source: Bahrain China Japan Mauritius United States of America Indonesia United Kingdom Nepal Singapore SBI Canada SBI California South Africa Aim of the Project The main aim of this research would be to target on the importance of recruitment and selection in one of the leading public and private sector banks in India, State bank of India and I. C. I.C.I and how does it differ from a private limited bank. Secondly, would try to find out, how the recruitment and selection process affects the applicants and their views, with the help of a questionnaire. Objectives of the project To identify the general practices used by both the public limited bank, State bank of India. To identify the general practices used by both the private limited bank, I. C. I. C. I. To make a broader understanding as how the recruitment and the selection process affects the State bank of India and I. C. I. C. I banks. How the recruitment and selection in State bank of India differs from a private limited bank. To determine as which practice is the best form the comparison study. To find out the recruitment policy of ICICI Bank Importance of the Project Study The study that I have done is quite significant in one sense; its to highlight the practical application that the HR Managers need to deal with their HR policies relations and responsibilities. The study is to provide a flavour the recruitment and selection process is carried out in these banks. Reason for the Project The reasons for the project are quite clear, having a look the tremendous history of the bank. Its quite evident that any passerby would like to have a look, what is that has made the bank to become of the biggest in the country and a worldwide presence too. That is the reason that these project and research studies have been designed. The main reason for the project is to understand the business areas of these two major Indian public and private banks and understand their way of business and then primarily understand the HR plans and their working cultures. Because India being such a diverse nation and to put across any business lines or strategies it needs to be really sound and the people who are behind the planning and the implementation of these strategies need to be having the exact idea and the way the people are going to respond the idea of the bank. All this is done with a clear picture of the banks goals and objectives. So these are the main areas that are basically tired t o be analysed. The other important area to be analysed for this project is the customers and the bank relationships too. Scope of the Project The scope of this project is to understand the working and the recruitment and selection of the employees. The following points Extent of the Research Inclusions On the research Exclusion of the research Limitations to the research Literature Review As mentioned earlier, the term recruitment can be determined as the process of identifying the pool of appropriate candidates which is suitable for the job vacancy outside the organization or within the organization is a cost effective manner. However selection can be best understood as the process where the best person is chosen from a pool of desired candidates. The recruitment and the selection are the core areas of the human resource management. Hence, it makes the company to choose the appropriate person for the organization which helps in achieving the goals and performance of the organization. In simple words the recruitment selection chooses the best person for the organization. The recruitment and selection process focuses on the candidate which fulfils all the requirements of the vacancy and also trains them for the desired post. The employees are recruited on the basis of many things, good communication skills, flexibility and openness of the person etc. The recruiters sel ect the candidate on the basis of many qualities for the good performance and also on the qualities which they notice while interviewing the person (Hay, 2006). The largest country in South Asia is India. It has a huge financial system with varied financial institution. Indian banking sector was well developed prior to its Independence (1947). There was a significant presence of both foreign and domestic banks and well developed stock market. (Bery, 1996). In India there are 26 public sector bank, 22 private sector bank, 56 Urban and cooperative bank and 29 foreign banks in India (Indian banking Association). In India the top banks among all the banks is the Reserve bank of India. The Reserve bank of India supervises the banking functions of the other banks (Source: State bank of India is the largest financial service provider company. It provides a range of banking products. It has got 16,000 branches and India and has the highest branch in India. The company had a profit of Rs.10, 998 crores ($24.18 billion) (Source: Recruitment and selection plays a major role in any of the banking or financial sector. The people are the main force on which the economy depends. If the HR people take a wrong decision in selecting a candidate to work the company can die. The majority of the companies use the same pattern of recruiting and selecting the employees which are as follows: Job analysis profile of knowledge, skill, competencies, ability and the temperament suggest decision made on recruitment and selection. Identification of the need for the new employee through the re organization or by the replacement of the employee. Select the employee internally. Format the application and the process foe examining the criteria determined. Job vacancy and the other publicity material are put into the public domain. An application arrives Experimental procedures Research Methodology In my research I will be using the qualitative and the quantitative methods but will focus majorly on the qualitative method. The reason is that the qualitative data is quite descriptive and I will be able to express the results and also the feedback from the employees in a descriptive manner. The main aim of the study will be the recruitment and selection in State bank of India. The reason of retention in the companies, as the research requires more of interviews, which can be telephonic or face to face makes the report more descriptive. The questionnaire will be distributed in both the public and the private bank and the analysis will be done as which practice is the best. The project will be