Friday, December 27, 2019
Smoking Preventable Death - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 1953 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/09/23 Category Advertising Essay Type Argumentative essay Tags: Smoking Essay United States Essay Did you like this example? Running head: SMOKING: PREVENTABLE DEATH Smoking: Preventable Death It is 2008, my family is gathered in the hospital room listening to a doctor explain how cigarette smoking is the reason for us being here. This is a speech we are hearing for the third time. I had already watched to of my other family members die from disease caused by smoking. This two names were added to the list of hundreds of thousands of U. S. citizens that die from cigarette smoking every year. The fear sets in and I am terrified of what might happen thinking about how precious life is. I find myself asking the questions, why are we not preventing such a preventable death? And how many will die before we do something about it? Even though tobacco companies state that it is not addictive or life threatening, cigarette smoking is highly addictive and kills nearly half of its users, over five million people a year making it the leading cause of preventable death; therefore, those who have not used ciga rettes should never start and those who do need to quit to avoid becoming a statistic. In order to understand how it has come to this point where so many lives are being lost it is important to know where it all began. Ravenholt (1990) provides a history lesson on the origins of tobacco use in America. It all began with the Native Americans who would use it as a remedy for illnesses, aches and pains. Tobacco use increased in the United States during the Civil War. Immediately following the Civil War tobacco factories began to sprout up and cigarette use entered a new era shortly after with the perfection of a cigarette rolling machine. Over the next several year’s production of cigarettes increased to over a billion cigarettes a year by 1890. With more Americans consuming tobacco and cigarettes medical practitioners noticed an increase in disease and illness in its users. Awareness of the possible dangers arose with the clinical observation of prominent individuals exhi biting evidence that they had succumbed to diseases related to smoking. Over one hundred years later the tobacco industry is thriving selling billions of cigarettes every year. This growth has caused nicotine to become the most addictive drug in the U. S. and the leading cause of preventable death, yet tobacco companies deny that their product is addictive or life threatening. Tobacco companies have reached great success and continue this path despite the awareness of the many possible dangers of cigarette use. One way they continue this success is through strategic marketing, targeting a younger population to obtain a possible long-term customer. Tobacco companies have used everything from cowboys to cartoon characters to appeal to their target customers. After these marketing strategies were publicly criticized because they were believed to be targeting youth, tobacco agencies slowly changed their approach. However, these changes applied to the strategy and not the target au dience. The American Journal of Public Health (Ellis and Northridge, 2002) states: Todays tobacco advertising has its own distinct flavor. Gone are the cartoon characters that proved wildly successful in marketing tobacco to youths. In their place are more confusing and sophisticated campaigns, ostensibly designed to reduce the level of direct marketing to adolescents. They nonetheless retain the cunning ability to attract young consumers through deliberate manipulation of antismoking messages. Tobacco companies still have the ability to appeal to adolescent consumers continuing a cycle of gaining customers that they are able to retain many years with such an addictive product. Ellis and Northridge (2002) go on to state, â€Å"Youths throughout the world are subjected to a barrage of images, and many designed specifically to encourage impulse purchasing of tobacco products without attention to legally required health warnings†. So, tobacco companies defend that nicotine is not addictive even though it has been proven through years of research and medical study to cause addictive effects on the brain and changes in our physiology. For those who still do not know what nicotine is the American Heart Association (2010) website provides a simple description of nicotine where it states: Nicotine is an addictive drug. It causes changes in the brain that make people want to use it more and more. In addition, addictive drugs cause unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. The good feelings that result when an addictive drug is present  and the bad feelings when its absent  make breaking any addiction very difficult. Nicotine addiction has historically been one of the hardest addictions to break. Many Americans attempt to quit smoking daily with no success. The addiction of nicotine continues to control its users and keep them coming back for more. The American Heart Association (2010) also compares it to other drugs, â€Å"Pharmacological a nd behavioral characteristics that determine tobacco addiction are similar to those that determine addiction to drugs such as heroin and cocaine†. Nicotine’s addictive qualities ensure that users continue to use tobacco and cigarettes but are not the only reason consumers cannot avoid the temptation of â€Å"lighting up†. The unwanted side effects are the other reason that an individual that may want to quit would refrain from following through. American Heart (2010) shows that symptoms of nicotine withdrawal which includes irritability, impatience, hostility, anxiety, depressed