
Saturday, March 30, 2019

Analysis of Healthcare in California

Analysis of wellness rush in calciumBy Team BluefishBrenda BenavidesLiyang HayworthJanelle MoulderJesse Phillips herds grass WeigandMelecia WrightIntroductionIn juvenile years, United States wellness c atomic earthly concernation 18 expenditure center on expanding wellness care coverage and increase gate to aesculapian services. For example, the asseverate of atomic number 20 has been grappling with the burden of cardio-metabolic diseases such(prenominal) as diabetes and fleshiness. though billions of dollars are spent annu all(prenominal)y to treat these lifestyle diseases, the prevalence of some(prenominal) obesity and diabetes is still on the rise (Meng, Pickett, Babey, Davis, Goldstein, 2014 Mirzadehgan, Harrison, DiSogra, 2004).While access to staple fibre wellness services is critical to maintaining wellness status, it is important to also get it on and capitalize on the roles of social, economic and/or environmental determinants contexts within which race liv e as they hold tremendous potential to positively twist health status. The objective of this Issues Summary is to address the current status of health care spend in California and demonstrate how an emphasis on the underlying social, economic, and environmental determinants of health may let down financial sorrow for the state while managing its most problematic inveterate diseases more(prenominal) in effect in the long term.BackgroundHistoryAlthough health care spending in California is high, quality of care for individuals is low-down. Quality of care body low because approximately 20% of Californias existence is uninsured, and the legal age of these individuals avoids seeing a doctor until emergency care is required (Helfand, 2011 urgency as normal, 2002). This reliance on emergency care, which should act as a safety net and not a patients simple source of health care, leads to steep health care exists.health care spending in California has come under scrutiny since the transitory of the Patient Protection and Affordable boot Act (ACA) in 2010. In that years general elections al wiz, two health care spending measures were approved for the suffrage. Proposition 45 would force health insurance companies to be more transparent about rate hikes and increase accountability done mandated review of requested rate changes. The other, Proposition 46, was meant to increase accountability from health care providers. The measure specifically required random drug testing for doctors and that those plunge to be impaired would face disciplinary fulfill from the California checkup Board. Proposition 46 also proposed an increased cap on ail and suffering damages from medical negligence lawsuits. These propositions win increased alertness from doctors with the aim of ultimately improving the quality of the services administered. However popular, neither of these propositions capitalized on the potential for decreasing direct healthcare expenditures whi le increasing quality of care.With the increased financial cost of cardio-metabolic disease, Californians have recognized the emphasis that chronic disease such as diabetes and obesity-related illnesses put on the states health care system, as endorsed by recent policies such as Senate circuit board 1000, which outlines the potential consequences of soda consumption and after curve its demand (Warning Labels on Sugary Drinks). Providing health schooling and more low-cost preventative care services to vulnerable populations scum bag significantly reduce the burden of chronic disease and its related healthcare costs.Current stipulationIn 2011, n previous(predicate) one-third of hospitalizations among Californians age 35 and older were related to diabetes interestingly, only 8.4% of California adults had diabetes (Meng et al., 2014). According to the California health Interview Survey (CHIS) in 2009, 22.7% of California adults were obese based on their body mass index (Cook et al., 2013). Obesity is strongly associated with the incidence of chronic diseases, including coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes and hypertension (Cook et al., 2013).The rising prevalence of obesity and diabetes in the United States is of particular concern among low income and minority populations (Melius, 2013). searchers have shown that income is negatively associated with adolescent obesity youth from low-income families were more believably to be obese than their higher income counterparts (Babey, Hastert, Wolstein, Diamant, 2010). This inverse correlation suggests that a in(predicate) intervention against obesity and its related diseases should address the conditions that drive differential behavior and nutritional patterns in people of various socioeconomic strata (Melius, 2013). One such intervention is the proposed soda measure that will be on the ballot in Berkeley and San Francisco in this Novembers general election. Evidence suggests that when prices of sugar y drinks increase, consumers, including low-income consumers, make more nourishing purchases (Varney, 2014). The soda tax is estimated to prevent 240,000 cases of diabetes per year according to Dr. Bibbins-Domingo, a professor of medicine at UCSF, who co-authored a study on the tax (Cook, 2014). In addition, the tax revenue generated by this measure may be utilized for programs focused on puerility nutrition (Cook, 2014). While taxes on un sizeable foods may be highly controversial, California may canvass adopting other strategies that target nutritional choices and low-income populations throughout the state.Differential factors in the forcible environment are also an issue. For instance, low income diets and neighbourhoods are characterized by low intake of vegetables and high consumption of fast food due to the overleap of supermarkets in low-income