done in two stages. Primary research Secondary research Primary research Primary research involves the collection and also the raw data which is collected through surveys and interviews will be analysis. The result will be discussed and evaluated. The primary sources which I will be using to collect the data are- Collecting the data from common using questionnaires. Interviewing the employee and the HR managers of the multinational organization. Secondary research This research includes the study based upon the reading of the books and the journals which are referred in the library. The reading will involve the reading which is written by the different scholars on the same issue. All the arguments from the different scholars will be deeply analysis will be conducted. The conclusion will be drawn and then evaluated with the date and the finding collected by me. The basic understanding can be achieved by the review of the different books. The secondary sources which I will use to collect the data are- The digital library B.C.U library Human resource management articles and journals Business magazines Reports News paper articles Data Processing The graphs and the pie charts will be used to show the data collected from the questionnaires. The result be descriptive and will be achieved by the questionnaires and the personal contact with the Human resource management people and the employees of both the public and the private limited company. Concept of the Project The project is basically broken down into three broad areas Basic Recruit process and their importances Recruit and selection process of State Bank of India Recruitment and selection process of I. C. I. C. I A brief qualitative study is done on the three highlighted areas of the project, the main area of research is to analyse how the recruitment process of the bank are in line with the ones commonly followed by the general companies and the ones that are specifically developed by the bank keep in view their requirements etc. Methodology The following methodology is followed in this project in order to achieve the aim objectives. The following flow chart gets the information regarding the flow of the project and the way in which the result is and the analysis is carried out. Refer Fig . Recruit and Selection Process in Banks Recruit and Selection Process in Banks Recruit and Selection Process in Banks Recruit and Selection Process in Banks Recruitment Process Definition Understanding of Recruitment Recruitment means is the process of estimation of the available vaccines and to make the required arrangements for their selection and appointment. Recruitment can also be defined as the process for obtaining people for a certain job, and from the pool the right people can be selected. The formal definition of the recruitment process is Its the process of attracting and finding among them capable and suitable candidates for possible employment. The whole process starts when the new recruits are sought, and their applications are submitted to go to the next level of the process. This first process results in a pool of applicants for whom the potential new employees can be selected. The process with a wide range of publicity through different sources and the interested candidates are encouraged to submit applications for further processing and the following interviews. The most important thing to remember is to say that recruitment is the first step of contact that a company makes with its potential future employees. Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation Edwin Flippo Need for Recruitment The recruitment can be as a result form the following reasons that may arise in any of the companies or organisations The vacancies that are as result of internal departmental promotions, Employee transfers, Retirement of employees, Termination or Resignation of Employees, Permanent Disability of Employees and Death of Employees Requirement of new jobs due to expansion of the organization or diversification of business activities. Requirements that may arise due to increase in business resulting from the unexpected or massive success of a specific product or service of the company Refer fig . Fig , Reasons for Recruitment Importance of Recruitment The main purposes of the requirement are listed down of the many advantages of the requirement process a few are listed below. Refer Fig . To determine the present and the future requirements of any business in line with the HR planning To increase the capable resources for the business with a minimum impact on the budget for recruitment To increase the success and the efficiency of the selection process. This can be achieved by the reduction of under qualified and over qualified candidates To minimize the probability of candidates who may leave the organization after a short time. Because the recruitment process involves money and time. To help the company or the organization to meet the legal rules and regulations of the country Evaluate and increase the efficiency of the recruitment process and enhance the process and find out flaws from time to time in order to maintain the company standard. Fig , Functions of Requirement Effects of Improper and Unplanned Requirement Process The recruit process can be considered the deciding factor that plays a very important role in the companys search for the best talent available in the market in the form of the employees who are going to take the company to meets its goal and objectives but if the process is not carried in a planned fashion then it may result in catastrophic damage for the companys future operations. The following are a few effects that the company may face due to the poor recruitment techniques. Low productivity of the Employees Low or very little turnover of the company due to incompetency of the employees Excessive wastage of the resources due to lack of the best in class knowledge of the tools More accidents that may result at the work place creating a loss to the company Inefficient use of the tools and the companys processes Process of Recruitment The process of recruit is attracting the able candidates to fill the vacancy and become employees of the organisation. The process of recruitment has a few procedures that need to be followed at all times in order to successful completion of the recruitment process The recruitment process can be considered to be completed in the following five