mood, difficulty concentrating, restlessness, decreased heart rate, increased appetite, and weight gain. If any American would experience these symptoms when quitting something it would make it very difficult to quit. Nicotine’s effect on the body is not the only reason most cannot resist the urge; the psychological effects also keep many from being able to quit successfully. The eHealthMD provides details on why smoking has such powerful psychological effects stating that: The situations and activities associated with smoking, together with the smokers mood and psychological state at the time, also become linked with its rewards and with the relief of withdrawal. They come to serve as signals or triggers for the urge or craving for nicotines effects (for example, after meals, with coffee or alcohol, when meeting people, working, talking on the phone, and when anxious, angry, celebrating, or having a well-earned break, and so on). The website (eHealthMD, 2010) also shares that smoking is a learning process and in which discovering how to get the most out of the drug and its effects causes conditioning in the user. This conditioning causes users to have several triggers causing the urge to smoke. These triggers can be nearly impossible to avoid making the possibility of quitting even more difficult. The eHealthMD website states that, â€Å"Only 2. 5 percent of smokers successfully quit each year†. Most smokers are only successful in quitting when it has finally taken their life. Many people believe that smoking does not shorten their life span by many years. These individuals believe that they will die near the same age from some other illness or disease. Smokers will on average die 10 to 15 years sooner than they would have from another illness or disease (eHealthMD, 2010). Now that you can see how tobacco companies remain one of the biggest businesses in the world, what can we do to change this fact? It is imperative that we increase the percentage of smokers successfully quitting each year. To do this you can find many resources online that can lead you to help and assistance with this goal. Websites like www. smokefree. gov provide information and options to get you started. Now knowing that tobacco and cigarettes are addictive, many still argue that it is not life threatening. This is believed even though Over 443,000 people die in the U. S. each year; the chart below found on the Center for Disease Control site (2009) provides details of how many deaths occurred due to the various diseases smoking can cause. [pic] More than 128,000 deaths are attributed to lung cancer caused by smoking. In fact, smoking causes more than 80 percent of lung cancer in the United States. Above The Influence is a website is a great resource dedicated to educate and make individuals aware of the dangers of cigarette smoking and overcoming other addictions. Above The Influence (2009) website states that: Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of disease, disability, and death in the United States. Between 1964 and 2004, cigarette smoking caused an estimated 12 million deaths, including 4. 1 million deaths from cancer, and 5. 5 million deaths from cardiovascular diseases. You may question what about tobacco makes it so life threatening. Up to 90% of lung cancer is attributed to smoking and it greatly increases the chances of heart attack or stroke (Simon and Zieve, 2009). We also learn in the Smoking (2009) report that women who have survived breast cancer have a 120 percent chance of getting it again if they smoke cigarettes. These harmful effects and diseases are caused by the many poisins that are present in tobacco and its smoke. Tobacco smoking contains 69 chemicals that can cause cancer and over 4000 chemicals in the smoke that users inhale. The following illustration found on the New York Smoke Free (2010) website illustrates some of the harmful chemicals found in cigarettes. [pic] It is hard to comprehend how any of us would smoke cigarettes knowing that these chemicals are entering our bodies. Smoking affects our cardiovascular system, bones and joints. It increases the risk of birth defects, diabetes, heart attack, stroke, inflammatory bowel disease, thyroid disease, and age-related disorders. The list could go on and on discussing the risks that smoking causes but I am still researching to find a benefit, it may take awhile. I would often attempt to encourage individuals around me to stop smoking. I now see that quitting is very important but I must also do everything I can to prevent those who do not smoke from ever starting. I often wonder how many of my friends and family would still be here if they had never held a cigarette to their lips. You have heard throughout this paper that it is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. It was on that day in 2008, my family standing over that hospital bed staring in unbelief at a person who is virtually unrecognizable now with no hair and weighing less than 100 pounds. The many times I heard my parents, mentors, and teachers tell me to never smoke a cigarette ran through my mind. I was thankful that I listened, but unfortunately my aunt did not. The lung cancer that is slowly taking her life also took the life of two of my uncle’s years before. She passes away a co uple days later, adding her to the list of family members and thousands of others lost to the addiction of smoking cigarettes. I vowed that day to do whatever I could to prevent another family member falling victim to this preventable death. This paper is being written for anyone who feels the pressure or influence to try smoking, but more importantly my 23 year old brother and others like him who have fallen victim to the addiction and smoke a cigarette