neighborhoods (Melius, 2013). Additionally, access to populace parks and other sites of recreation encourage increased fleshly activity, which can influence the development of obesity and diabetes (Melius, 2013). However, public parks are more likely to be absent or in a state of disrepair in low-income neighborhoods, due to limited keep or resources. Zoning regulations and incentives programs can be effective ways to issue changes in the physical environment. Finally, home environments that do not encourage healthy eating habits from an archean age or encourage regular physical activity contribute to the development of obesity-related conditions (Meng et al., 2014). However, healthy eating habits and a healthy, restless lifestyle is a learned behavior, which requires adequate health education, particularly early in life.Diabetes and obesity, and their comorbid conditions are expected to continue to increase in prevalence. It is perfectly essential to address the underlying factors contributing to obesity-related illnesses. With the current state of health care expenditures for acute care of largely p reventable conditions, it is imperative that California consider measures that will maximize health status within the restrain of a tight state health care budget (Meng et al., 2014 Helfand, 2011). These measures must include increasing access to preventative care or early intervention in the care of chronic disease.RecommendationsPandemic obesity and diabetes in the state of California and across the nation is a call to action to develop prevention strategies, rather than solely focusing and relying on providing primary health care. Both lack of physical activity and poor diet (high carbohydrate, high fat, and low fiber intake) increase the risk of developing obesity and diabetes. As such, our proposed policies are 1) establishing amicable environments encouraging physical activities 2) promoting healthy and nutritious dietary intake at a young age and 3) providing access to affordable preventive health care. The proposed policies intend to modify underlying causal determinants o f disease and therefore improve the health of the general population and reduce health care related costs.Recent surveys and research on Californias population have shown that diabetes and obesity will continue to be of significant concern for the health status of the states population in coming years. While creating an environment where people can dress and engage in regular physical activity and ensuring access to affordable health care are important steps to take in order to manage these diseases, we recommend prioritizing social policies aimed at improving nutrition and lifestyle choices. Californians are receptive towards policies that address social determinants of health, including early childhood nutrition, and these policies can have a tremendous impact on health outcomes in the long term at a lower cost than would be required of policies that simply increase health care services. 2 policies recently approved in California that address social determinants of health are Sen ate Bill 402 and Assembly Bill 290. Senate Bill 402 was enacted in 2013 and requires that all hospitals with a prenatal unit adopt an infant-feeding policy that is equivalent to 10 Steps to Successful Breastfeeding (De Len, Pavley, 2013). It was adopted to manage obesity in California by addressing early life nutrition, supported by evidence that early infant-feeding practices can affect later growth and development, particularly with interpret to obesity (De Len, Pavley, 2013). Assembly Bill 290 also aims to prevent obesity by ensuring that child care centers have an employee with at least one hour of childhood nutrition training as part of an already required health and safety training (California Senate, 2013). The bill targets child care centers because child care participation is at an all-time high, so they are a great space to reach a large number of youth at an age when lifelong nutrition habits are organize (California Senate, 2013). These policies have great potential t o stem obesity and its associated chronic diseases and reduce healthcare costs in the future.In order to achieve our goals to positively influence health status in California, we recommend enlisting public health practitioners more frequently in the policy making process. With their background signal in health, social and economic determinants, and fluency in interpreting info from academically-driven research, public health practitioners are an untapped resource for policymakers. In training this collaboration between public health providers and our state policymakers, we will efficaciously bridge the data gap and provide the opportunity to maximize health status, while minimizing health care expenditures. The collaboration would promote active judicial decision of the impact of policy change, which can increase recognition of social determinants of health and of inter-sectoral responsibility for health (Oxford, 2013).ReferencesAuthor Unknown (Jun 2002). Emergency as normal. T he Economist. Retrieved fromhttp//www.economist.com/ pommel/1168001Author Unknown. (n.d.). Warning Labels on Sugary Drinks. California Center for prevalent healthAdvocacy. Retrieved fromhttp//www.publichealthadvocacy.org/resources/warninglabel/WarningLabel_PressKit_FINAL.pdfBabey, S., Hastert, T., Wolstein, J., Diamant, A. (Nov 2010). Income disparities in obesity trendsamong California adolescents. American Journal of normal Health, 100(11)2149-55. Retrieved fromhttp//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2951974/Babey, S., Wolstein, J., Krumholz, S., Robertson, B., Diamant, A. (Mar 2013). Health PolicyBrief Physical Activity, jet Access and Park Use among California Adolescents. UCLA Center for Health Policy. 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