stages Planning the recruitment process Developing a strategy for the process Searching for the right candidate Screening the candidates Evaluation and control of the process The best recruitment process is the one that attracts a large number of applicants, who can survive all the above mentioned process. If not properly planned and executed may result in the loss of potential candidates. In order to avoid this the HR department needs to have clear idea of what is the job profile that is required and the type of assessment that are to be carried out in order to have the perfect applicant to be chosen. Refer Fig . Fig , Stages of Recruitment Process Phase 1 Planning Recruitment Process This is the first stage of the recruitment process, proper planning and process would help the company to select skilful and good potential employees from the pool of candidates. The main goal of the planning stage is the translation of the available job vacancies and the job description into an understandable format for the candidates to apply. The places where the walk-in interviews need to be taken and the people who are going to assists for the technical and the administration departments also need to made well in advance so that the potential loss of a expected candidate can be avoided. The main targets include. Refer Fig . The number of vacancies available in each of the specific category The type of applicants the company is interested The job descriptions and roles involved in the jab category Planning of the whole recruiting process from the venue to the people who are going to support the whole process. Fig , Recruitment Planning Process in an Organisation Phase 2 Developing a strategy for the process When the planning phase is successfully completed with de acceptance, form the head of the department s of the different departments. The next and the important phase of the process is to build a strategy for how the whole process is going to work and what is to be done the event of a unplanned scenario etc, who are the key and the responsible people for the whole event and any other related information tot assists the HR people to make decisions. The main important points to develop a strategy for the recruitment process are listed below. Refer Fig . Create the New Employees or Buy the New Employees * The technological tools that are required for the recruitment process Study of the Geographical distribution of the skill markets (Labour Markets) Study of Sources of Recruitment Sequencing the activities in the recruitment process Fig , Developing the Strategy for Recruitment *A Creating new employee is the process of hiring new applicants forms from the pool of skill that is a result of the advertisement and publicity. These after a proper and strategic assessment will be used for the selection of the candidate. On the other hand the Buying means hiring form a third party manpower suppliers a or taking people on a contract for a specific period of time. This type of recruitment is basically when you want people to work on a very specific and a limited basis. Phase 3 Searching for the right candidate The third phase in the process after the successful implantation of the other two is where and how to search for the perfect candidates and the perfect skills you are looking for. Studies have suggested that there are two basic ways of searching for the right candidate with the right skill set etc. This is taken in a step by step process with each other working back to back. Refer Fig . Step 1: Resource Activation request declaration form the middle management Step -2: Selling Step 1: Resource Request Typically in an organisation the recruitment process starts with a vacancy that has aroused in any of the departments such as the technical or non-technical or any of the administration departments. Once there is a vacancy or a n extra resource is required for the job then the middle mangers have need to pass it over to the top management or the bosses for a resource in the weekly or the bi-weekly meeting , then that is further cascaded to the HR to search for the suitable candidate. Firstly they have study in various aspects of the requirement, such as the Budget etc and try to see and internal was of filling the post and if they have no one to fill in then they starts using all the above mentioned ways to fill in the post. Step 2: Selling This is the second step is the immediate reaction the company is going to undergo once when they find a vacancy due for a filling, then they may use the advertising agencies in order to attract the right candidates and for further assessment before they can be hired Fig , Steps in searching phase of Recruitment Phase 4 Screening the candidates Screening is the most important of all the four in the sense that it differentiates or filter the good candidates from the bad or the ones that company would like not to hire. The recruitment process starts from the screening phase. All the scrutinised in this phase of the recruitment process, the following points are worth consideration to understand the process in more detail. Purpose of the screening process The main purpose of the screening process is for sough ting out the unfavourable conditions or the candidates who are not up to the mark and the standards at a early stage of the recruitment process. In the screening process there are no clear job specifications that are required for the candidate to have for the job. But as a good experience and good practice the candidates qualifications are judged on the basis of their skills, knowledge of the subject, attitude and important of all the interest to do the job. Refer Fig . Fig , Screening process for Recruitment The screening process vary for the different for kind of jobs that are required for filling and every job will need to be handle in a different way depending on the criticality of the job and the type of skills that are required for Example: There are some specific jobs such a s hiring a Professor for a educational Institution such as a university is a kind of typical situation. The applications that are received as a response to the publicity and the advertisements are screened and only the eligible candidates are called fro a personal interview. Then the interview is taken y a selection committee which may comprise of the important people of the university such as the Vice Chancellor, Registrar and the Subject Experts