several times a day. It is time for change†¦it is time to quit. References Above The Influence. (2010). Tobacco Facts. Retrieved June 15th, 2010 from https://www. abovetheinfluence. com American Heart Association. (2010). Nicotine Addiction. Retrieved July 17th, 2010 from https://www. americanheart. org Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2009). Tables, Charts, and Graphs. Retrieved from https://www. cdc. gov EHealthMD. (2010). What is a Smoking Addiction?. Retrieved July 16th, 2010 from https://www. ehealthmd. co m Ellis, J. (2002) Tobacco and the media. American Journal of Public Health, 92, 895. Retrieved July 17th, 2010 from https://www. ajph. aphapublications. org New York State Smokers’ Quitline. (2010). What is in a Cigarette?. Retrieved from https://www. nysmokefree. com Ravenholt, R. (1990). Tobaccos Global Death March. Population and Development Review, 16(2), 213-240. Retrieved from EconLit with Full Text database Simon, H. , Zieve, D. (2009). SMOKING. Smoking, 1. Retrieved June 14th, 2010 from MasterFILE Premier database. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Smoking: Preventable Death" essay for you Create order
Thursday, December 19, 2019
What Are The Responsibilities And Actions Of Government...
5.0 What are the responsibilities and actions of government and their agencies? Almost all petroleum is owned by the Government and not the landowner. For example, the NSW Government has the power to authorise exploration and removal of petroleum from land individually owned or otherwise. Before CSG operations can commence CSG companies require 3 separate titles from the state Minister for Resources and Energy in order to access petroleum under private land. In addition, some form of development consent is often needed. Other approvals are sometimes necessary before a CSG project can commence. For example, the NSW Minister for the Environment or the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) may require a pollution licence. The NSW Government has introduced multiple regulations and pieces of legislation in order to protect many of the state’s industries including agriculture, fisheries and horticulture from the effects of coal seam gas activities. Established by the Land and Environment Court Act 1979 ‘The Land and Environment Court’ covers appeals in regards to environmental planning, pollution control, local government and land valuation. The Court has major implications for public participation in environmental matters because it allows third party appeals and actions, and it encourages resolution of conflicts. Third party rights mean that people whose land is not directly affected by environmental planning or development proposals have rights to information, to makeShow MoreRelatedEthics And Social Responsibility Of A Global Company1284 Words  | 6 PagesPart A: The approaches to ethics and social responsibility Employees of a global company such as MKD need to adhere to the companies’ regulations as well as guidelines regarding ethical behavior and responsibility. The various ethical behaviors that are exercised by MKD towards their employees include, abiding to the law. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Strategies for Success in College free essay sample
Every student in college has a goal to meet, but sometimes students do not know the right way to act upon their goal. Students could be clueless to many strategies that may help someone succeed in college. However, four excellent strategies to succeed In college would be to get the right amount of sleep, take good notes, do the homework that is assigned in class, and listen to the professor. Learning these strategies in procedure will help students accomplish their goal to succeed In allege.Going to bed at the appropriate time everyday will give the body the right amount of sleep so it can function accurately each day. Not going to bed on time results to students doing poorly In their classes. Students that do not get the right amount of sleep tend to run late for class, fall asleep, or do not listen to the professor as well. A positive effect of going to bed on time gives him or her motive to excel In class. We will write a custom essay sample on Strategies for Success in College or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When given the right amount of sleep the body can concentrate more on what the professor Is teaching. Sleep Is the most helpful strategy to succeed In school. Without sleep people would not be able to complete many things In life. Another key to succeeding in college classes is to always take notes. The human brain can not remember everything a professor teaches about all in one class. Anyone can take notes during classes but sometimes students end up writing down something they do not need to know. A way to figure out how to right down the correct notes is to listen to the professor for things that stick out the most. Listening to the professor helps in many ways. When listening to the professor you can grasp how to correctly do the homework assignments. If a student did not listen to what was being taught during the class it would be impossible to learn about a subject the professor talked about. Not paying any attention in class can make it hard for a student to understand what is going on during class. It can result to students making bad grades and being left out of class activities. The best thing to do when you enter a class is to get a seat close to the professor. Sitting down close helps you pay attention to the professor ore.As students listens to their professor, they sometimes become unsure and start to wonder how the subject the professor is talking about can be correct. As students wonder they begin to ask questions. Listening in