who can conduct the interviews. So even there are some certain ways to follow for the general situation for the screening process there may be certain situations there may be some enhancement to be made to the existing system or special type of committees can be brought in to do the job screening the candidate for the job. Phase 5 Evaluation and control of the process The evaluation and control is necessary and termed as the important step in the recruitment process. Because of the recruitment process there are costs incurred by the company so there needs to some kind of control over the money that is going into the recruit process with the budget that has been selected by the company. The following are the ways in which there can be money to be spent by the company. Salaries and perks for the people involved in the recruitment process The time of the management and the professional people spent on the preparation of the job vacancy numbers, Job descriptions, Advertisements, Agency Liaison, so on and so forth. The important and major way of spending on the recruitment is the advertisement and the contracts with the third party agents. Overheads and unplanned events that are a result of recruitment process and the administrative expenses. The extra cost that is resulting from the overtime and the outsourcing while the vacancies remain unfilled for a long time or there are very limited resources on a specific skill set. The cost that the company needs to bare due to the selection of unsuitable or candidates not fitting the bill for the job are selected. The above mentioned five phases of the recruitment process are the very common ones that are used for the recruitment by the organisation. But as it mentioned earlier as well that there may be other ways in which the recruitment process can be taken. So this implies to say that the recruitment process is a critical process and needs a lot of planning and in depth knowledge to pick the best candidates who have the desired qualities professionally and personally. The more the people who fit the job are picked the company will have a sure success then by selecting unsuitable people. Sources of Recruitment The other important area of the recruitment process is the sources of recruitment. The following the common ways in which the organisations generally source for the recruitment process in their companies. Refer Fig . The flow chart gives the information regarding the major of sourcing that can be used in the recruitment process. In order to have a diverse work force and good work culture its always better to have a new recruitment in order to have a new ideas to come in the process which may help the organisation in many ways. Because by the internal referral schemes it may be for a certain and a certain number of vacancies but if this type of sourcing is followed then it may have a certain disadvantages as well. Because this would have an impact on the companys future as well, if not corrected and acted in time. The sources of recruitment are broadly classified in two main categories Internal Sources of Recruitment External Source of Recruitment Internal Source of Recruitment Promotions and Transfers This is a very effective measure for the filling of certain type of vacancies depending on the personal records and the achievements of an employee. The personal records may include educational qualifications and the skill level incurred in the process of acquiring experience. Promotions are a best way to build up good relations between the organisation and the employee. This is way to build the morale of the employee apart from the encouraging the component individuals who are self motivated to make them more recognisable for a promotion. So, this is a good way to enhance the performance for the employees. On the other hand the transfers are other way to make the employees view the organisation on a broad spectrum. This may even be helpful to find employees for the future promotions. Employee Internal Referrals Employees can help their pals and family by acquainting them with the advantages of the company and the vacancy that are available in the company. The major advantage of this type of source is that the employees may only bring those referrals those they feel will fit the bill. This also gets the feeling of ownership for the employees. Former Employees This type includes the employees who are retired by but still can work on limited time basis such as Part time and also other employees who have left the company in the past but would return for better prospects or higher compensations. There are a lot of advantages in this type because these employees have a lot of information and good understanding of the processes of the company. This would further minimise the time in a sense there is no need for induction etc. This in turn saves time and money to the company. Recalling Earlier Employees This type can be used to recall certain employees who have left the company or made redundant in the past, because of recession or lack of business or order to conti
Thursday, September 19, 2019
1960-1970 Essay -- Essays Papers
1960-1970 During the 1960s the United States was going through a lot of social changes. One of the major trends was the widespread use of illicit drugs. The most common drugs used were hallucinogens, marijuana and LSD. Two men, Timothy Leary and Ken Kesey, were known as "the so-called acid gurus" of the sixties. They helped gain the recognition of LSD seemingly overnight. Leary and Kesey made very public exploitations and wrote many books to explain and vilify this phenomenon. It all happened so suddenly and soon after young men were wearing long hair and growing beards and the women dressed like peasants and wearing psychedelic colors. All of them dirty, drugged and carefree. They were known as hippies. Being a hippie was the primary trend of the sixties but to elders it was frightening and mystifying. Rock music became the most important way to unite the new hippie aesthetic. Brilliant colors and hallucinogenic imagery emerged from the music and was called psychedelic. Bob Dylan, the Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane among others were the first bands to jump into the psychedelic bandwagon in the sixties. In 1969, Woodstock, a music festival full of peace and happiness united over 450,000 people, causing numerous problems for the crowd. In 1960, John F. Kennedy was elected president. But Kennedy’s term came to a short and devastating end. On November 22, 1963 President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas and Lyndon Johnson took over. During the sixties the Vietnam War was escalating and was the focus of many of the major protests. On January 30, 1968, "the North Vietnam army overran Saigon, making a daring predawn attack on the United States Embassy". There were more than 57,000 U.S soldiers killed i... ...t discrimination. Brooks used her poems to make a stand for her right to be equal as a black women in a white world. The University of Dayton in the 1960s under went a lot of changes. The president of the University was Raymond A. Roesch who later had the Roesch Library built in his honor. During the 1963-64 school year John F. Kennedy Memorial Union was complete and construction began on Albert Emanuel Library. In 1966, Chaminade Hall was exclusively used for one domain of school, Education. Gosiger Health Center was also completed in the winter of 1966. As for sports, John McVay took control over UD’s football team and reversed their losing streak. Tuition at UD was about $500 a term and increased about $5 dollars every year. To date, University of Dayton has become an extremely prominent university after all the hard work to complete the school.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The poems Valentine and In Mrs. Tilchers Class both experience :: English Literature
The poems' Valentine and In Mrs. Tilchers' Class both experience dramatic change throughout the course of their poems. They are both very similar in their structure because they both start off in a very positive way. For example the poem "Valentine" uses the words 'Red rose' and 'satin heart' in the first line, which also is the first stanza. Like this, in the poem "In Mrs. Tilchers' Class" the word 'laugh' is used in the first stanza. From this we can see that both poems are conforming to normal standard, by starting off very positively. In "Valentine" Carol Ann Duffy starts off the poem by describing the state of the relationship and uses the words 'like the careful undressing of love' to create a simile of sexual nature. As the poem progresses, we find out that Carol Ann Duffy is, in fact, ending the relationship with the person concerned. She uses phrases like 'possessive' and 'lethal', which certainly does not conform to most Valentine poems of today. Unlike the beginning of the poem where she uses a lot of very "loving" words like 'truthful' and 'lover', towards the end she talks about how the scent of the onion will 'cling to your knife'. The word 'knife' is the keyword in this line, and Carol Ann Duffy has purposely chosen it because it is not usually linked with Valentine poems. The word is a strong contrast towards the beginning of the poem. We can link the word 'knife' as the last word in the poem, to the last word in the first line which is 'heart'. We can now more clearly see the contrast Duffy is trying to make. The whole poem "Valentine" is an extended metaphor concerning the onion. Duffy uses the onion to describe the relationship. From words like 'undressing', 'fierce kiss' to 'tears' and 'grief' she chooses her language so that you can identify and relate to what she is writing. The poem is not only easy to relate to because of its language but also because it is written based on real life. Duffy wrote the poem for a lover, so this also makes it easier to understand. Carol Ann Duffy makes the change in "Valentine" between the fifth and the sixth stanza. The first three stanzas of the poem focus on the content of the relationship and we see the contentment of it. However there is a change. The sixth and seventh stanzas describe an event and its consequences. The reader can see that when Carol Ann Duffy says ' I give you an onion. Its fierce kiss will stay on your The poems' Valentine and In Mrs. Tilchers' Class both experience :: English Literature The poems' Valentine and In Mrs. Tilchers' Class both experience dramatic change throughout the course of their poems. They are both very similar in their structure because they both start off in a very positive way. For example the poem "Valentine" uses the words 'Red rose' and 'satin heart' in the first line, which also is the first stanza. Like this, in the poem "In Mrs. Tilchers' Class" the word 'laugh' is used in the first stanza. From this we can see that both poems are conforming to normal standard, by starting off very positively. In "Valentine" Carol Ann Duffy starts off the poem by describing the state of the relationship and uses the words 'like the careful undressing of love' to create a simile of sexual nature. As the poem progresses, we find out that Carol Ann Duffy is, in fact, ending the relationship with the person concerned. She uses phrases like 'possessive' and 'lethal', which certainly does not conform to most Valentine poems of today. Unlike the beginning of the poem where she uses a lot of very "loving" words like 'truthful' and 'lover', towards the end she talks about how the scent of the onion will 'cling to your knife'. The word 'knife' is the keyword in this line, and Carol Ann Duffy has purposely chosen it because it is not usually linked with Valentine poems. The word is a strong contrast towards the beginning of the poem. We can link the word 'knife' as the last word in the poem, to the last word in the first line which is 'heart'. We can now more clearly see the contrast Duffy is trying to make. The whole poem "Valentine" is an extended metaphor concerning the onion. Duffy uses the onion to describe the relationship. From words like 'undressing', 'fierce kiss' to 'tears' and 'grief' she chooses her language so that you can identify and relate to what she is writing. The poem is not only easy to relate to because of its language but also because it is written based on real life. Duffy wrote the poem for a lover, so this also makes it easier to understand. Carol Ann Duffy makes the change in "Valentine" between the fifth and the sixth stanza. The first three stanzas of the poem focus on the content of the relationship and we see the contentment of it. However there is a change. The sixth and seventh stanzas describe an event and its consequences. The reader can see that when Carol Ann Duffy says ' I give you an onion. Its fierce kiss will stay on your
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