class makes students more open to listening to other people and to ask questions about something they do not understand. Finally, doing the homework the professor gives is very important to succeed in college. Without doing the homework a person cannot gain good knowledge of what the instructor is going over In class.Although, In many classes morrow is not considered a grade It Is the best way to gain knowledge. The best time to do homework is in-between classes, after classes, or at the end of class If you have time. Doing the homework In-between or after classes allows he or she to also study and review the subject for a test given at the end of each chapter In class. If the homework was never attempted there could be bad results to testing and the Input of what you have been taught. Not doing the homework can lead to failure off class and then having to repeat the same course over again.BY tenacity in college would be to get the right amount of sleep, take good notes, do the strategies in procedure will help students accomplish their goal to succeed in results to students doing poorly in their classes. Students that do not get the right as well. A positive effect of going to bed on time gives him or her motive to excel in the professor is teaching. Sleep is the most helpful strategy to succeed in school. Without sleep people would not be able to complete many things in life. Another key do not need to know.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Our Laws Essays - Physics, Astronomy, Black Holes, Science
Our Laws The oldest profession in the world is not what would be commonly accepted in society. Before a woman had a chance to sell her body, people looked up at the stars and wondered what they were. They made figures out of the shapes they made. As we advanced through scientific research many other doors opened that allowed us to see what it was the earth is existing in. Our constant need to explain what is happening comes from our want to control. Knowledge is power, and nothing is more unexplained that the universe. Time is interlocked and must be understood if we want to accomplish a deep knowledge of the cosmos. Commonly it was thought that there was no such knowledge. The author Stephen Hawking had shown many otherwise. His books give a deep history and knowledge of how the universe exists. He also explains many others aspects of the cosmos and puts his works in an understandable writing style. He puts the largest accent on his studies of black holes. These are fascinating happening and the way to understanding the universe and several others can be found through the study of black holes. There are several features of black holes that makes them incredibly fascinating. The first one would be the common misconception of how noting can escape a black hole. This is true in most points. If nothing can escape them, how does one detect a black hole? Stephen Hawking discovered a fascinating aspect using anti-particle properties. He found that when matter is pulled into a black hole by gravity matter is constantly being pulled apart. This causes the anti-parties of matter to be throw away at incredible rates. This happens at consistent times. The large amount of gamma radiation let off by this is how Mr. Hawking now finds black holes. Another interesting concept of black holes is they are can be formed other ways than by the end of a star's life. Stephen Hawking and his associates found that any nuclear explosion can cause the birth of a black hole. Hawking stated that is all the ?heavy water?, a component used in nuclear weapons, was used to create a nuclear explosion a black hole the size of earth would be created. He also stated no one would be around to witness the creation. It would have been caused by the implosion of earth at a massive rate and the amount of energy produced by the nuclear explosion. This had me wondering. Stephen Hawking also stated that is a black how small enough not to disturb the orbit of earth existed close enough to earth that it's power could be harnessed to produce huge amounts of energy. This made me wonder if the same concept could be used, except with all the wastes materials on earth. I do not know the exact physics of it all, but from Mr. Hawking explanations it seemed like it might work. Black holes were also explained by Stephen Hawking as how they transcended time. Apparently the massive gravitational pull creates a rip in the space-time continuum. It is unknown what happens to matter when it is pulled into a black time wise. All matter will be ejected into space eventually as the black hole loses itself. The smaller a black hole, the more matter is ejected. It may be an odd happening, but because of the larger black holes are harder to detect than smaller black holes. Mr. Hawking stated of how if an astronaught gets pulled into a black hole the tidal forces would stretch him into a long piece of spaghetti like person. However, his life would not end in the black hole. Given enough time he would be eventually ejected into space as particles. All matter in a black hole will eventually be lost into space. The smaller a black hole is, the more matter is lost by the black hole. Stephen Hawking explained what is thought to have happened to a black hole when all its matter is lost. The hole in the space-time continuum would collapse and an explosion as massive as on of a supernova would happen. It would leave the tear in time. I wondered when the explosion would happen? Would it happen now, or ten to trillions of years from when it actually collapses. The tear in time where would it exist? Until an actual black hole is found close enough to us I suppose these questions will remain uninsured.
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